Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 721: : A gym trainer who meets the future

The flame kick made by the flame chicken speeding up the sprint is quite powerful. The double-egg gas of the man on the plane's nose was kicked out by him over ten meters, and he also brought several members of the speeding car race behind the double-egg gas.

At the same time, a rolling sound of "Rumbling~" also appeared from behind Sato Kaede, and saw a rumbling rock, one size smaller than the average, rolling towards this side at high speed.

Although this rumbling rock is small in size, its power is not weak. The momentum it carries when rolling is like a large truck traveling at high speed, which makes the creatures who see him feel numb in their scalp.

Seeing the raging rumbling rock behind Sato Kaede, the members of the speeding gangster clan said that they were not afraid, that it was absolutely false, they hurriedly took refuge on both sides of the road, and did not dare to touch its edge.

However, Longlongyan was rolling very fast. Although the members of the Speedy Car and the Boozou clan reacted quickly, some people were too late to escape and were hit by Longlongyan and their vehicles.

There was a flaming chicken in front that attracted the attention of everyone from the Speedy Racer in front, and Rong Longyan helped clear the way. Sato Kaede didn't know where someone was trying to help him get rid of the surrounding of the Speedy Racer.

He turned around and looked back, and immediately found that two teenage trainers were rushing towards him on mountain bikes.

When Sato Kaede saw the appearance of the two young girls, he was immediately settled, and immediately exerted his strength under his feet, riding a cross-country bike flexibly staggering the raging rumbling rocks, and then rushing out of the encirclement of the speeding race.

"Thank you so much, thank you for your help, otherwise, I really have to obediently do it."

Sato Kaede rode a cross-country bike and quickly came to the two girl trainers, and said to them with gratitude.

"Pi, Pikachu~"

At this time, Pikachu, who was standing on the basis of Sato Kaede, also happily shouted to two trainers with good looks and good figures. A pair of small eyes instantly turned into a love shape.

"You're welcome, it should be."

The two girls have different personalities, and the red-haired girl is cheerful and lively. When she heard the words of Sato Kaede and Pikachu, she immediately said with a grin.

The black-haired girl is a little quiet and cold. She just nodded to Sato Kaede with a flat face, and then stared at the extremely well-developed Pikachu with a scrutiny gaze, so that Pikachu felt like a guinea pig for a while, and she was a little scared. stand up.

When Sato Kaede saw the reaction of the two girls, his heart became more certain about the identities of the two girls in front of him. Although the hairstyles and dresses of the two girls at this time were a little different from what he had remembered, the appearance of the two girls, he I still recognize it.

The cheerful and lively red-haired girl is Yasha, the gym trainer in Fuyan Town in the future, and the dark-haired girl with quiet and cold personality is Du Juan, the gym trainer in Kanaz City in the future. The two obviously met very early on. , And also travel together.

"His grandmother, these two stinky ladies are actually nosy, brothers, we are going to destroy the flowers once today and release the elves to crush them."

When Sato Kaede rushed out of the encirclement, the man who was the leader of the plane also reacted immediately. Seeing that the cooked duck Sato Kaede actually flew away, he was furious, and he couldn't take care of himself. Suffering from the focus of the flame chicken, he immediately yelled.

Seeing that the people who rescued Sato Kaede were only two trainers, the people of the Speedy Racer were suddenly determined. On this high-speed bicycle path, as long as Miss Junsha was not bringing people, they were not afraid.

"Melt beasts, sludge attack."

"Luo Lei beast, electric light."

"Long-winged gull, water gun."


As a result, they listened to the words of the plane-head man and released their elves, and then attacked Sato Kaede, the two girl trainers and their elves.

"Hmph, a group of scumbags who are doing the trouble, you are not lucky if you meet me today."

"Flaming chicken, jump up and shoot with jet flames."

"Come out, coal turtle, lava snail, you go to help the flame chicken."

Yasha’s personality is not only cheerful and lively, but also very hot. She has been affected by the family since she was a child and has been jealous when facing the speeding gangsters. When facing the speed gangsters, her whole person has changed. When she saw the speeding gangsters taking action, she immediately became angry. Shouted rushingly.

Hearing this, the flame chicken first knocked an incoming coyote into the air with a fist of flames, and then exerted force under his feet. The whole body suddenly jumped back high, and then dodged the enemy's attack while a stout The pillar of fire was released from his mouth.

Later, he revealed that he was swaying from side to side, and the pillar of fire released from his mouth immediately turned into a fast-moving fire snake.

At the same time, the two elves, the coal tortoise and the lava snail, were also released from the elven ball thrown by Asha. As soon as the two fire elves came out, they immediately released jet flames, and then the fire pillar in their mouths Merged into the fiery serpent transformed by the flame chicken jetting flames.

In the next second, the fire snake quickly transformed into a fire dragon, and then fiercely attacked a large number of speed gangsters and their little elves.

Suddenly, a large number of speed gangsters and their little elves issued painful attacks because of the flames.

"Let's go on stage, nose to the north and make a rock wall with a rock slide."

"Longlongyan, use rolling to harass Rendui."

On the other hand, in the face of the multitude of people on the speeding race, Du Juan, a future gym trainer who has obviously received good tutoring and education, was very calm from beginning to end. She immediately judged what she was going to do at this time, and then let her His own elf cooperated with Asha's elf to attack.

As soon as her north-facing nose came out, she used rock slides to create a large amount of rocks, and then manipulated these rocks to create a solid rock wall in front of the flame chicken, coal turtle and lava snail, and used the rock wall as the flame chicken. Block most of the enemy's moves and attacks.

And Longlongyan also immersed himself under the command of Cuckoo, and then aggressively rushed to the number of speeding violent clan members ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and these speedy violent clan members dared to smash, and they chose to proceed. Avoid.

Most of the little elves in the hands of the Speedy Racers are the little elves caught in the nearby wild elves habitats. They are usually melt-eating beasts, thunder beasts, and long-winged gulls. The elf was cultivated to the initial stage, and did not complete evolution.

Therefore, although the number of elves in the hands of the speed gangsters is large, the level is not high, and the average level is at level 25.

Yasha and Dujuan are both of extraordinary backgrounds. At this time, each of the little elves in their hands is above level 35. Among them, the two main players, the elf flame chicken and Chao Beibi, are both level 40 little elves. Elves.

Moreover, the two obviously traveled together for a long time. When they fought, the two had a tacit understanding. Under the cooperation and command of the two, their elves' combat effectiveness almost doubled, and they almost drove the speeding car away with the force of destruction. The elf was defeated.

Sato Kaede naturally chose to join the battle at this time, but he didn't have the time to clean up the minions. He kept staring at the high-level elves in the hands of the members of the Speedy Raiders, and then commanded Pikachu to kill these elves one by one.

To be honest, Sato Kaede's role should not be underestimated because Yasha and Dujuan were able to successfully defeat the large number of elves in the hands of the Speedy Racer.

Because of this, in the course of the battle, two young girl trainers with extraordinary backgrounds couldn't help but frequently turn their eyes to Sato Kaede, thinking about the sacredness of this trainer who was robbed by the speeding rioters.

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