Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 582: : Retreat all over

, The fastest update to the latest chapter of the legendary trainer of the wizard!

"Mr. Sato, where are you going? We are going to the next level soon. As an important force in the expedition, you may not be absent enough."

When Sato Kaede was about to let the natural sparrow take him and Thomas away from the ruins by telepathy, the words of Tomosei Sakaki suddenly exploded in his mind, and in a short time, a line of nosebleeds flowed out of his nose.

Hearing Sakagi Tomosei's words, Sato Kaede forcibly endured the painful pain in his head at the moment, and then looked at him with a look of aghast. He was looking at him with a sullen face at this time, and his heart immediately gave the Rockets Kwon II. Produce the strongest fear.

He hadn’t heard it wrong, Sakagi did not speak to him face to face, but directly conveyed information to him through telepathy.

That is to say, this young bear-like face is a super-powered person, and from the other side’s previous superpower method that strongly suppresses his mental power, Sato Kaede concluded that the other’s mental power is very Strong, I'm afraid its mental strength is not worse than Els.

Hidden too deep, it is too deep, Sato Kaede never expected that Sakaki Tomosei would still be a powerful superpower.

For a while, he somewhat understood why Miya, a super power person, would choose to betray the Nazi faction and devote himself to Sakagi Chisei's command, not only because of the kindness that Sakagi Chisei saved her, but also with him. It is about the identity of a powerful superpower.

At the same time, Sato Kaede also knew that Sakaki Tomosei should be aware that he had discovered something, and now he found that he wanted to leave and wanted to intercept him.

At this time, he had discovered that Miya and a few Rocket members who had been behind Sakaki Tomosei had appeared unconsciously around him. Now these people seem to be treating his elf, but they are actually Keep staring at him.

If he dares to act rashly, it is obvious that these people will not let him succeed in this simple way. Once he moves, it will be a thunderous attack.

Moreover, the natural bird on his shoulder and Thomas beside him, both seem to be asleep at this time, and are now closing their eyes and motionless.

Sato Kaede knew that his original plan to sneak away would probably not be successful now. He is a super power, yes, and there is also a super power elf around him that can move instantaneously.

However, Miya and Sakaki Tomosei are also superpowers, and their mental strength is only stronger than him, and they must also have superpower elves that can move instantaneously.

Especially for Tomosari Sakagi, this person is too deep. If he doesn't have a super powerful superpower elf, Sato Kaede absolutely doesn't believe it.

In front of this scheming and terrifying and powerful superpower and their minions, the possibility that Sato Kaede wanted to escape was now in an infinite state of zero.

"Mr. Sakagi is really amazing. It's because of my eyesight that I have not been able to discover your identity as a superpower at all."

"I just want to go out. As for what you want to do here, I don't want to know at all. I don't think you want to die with me."

"You have to think about it. Although I am weak, if I suddenly get into trouble and tell other people here what I know, it will definitely affect your plan this time."

Since the stealing cannot be achieved, there is only negotiation. Sato Kaede did not choose to immediately tell the people around the abnormal situation loudly, but directly chose to use telepathy and half-testing to threaten Sakagi.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but there are some things you'd better rot in your heart. The more you know, the faster you die."

Tomosei Sakagi did not leave Sato Kaede at all, and continued to use weird superpower methods to talk to Sato Kaede with his heart telepathy, while continuing to suppress Sato Kaede's mental power, causing him huge mental pressure.

"I understand this truth naturally. I can go now. Although I don't know what method you used to suppress my mental power, I still have room for resistance. There is nothing wrong with screaming. "

Sato Kaede closed his eyes, resisting the severe pain in his head, and then continued to negotiate with Sakagi Chisei with his heart telepathy.

At the same time, he held the giant marsh monster and Hudi's Elf Ball with both hands, and once the negotiation failed, he immediately chose to save himself.

After a few seconds of planting, Tomosei Sakaki seemed to acquiesce in Sato Kaede's request to leave halfway, and the strange superpowers that had been suppressing Sato Kaede's mental power could not disappear in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Sato Kaede opened his eyes again, and his colleague who quickly wiped the blood from his nose with his sleeve, also focused his attention on Tomosei Sakaki and the surrounding environment.

He immediately discovered that Tomosei Sakaki was no longer in his original position. It seemed that he had already taken the lead and some of his men along the stairs to explore the second floor of the ruins, and most of them followed along.

However, Miya and several of Sakagi's capable subordinates are still resting in place, staring at him closely, and have completed the encirclement. Once he does something extraordinary, it is estimated that he will encounter a fierce siege.

As for the natural finches and Thomas, they seemed to be really asleep, keeping their eyes motionless.

What surprised Sato Kaede the most was that, I don't know when, Die and A Xing actually sat next to him one by one. At this time, they were standing beside him.

"It turned out to be them. It seems that they also discovered the anomaly. Just now the appearance of the two of them made Sakaki Tomosari feel jealous. Then he chose to let it go. It was finally over. Fortunately, he didn't mean to die."

"Sure enough, I can never underestimate anyone. The scheming of Tomosei Sakaki is terrible. I am still fledgling and no one under my team should be so rash to participate in this kind of collective action. A profound lesson, if I hadn't kept the habit of being cautious and discovered the abnormality of the ruins in time, I am afraid I would fall here this time."

Seeing the situation around him, Sato Kaede realized that his knowledge of current affairs and the appearance of Butterfly and Axing had opened a way for him to live, and he was immediately relieved.

At the same time, the feeling that I just made a sword for fish and meat also made Sato Kaede sober. Since becoming a trainer, his strength has improved very rapidly, and he has also gained a lot of victories. Unknowingly, his heart is too. Somewhat arrogant.

Now that he encountered Sakagi's calculations this time and was once again let go by the opponent in a crushing posture, the arrogance in Sato Kaede's heart that grew out of the recent rapid increase in strength is now gone.

Sato Kaede didn't think much, he quickly released Hu Di in front of Miya and the others, and then resisted the tingling sensation in his head and prepared to use telepathy to direct him to take himself and them away from the ruins.

"Hey, if you want to go, take me, I just want to go out, just as I just gave you back reward."

"Take me out and write off."

When Hu Di came out, Sato Kaede also heard the voices of Butterfly and A Xing.

After a while ~www.NovelMTL.com~, with the help of Hu Di, Sato Kaede, Thomas, Die and A Xing disappeared into the ruins without a sound.

"My lord, they're gone, is that okay?"

Seeing Sato Kaede and the others leaving the ruins unharmed, Mia immediately lowered her head and respectfully said to an empty shadow in front of her.

"No problem, there is enough cannon fodder anyway, and the lack of a few of them will not affect the subsequent implementation of the plan."

At this time, a space distortion suddenly appeared above the shadow, and Tomomi Sakaki suddenly appeared in the shadow, and then said to Miya with heart and intent.

"Humhhhh~, as long as you take such things from here, the Rockets leader's position will be mine sooner or later. You little trash fish who don't choose to submit to me now, let's see how I clean up you in the future."

Tomosei Sakagi turned his head and glanced at the place where Sato Kaede and others disappeared, and then looked down at a black crystal in his hand that exuded a strange aura and fluctuating mental power, his eyes flashed with an indelible red light, and his face was shady. Murmured.

(End of the island chapter...)

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