Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 528: : Bad news

This little elf that slowly walked out of the grass was impressively the trumpet Hercules Sato had met this morning.

At this time, his whole body was scarred again, and some internal organs could be seen in some injured places. One arm had been broken and he was hanging weakly.

Because of the walking, some of the wounds that had been slightly scab ruptured again, and the green worm blood came out of him again.

There is no doubt that the trumpet Hercules at this time is already dying again. If it weren't for his willpower, he would have been fainted because of his injuries, and then died silently.

"Come out, Beautiful Flower, use the grass field to heal Heracross."

Sato Kaede saw the tragic situation of the trumpet Hercules, and his heart was instantly burnt with anger, but now is not the time for revenge, he immediately released the beautiful flower and let her heal the trumpet Hercules.

At the same time, he also took out a precious bottle of high-level healing potion (the trophy seized from Thomas) from his body, and then gave it to the trumpet Hercules.

If Sato Kaede didn't guess wrong, those Dajia in the Dajia Forest must have gone to the territory of the Hercules tribe again, and this time the injury of the trumpet Hercules was caused by them.

As for why the trumpet Hercules appeared here this time, Sato Kaede estimated that the territory of the Heracles must have been lost this time. He was here to seek help from Sato Kaede.

The fact is almost what Sato Kaede thought. After the trumpet Hercules rescued Sato Kaede and then returned, Dajia again invaded the territory of Heracross.

But this time the number of Big Ones is more than the previous one, and the level is better. Even if the trumpet Hercules fights bloody, it is still difficult to support.

It didn't take long for the territory of the Heracross tribe to fall.

Moreover, perhaps the big Jias suffered a big loss here last time. They did a great job this time. They not only killed a large number of Heracross, but also destroyed all the sweet trees on which the Heracross tribe depended. The territory of the La Crosse tribe caused a devastating blow.

The homeland was destroyed, the trumpet Hercules has naturally been fighting hard, but under the protection and persuasion of a part of Heracles who inspired the bleeding of his homeland, he was unwilling to kill from the siege of the big Jias. Out of the siege.

But the injuries on the trumpet Hercules were too serious. Even if he managed to escape from the siege of the big armors, he would soon die because of his injuries and unable to receive treatment.

The homeland was destroyed and the clansmen were killed. The trumpet Hercules was full of hatred for the Big One clans. At the same time, he was too weak to protect his homeland and the clansmen. He was very unwilling to die.

In the end, he finally remembered Sato Kaede, the benefactor who had saved his life, and decided to seek his help.

In fact, the trumpet Hercules has been waiting here for a long time. If Sato Kaede does not show up, he will soon die from his injuries.

With a precious high-level healing potion, combined with Trumpet Hercules' strong will to survive and the treatment of the beautiful flowers and grass fields, Trumpet Hercules' injuries finally improved.

Half an hour later, the beautiful flower with a tired look slowly removed the grass field. At this time, the trumpet Hercules' injury had basically healed, and the breath of life had calmed down.

"The level has reached level 32, and it is upgraded to level 11 a day. This speed is really amazing."

Sato Kaede looked at the current information of the trumpet Hercules, and couldn't help feeling that the speed of the trumpet Hercules's strength was astonishing.

In fact, Sato Kaede knows that the elves who like to fight like the trumpet Hercules can increase their level very fast, but the injury caused by the battle is the biggest obstacle to their promotion.

This is also the main reason why the trumpet Hercules has various scars all over his body, but his level is so low. It takes at least three or four days or even longer to rest for a game. This is the general promotion of wild elf. Normality of rank.

And the reason why the trumpet Hercules level has risen so drastically today is that he has spent his life in exchange for it. Today, he killed at least a hundred Dajia by himself, and many of them are higher than him.

Of course, the trumpet Hercules can kill so many big armors in the siege of the big armors, and his own hidden characteristics and overconfidence are the important key.

This feature is almost born for group battles, very suitable for the trumpet Hercules, who is based on physical output and has extremely tough willpower.

However, if an ordinary wild elf plays like the trumpet Hercules, I am afraid that there will be green grass in front of the grave long ago. The trumpet Hercules will meet Sato Kaede in good fate, otherwise, he would have belched long ago. .

The trumpet Hercules was too tired. After the injury on his body was healed, he immediately fell asleep, but his obsession was also very deep, and he woke up in less than half an hour.

"Hey (ge)~~~"

As soon as the trumpet Hercules woke up, he immediately walked to Sato Kaede excitedly, and then made body language to him requesting his past support, with a deep pleading in his voice.

"Let's go, but you have just recovered, and you can't fight anymore, otherwise, if you get injured again, the hidden wounds accumulated in your body will kill you, and the beautiful flower will not be saved."

Sato Kaede saw the meaning of the body language of the trumpet Hercules. He did not shirk, and immediately agreed, but before leaving, he made three chapters with him.

The beautiful green grass field cannot eliminate the hidden injuries in the elves. If you want to completely eliminate the hidden injuries in the trumpet Hercules, you can only go to the elves center to ask for the highly skilled Miss Joey.

But where is the elf center in the wilderness here, and now the trumpet Hercules wants to recover from the dark wounds in his body, he can only rely on his own good self-healing ability.

Judging from the fact that the trumpet Hercules nearly died of serious injuries twice a day, the hidden injuries in his body may have accumulated to a terrifying level long ago, and new injuries were added to the old ones.

If the trumpet Hercules is seriously injured again, the hidden wounds accumulated in his body may really explode. At that time, Sato Kaede will be powerless to save him.

Although the trumpet Hercules has a lower aptitude, his character and his own characteristics are very suitable for Sato Kaede's appetite. He really wants to subdue this brave insect fighter, but can he die.

The trumpet Hercules was distraught at this time, he almost agreed to Sato Kaede's request without even thinking about it, and then quickly took Sato Kaede to the territory of the Hercules tribe in front of him.

But when they came to the territory of the Heracross tribe, what they saw was nothing but a burnt ruin.

The revenge of the Dajia tribe is very terrible. They finally chose to set fire to the territory of the Heracross tribe, completely destroying the homeland of the Heracross tribe in the Dajia forest.

"Hey sigh!!!"

Seeing the corpses of his homeland and the people of his tribe being burned to ashes by the fire, the eyes of Trumpeter Hercules suddenly turned red, and he yelled, tears kept coming from his eyes.

After this battle, this group of Herakross was permanently removed from the Dajia Forest. The few remaining Heracros who escaped this disaster may choose to leave the Dajia Forest to avoid being caught in the Dajia Forest. Race revenge.

"Giant Marsh Monster, suppress him, beautiful flowers, use hypnotic powder, let him sleep well."

Sato Kaede saw that the trumpet Hercules became crazy because of hatred and began to self-mutilate. He couldn't bear to give instructions to the giant marsh monsters and beautiful flowers around him.

The giant marsh monster nodded when he heard the words, he quickly subdued the trumpet Hercules, making him immobile, and the beautiful flower released hypnotic powder, making this crazy insect fighter forcibly fall asleep .

However, even in his sleep, the trumpet Hercules was obviously having a terrible nightmare. He shuddered all over, and a lot of cold sweat came out of him.

In less than a minute or two, the trumpet Hercules woke up from the nightmare, and then looked at the home that was burned to ashes by the fire in front of him, lost all of his energy and knelt on the ground with a sullen face. Then burst into tears.

"Heracross, your home is gone. Even if you cry no matter how much you cry, it’s useless. You are too weak to fight against the crowded and powerful tribe. Cheer yourself up. The way you are now will make you The dead people are disappointed. If you believe me, then follow me. I will train you and make you stronger. When the time comes, you will personally expel the Big One in this forest and build a new one. The Heracross tribe."

Sato Kaede walked in front of the trumpet Hercules, kicked the slumped trumpet Hercules aside, and then shouted at the opponent with a cold expression.

Hearing Sato Kaede’s words~www.NovelMTL.com~ The trumpet Hercules seemed to be electrocuted. He got up from the ground, and then stared at Sato Kaede blankly. Gradually, he was originally dull. His eyes renewed their brilliance.

"Very well, before that, I will give you a breath of anger."

"Giant Marsh Monster, prepare to fight, use the power of the earth to clean up the rats in the ground, and have a good time."

Sato Kaede saw the signs that his words had revived the trumpet Hercules, and the worries in his heart suddenly disappeared, then he turned around and said murderously to the giant marsh monster in front of him.

The turmoil caused by the trumpet Hercules just now was too great, and the owner of this forest had already noticed the abnormality here.

When they saw the two enemies, the trumpet Hercules and Sato Kaede, they immediately launched their actions.

At this time, Sato Kaede and the others had already ambushed a large number of large armors in the woods around them, and these large armors had completed their encirclement of Sato Kaede and them.

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