Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 724: : Peekaboo and high-speed water wheel

While the stinger jellyfish and the iron shell are conducting special training in real people, the night watcher and the dream monster are playing peekaboo games on a rocky beach.

In this hide-and-seek game, the night watch spirit naturally acts as a seeker, while the dream demon hides in the shadow of the air or stones through invisibility.

However, it is somewhat different from ordinary hide and seek. In some processes, once the night patrol spirit finds the dream demon, he will immediately attack the dream demon through shadow attack moves, and once the dream demon finds a chance to attack the night patrol spirit , He will also use shadow sneak attacks to attack Night Watchers.

I saw that among the rocks, Meng Yao was cautiously hiding in the shadow of a big rock beside the Night Watcher.

After Night Watcher’s cautious gaze shifted to other places, she suddenly showed a happy smile on her tricky face, and then began to use shadow sneak attacks to manipulate the shadow of the big stone into a small shadow hand aimed at Night Watcher’s brain spoon. Take it down.

As a golden aptitude elf who is only two points short of his personal value, the night watcher is self-evident. His ability to perceive the energy of the ghost system is absolutely at the top level. When the dream monster controls the ghost in the shadows When the energy was tied, he immediately reacted.

As a result, the red light flashed in the eyes of Night Xunling, and the shadow under him immediately turned into a small shadow hand, and then halfway through the hand, he shook his hand with the small shadow hand controlled by Meng Yao.

At the same time, the Night Watcher also shifted his gaze to the shadow of the big stone where the Dream Demon was hiding in hiding at this time, and the red single eye under the skull mask lit up again, seeing through the move.

For a moment, the figure of the Dream Demon hidden in the shadow of the big stone was instantly invisible in his eyes.

Meng Yao saw that Night Watcher kept blocking her shadow sneak attacks, and also found her, she suddenly bulged her mouth unhappily, and then playfully spit out her little tongue to Night Watcher.

However, only halfway through Meng Yao's small tongue, she found that she could not move at all, and her body fell into a state of shock because of the intense fear of anger in her heart.

At this time, he saw the night patrol spirit's single-eyed red mans flourishing. He used his talented body fixation ability to hold the dream demon in place. Then, he began to control the shadow under his body into a shadow with a small hand. Meng Yao head shot down.

But at the extreme of his hair, the big red bead under Meng Yao's neck suddenly emitted a strange red light, and a special energy fluctuation was quickly released from the red bead, and then quickly touched the night watcher.

In an instant, the red single-eyed night watcher suddenly became a little confused, and the little shadow hand he controlled also stopped abruptly in the air.

After the dream demon saw that she had successfully used the nightmare energy in the red beads to temporarily drag the Night Watcher into the dream illusion, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly walked through the big stone, and then hid in the shadow of other big stones.

The single eye of the night watcher originally had the ability to see through the environment, so the dream illusion created by the nightmare energy by the dream demon only held the night watcher for about a second.

But at this time, Meng Yao had successfully escaped the sight of Night Watcher, and a new round of peekaboo game began.

Obviously, the two young ghost elves are very fond of this peekaboo game, and they both enjoyed themselves in the rocks.

In fact, this peekaboo game is specially designed by Sato Kaede for two ghost elves to train the shadow sneak attack. Of course, it is mainly designed for the playful dream monster.

Judging from the current situation, Sato Kaede believes that the game training he designed is effective.

Through the game, whether it is the Dream Demon or Night Watcher, in order to win, both are frequently using shadow sneak attacks to win.

Moreover, in the process of this game, the two ghost elves also use their all-around skills to win, unknowingly tempering their talent abilities, such as invisibility, night watcher’s talent fixation method, and dream demon. Dream illusion and so on.

At the same time, on the sandy ground in front of the rock piles of the Dream Demon and the Night Watcher Peekaboo, Jenny Turtle and the sea stars are performing a boring rotation together.

During this period of time, the two elves were a little dizzy due to the high-speed rotation training assigned by Sato Kaede.

However, the two elves didn't dare to be lazy. Every time they turned a little dizzy, the two of them took a break. When the dizziness disappeared, they continued to start high-speed rotation training.

The high-speed rotation training that Sato Kaede required the two elves to do was not simply rotating in place. Jenny and the sea star jumped up from the ground and then turned at high speed in the air.

Relying on the wind brought by the high number of rotations, the two elves were suspended in mid-air for a short time. Then, two water guns suddenly sprayed out of the Jenny Turtle and the sea star.

In the next second, because of the thrust of the water gun, plus the strong inertial rotation force generated by the high-speed rotation of the two elves at this time, the speed of the two elves rotating in the air suddenly doubled because of the thrust of the water gun.

Suddenly, two high-speed rotating water wheels appeared in mid-air and flew past at high speed in a certain direction.

During the flight, two little elves met a certain rock, and a poor rock was instantly smashed by the high-speed water wheel they turned into.

The high-speed rotating water gun is what Sato Kaede currently trains for Jenny Turtle and Sea Star. He calls this combination of offensive and defensive skills that can move at a high speed as a high-speed water wheel.

Just like the iron shell, whether it is the Jenny tortoise and the sea stars once they reach the land, their moving speed will suddenly drop by a large amount, which is far from the same as their moving speed in the water.

Therefore, Sato Kaede designed a simple and practical skill combination technique of high-speed water wheel based on the moves and physical characteristics of the two elves in order to allow Jenny Turtle and Sea Star to overcome this relatively fatal weakness on land. www.NovelMTL.com~ From the current point of view, the power of the high-speed water wheel skill combination technique is not bad. Sato Kaede estimates that it has a power of at least 90, and the moving speed is also ideal, which greatly increases the two elves. The ability to move on land.

The most important thing is that this move also inherits the characteristics of high-speed rotation of offense and defense. Now, coupled with the high-speed rotation of the water outside, it can almost resist or even rebound most long-range moves in addition to electric moves.

However, its shortcomings are also obvious. Once the Jenny Turtle and Sea Star use water gun moves in a high-speed rotation state, their attack direction is almost destined, and it is difficult to adjust in the air.

For this reason, Sato Kaede envisaged that Jenny Turtles and Sea Stars used other parts of the body to adjust the direction of movement by briefly releasing water guns when they used the high-speed water wheel. However, it may be due to the shorter training time and little progress.

(Note: Once the tortoise is retracted into the shell, he has six water jets, and all parts of his body can release water cannons, and the five corners of the sea star can also release water cannons, even the center gem You can also release the water gun.)

In addition. There is also a slight flaw, because the speed of rotation is too fast, some of them are beyond the tolerance of the Jenny tortoise and the sea star. Whether it is the Jenny tortoise or the sea star, they will enter for a short time after using this trick. To a dizzy state.

Of course, Sato Kaede believes that this dizziness can be overcome, just like air sickness and seasickness, vomiting is used to it.

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