Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Vol 2 Chapter 581: : Fakes and returns

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Sato Kaede nodded after hearing what Sakaki Tomosei said, and did not continue to inquire, and then began to find a place to start healing himself and his little elf like other Rocket members around.

However, during this process, Sato Kaede's eyes have been placed on Sakagi Chisei from time to time.

He accepted the other party's remarks on the surface just now, but he still maintained a skeptical attitude in his heart. He believed that Tomosei Sakagi still did not speak the truth.

A trial place built by the Dream Clan for the ancients? It seems to be true, although what the other party just said is quite consistent with everything that happened here, but Sato Kaede didn't believe it at all.

If it weren't for Sato Kaede who knew how the dream looks like, he might have been successfully fooled by Tomosei Sakagi, but as a foreseeable traverser, he is now sure that this ruin has little to do with dreams.

In fact, Sato Kaede walked all the way, he carefully observed the things in the ruins, especially the murals carved on the stone walls and the incomplete stone statues placed on the corridors. He has always focused on them.

Unfortunately, from beginning to end, he did not find frescoes or stone statues resembling dreams on these stone walls.

If according to Sakagi Tomosei said, this is a trial field built for ancient people by a powerful creature called fantasy, then according to the ancient habits, they would definitely worship fantasy as a patron saint, then the ruins There should be a lot of stone statues and murals about dreams.

Therefore, Sato Kaede is sure that Sakagi is lying.

However, Sato Kaede also confirmed that the Rockets indeed found the relics of dreams on this island. This can be confirmed from the second generation of core Kwon Sakaki Tomosei. The other party knows the existence of dreams, otherwise they would not lie. That's so realistic.

However, now Sato Kaede knows that this is not a real dream ruin, and his interest in this ruin exploration tour is not as strong as it was at the beginning.

He is sure that this ruin exploration trip should be a conspiracy of Sakagi Tomosei. He has summoned so many Rockets elites to come here, probably to achieve some ulterior purpose.

"Could it be to eradicate dissidents? The danger level of this place is not worse than that of the central area of ​​the island. It may even be bigger. This guy knew the giant mud puppet giant's ability to restore ancient puppet soldiers, but he didn't explain in advance. , Which eventually led to the accidental death of three people."

"No, if he really wants to do this, he actually doesn't need to explain that the giant mud puppet giant is in a weak state after using this ability, and there is no need to attack the giant mud puppet giant so desperately later, and directly let the giant mud puppet giant and The ancient puppet soldiers killed those Rocket team members who didn't know the situation."

"By the way, what about the three people who died? I clearly remember that they were still there just now, did anyone deal with it?"

Sato Kaede was paying attention to the movements of Sakagi and the others, while thinking about the purpose of the opponent group. Suddenly, he remembered the three people killed in this battle, and then carefully looked at the nearby ground, and he was shocked. It was found that their bodies were gone.

And even their little elves are also missing.

When the three people died, everyone was focusing on the battle, and even Sato Kaede himself did not pay attention to the three human corpses that had nothing to do with the battle.

After the battle, everyone was curious as to why Sakagi and others looked up at the top of the hall, including Sato Kaede himself. At that time, everyone focused on the unknown totem that appeared again above their heads. As for the situation on the ground at that time, there was nothing. People pay attention.

After all, some dead people and elves are no longer valuable. Who would pay attention, especially when the unknown totem reappeared at the time, and no one paid attention to these things that brought bad emotions to them. Dead body.

As for now, most people are either focusing on themselves and their little elves, or focusing on the treasure they just got.

Perhaps at present, apart from Sato Kaede, not many people have noticed the whereabouts of the three human corpses that disappeared strangely on the ground.

So where are these corpses now?

What kind of place is this ruin?

Do you want to continue?


Suddenly, the above-mentioned questions began to appear in Sato Kaede's heart, and when he saw Sakagi and others again, his eyes revealed strong fear.

The corpse will never disappear for no reason, so in Sato Kaede's thinking at this time, the most appropriate reason is that the corpse was "eaten" by the evil being sealed in this unknown ruin.

Although a little thoughtful and terrified, Sato Kaede knew that many ancient ruins were sealed with a large number of evil elves. He had previously bought this spoon that sealed the evil ancient elves in the underground black market of Golden City.

Now I think of the elves that will protect the ruins like the Three God Pillars appearing on the third floor, he thinks this possibility is very strong. It is very likely that some evil elves are sealed in the third floor of the ruins, and About to break the seal.

And Sakagi and others were bewitched by this evil elf, or to say that Sakagi and others were bold and wanted to control this evil elf that was still in a sealed state.

At present, they are using some kind of evil method to help this evil elf quickly break the seal.

"Thomas, let's go, this ruin can't stay, don't ask why, I will explain to you later."

After a short while, Sato Kaede decided to give up this ruin exploration, and then directly responded to Thomas next to him.

Although Sato Kaede didn't know what the real purpose of Sakagi Chisei brought them to the ruins, but since he had discovered that there was a big problem, he decided that he could not stay here, and continue to carry it. The risk was too great.

As for the reason, that is simple.

First, his purpose of coming here was originally to find some dreamy footprints, but this is not a dreamy relic at all, so there is no chance to find dreamy footprints, and he has no reason to stay.

Now there is less than half a day before the end of the second stage of the game. After half a day has passed, he can leave the ghost place of the mysterious island. If he stays here because of such a fake dream relic, it is really true. Too bad.

Second ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Although he discovered the weird place of the ruins, there is no real evidence. At that time, Sakagi and others can just find a reason to stop it. After all, ruins exploration is inherently dangerous and weird. .

Moreover, his own side is weak, and he is not the opponent of Sakagi Chisari and others at all. When that happens, he will fall into a very dangerous situation.

The most important thing is that these Rockets members are not related to him, and he is not willing to take his own life for those who have nothing to do with him.

"Yes, wherever you go, Sato-sama, I will go."

When Thomas heard Sato Kaede's a little urgent words in his mind, he was shocked. He immediately stopped checking the treasure in the treasure chest in his hand, and then quickly closed the treasure chest back into the space backpack, while quietly respecting Sato Kaede next to him. To say.

Sato Kaede nodded in satisfaction when he saw this, and then he released the unobtrusive natural finches, and then prepared to use telepathy to order her to take himself and Thomas back to the exit of the ruins.

However, at this moment, a voice in his head suddenly made Sato Kaede's hairs stand up.

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