Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 720: : Encounter Roadhog

At 7 o'clock in the morning the next morning, with the help of an alarm clock, Sato Kaede woke up from deep meditation on time. At the same time, Pikachu, Dream Demon, Night Watcher and other elves also opened their sleepy eyes and then came to Sato. Around Feng.

When Sato Kaede saw this, his lips smiled slightly, and after saying "good morning", his eyes flashed blue.

In the next second, the whole person appeared in the washroom and started to finish washing quickly.

Half an hour later, Sato Kaede put on a gray elite trainer uniform, and then led Pikachu and other elves out of the room after breakfast.

As soon as Sato Kaede walked out of the hotel, he walked to the nearest elf center nearby.

On the way, he quickly transformed the Variety Monster on his left hand into the human skin mask of the person on the Alliance ID photo in his right hand, and then put it on.

At the same time, he temporarily put Pikachu away on his shoulders.

He didn't dare to forget the spies of the alliance and the major forces looking for him.

In order to disguise himself as much as possible, he also sprayed a bottle of strong perfume on his body today to cover up his smell.

Sure enough, as Sato Kaede had expected, even if it was an elf center on the outskirts of a remote city, there were some people with elf stalking secretly inside and outside.

Although these people cover up very well, under Sato Kaede's mental detection and observation, their every move was exposed to Sato Kaede's eyes.

Sato Kaede's disguise was very good, and the public face on his face that would not be recognized immediately after being put in the crowd helped him a lot.

Under the cover of passers-by, his converging aura did not attract the attention of these secretly stalking people throughout the process of entering the center of the elf.

After entering the elf center, Sato Kaede quickly walked in the direction of the time capsule teleportation area. He entered one of the private rooms and then contacted Dr. Ogi using the communication phone inside.

Sato Kaede did not pretend in front of Dr. Oki. He took off the human skin mask that had changed in front of Dr. Oki, and then greeted him with such an expression on the face of Dr. Oki.

"Xiao Feng, what you got into this time is really earth-shattering. Although your current strength is good, it is not enough to deal with such things. In the future, you must avoid such things. You will be greedy. It's a heavy price."

"In the next period of time, you'd better go to the field to practice, firstly to continue to improve your strength, and secondly, you can avoid the eyes and ears of those desperately looking for you."

"If you encounter an invincible enemy, then I will give my name to the old man. Although I haven't shown up for a long time, old man, those people should still give me a little face."

When Dr. Oki saw that Sato Kaede was completely intact at this time, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he admonished him with a straight face.

Sato Kaede knew that Dr. Oki was caring about him. Therefore, for Dr. Oki's reprimand, he nodded and received training except for the training. He did not dare to refute, and listened to Dr. Oki's reprimand honestly.

"Don't worry, Dr. Oki, I know what to do. I will be a low-key person for this period of time."

After Dr. Oki finished his reprimand, Sato Kaede patted his chest and said, saying that he would follow the other party's words.

Seeing that Sato Kaede’s attitude was so good, Dr. Oki's expression eased slightly, and then he began to ask Sato Kaede to take the giant marsh monster, the cross-shaped bat, Laplace and Pikachu (the one from the Ocean team base). Four little elves sent over.

Soon, Sato Kaede will successively send the four elves including the giant marsh monster to Dr. Oki to provide a time capsule conveyor.

Afterwards, he continued to exchange greetings with Dr. Oki and transferred the 500 million Union currency that had just been obtained from Mr. Sakagi to the bank account of the Dr. Oki Institute, and then interrupted the dialogue with Dr. Oki.

Nowadays, he has received the attention of various forces. The giant marsh monster and the cross-shaped bat, two elves who will obviously receive the attention of all parties, are no longer appropriate to stay with him. The transfer must be completed as soon as possible.

In Sato Kaede's understanding, the safest place to transfer is undoubtedly the Oki Research Institute, so there is this piece of communication between him and Dr. Oki today.

As for the Laplace and Pikachu he got from the base of the Ocean Team, he didn't have the extra energy to raise them. He originally planned to release them.

However, after Dr. Oki learned about the situation yesterday, the other party asked him for these two elves. Sato Kaede naturally has no objection to this. Compared to returning to the cruel wild environment, he can be regarded as giving these two elves. The elf found a good home and living environment.

As soon as Sato Kaede finished handling the transfer of the giant marsh monster and other elves, he put on the ever-changing human skin mask again, and then quickly left the elves center.

Ten minutes later, he was already riding a cross-country bike on the high-speed bicycle path connecting Corydalis City and Kaina City, and he was moving quickly in the direction of Kaina City.

In the past few days, he has been taking care of completing the rescue mission entrusted by Captain Lei Gu, his Zheping identity has not been seen in Kaina City for a long time.

Although he deliberately told a few good friends before leaving that he was going to practice in the field for a while, it is better to go back earlier so as not to attract some people's attention.

However, even though Sato Kaede wanted to rush back early, there was an accident on the way. For no other reason, he encountered a road tyrant on the high-speed bicycle passage.

This section of the high-speed bicycle passage connecting Corydalis City and Kaina City has never ceased to appear as a road-hogging group like the speeder rioters. Sato Kaede once participated in the task of destroying a speeder rioter organization that gradually turned into a dark organization. .

Now, I don't know if the retribution is coming, but he was intercepted and blackmailed by a large group of speeders.

In fact, ~www.NovelMTL.com~ he found this group of speed rioters when they launched an ambush.

However, his cross-country bike is far slower than the sonic bikes under these speed bikers. He was soon overtaken by these speed bikers who have been racing on high-speed bike lanes all year round.

If Sato Kaede hadn't sent the giant marsh monster and the fork bat to Dr. Oki, he might not have paid attention to these speed troopers at all.

However, the elf with the strongest combat power in his hand is Pikachu at level 35, which immediately made him feel a little brain pain.

Although Pikachu has the blessing of the mutant Thunder Orb and has super attack power, his lack of endurance is particularly obvious, so Sato Maple doesn't think that Pikachu can defeat the elves in the hands of the more than 20 speeding gangsters alone.

"Hehehe~, boy, if you are acquainted, immediately hand over everything on your body, otherwise, our little elves are not easy to mess with."

After Sato Kaede was surrounded by the people of the speed tyrants, a speed tyrant with an airplane nose suddenly came out of the crowd with a 38-level double egg gas, and then faced Sato with a bad face. Feng said.

"Flaming chicken, use a flame kick."

Just when Sato Kaede was about to expose his identity as a superpower and use his teleportation to take advantage of him, a loud babble suddenly came from behind him.

In the next second, a fiery red figure instantly passed over Sato Kaede's head, and then a sturdy long-legged glowing red flame hit the double-egg gas of the man on the plane's head like lightning. 2k reading network

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