Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 527: : Return of Ace

"Come out, giant marsh monster."

On the edge of the river, Sato Kaede riding a wind speed dog presses the button of a luxurious ball in his hand, and then releases the elf inside.

In the next second, a white light flew out from the opened luxury ball, and then fell in the river in front of Sato Kaede.

When the white light disappeared completely, a familiar burly figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Seeing that the hill-like burly figure did not show any malnutrition, Sato Kaede immediately smiled with satisfaction.

After the natural bird got the bribe of two packs of high-level elf food before and after Sato Kaede, he very quickly returned the giant marsh monster that Sato Kaede had exchanged for with the number plate.

The giant marsh monster hadn't seen Sato Kaede for almost three days. He promised that he would miss Sato Kaede very much during these three days, because although the food in his base was large, it did not suit his appetite.

He missed the special food that Sato Kaede gave him every day and all kinds of delicious barbecues.


At this moment, when he saw Sato Kaede, the giant marsh monster immediately yelled in excitement. At the same time, he slapped the river under him vigorously.

"Bang!!!" A thud appeared.

The power of the giant marsh monster exploded in the water, like a mine exploding in the river, and fierce currents rose into the sky.

"Welcome home, Giant Marsh Monster."

Sato Kaede was very happy to see the giant marsh monster so excited. At this moment, the wind speed dog jumped off and walked to the river, and then he stretched forward with his right hand clenched into a fist.


When the giant marsh monster saw Sato Kaede, he immediately understood it. He also gently stretched his fist-clenched right hand forward, and then collided with Sato Kaede's fist with appropriate strength.

"Well, let's take a look at other companions, there are some you need to know about."

After Sato Kaede fisted against the giant marsh monster, he took out other pokeballs containing elves, and then released them one by one.

White lights lit up and shot out from the opened elves, beautiful flowers and other elves appeared on the surrounding ground.

Except for the wind speed dog and the beautiful flower, no other elf knew the giant marsh monster, Sato Kaede's ace elf.

Therefore, in addition to the wind speed dog and the beautiful flower enthusiasm to greet the giant marsh monster, the circle bear and other elves stood in place with solemn expressions.

When meeting for the first time, the giant marsh monster naturally wanted to establish his majesty in front of other strange companions, so he released his aura without concealment at this time.

For a while, the aura emanating from the giant marsh monster became terrifying.

Circle bears and many other little elves who survived and grew up in the harsh environment of the mysterious island are very sensitive to the momentum released by other little elves. The momentum from the giant marsh monster at this time makes them sweaty. Upside down.

Especially the two high-level elves, the ring bear and the Goda duck, in their perception, the giant marsh monster is like a volcano that may erupt at any time, with great aura.

At this time, a thin layer of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of the Goda Duck, and there was a trace of fear in the eyes of the giant marsh monster.

His mental power is very powerful, not inferior to the ordinary super-powered elves, so he can achieve a certain predictive ability like the super-powered elves.

He surprisingly discovered that if he faced the giant marsh monster head-on, he might not even be able to stop the giant marsh monster.

For a while, the superiority in Goda Ya's heart suddenly disappeared, and when he looked at Sato Kaede again, the dissatisfaction in his eyes was gone.

In fact, Gotha Duck was really unconvinced with Sato Kaede for a simple reason, because he found that no elf in Sato Kaede's hand could defeat him in a solo fight, not even Beautiful Flower.

The beautiful flower can suppress him at best, but it cannot defeat him head-on, and the suppression of him by the beautiful flower is largely due to the great restraint of the beautiful flower on his attributes.

But the giant marsh monster is different. In the Gotha Duck’s excellent perception, the giant marsh monster only needs a punch, and he may be crushed, and his mental power is not enough to hold the giant marsh monster's power.

Sato Kaede acquired the Giant Marsh Monster again, and the confidence in his heart immediately improved. He had already discovered that the Gotha Duck, who was still a little emotional, had now calmed down, and looked at the Giant Marsh Monster with awe.

As the ace elf in Sato Kaede's hands, the giant marsh monster can not only provide strong military support to Sato Kaede, but also play the role of sacred needles for Sato Kaede's team, which greatly guarantees that the backyard will not catch fire.

In addition to other things, just talk about Aboguai, a murderous snake with a stinging head. In front of the giant marsh monster, he has to bow his head obediently, otherwise he will eat the fist of the giant marsh monster.

The giant marsh monster wanted to convince people with strength. He enthusiastically greeted a group of little elves such as the circle bear, and patted their shoulders with his wide palms, posing as a big brother. .

Afterwards, Sato Kaede rode the giant marsh monster to continue downstream, while the red tyrannosaurus and Gotha duck waited on the left and right sides of the giant marsh monster like little brothers, clearing the way for the giant marsh monster in front.

In about half an hour, Sato Kaede successfully entered the boundary of the foothills of Kentero Mountain, and then he successfully found Thomas, who had been waiting here for a long time, in the area of ​​the foothills of Kentero Mountain near Dajia Forest.

Thomas completed Sato Kaede's commission very smoothly. In the Lazy Weng Forest, he conquered a Lazy Weng who is naturally a good aptitude.

"My goodness, the red tyrannosaurus, he actually owns a shining elf. Wouldn't Lanka pay a lot of money to offer him a reward for having such a shining tyrannosaurus in his hands? It's hard not to be remembered." ."

Thomas looked at the red tyrannosaurus guarding Sato Kaede in the river next to him in surprise, and he thought very enviously.

However, Thomas quickly moved his attention away from the red tyrannosaurus, and then moved to the giant marsh monster under Sato Kaede. He keenly discovered that the elves around him looked nervously at the giant marsh monster. .

Among them, the flame horse he relied on the most was walking around in place anxiously, and bit his clothes with his mouth, trying to pull him out of here quickly.

They act as trainers who train the flame horse first-hand. He naturally knows the meaning of the action of the Flame Horse. It is the action that the Flame Horse wants to flee after seeing the powerful elf that cannot be defeated.

In this situation, the Flame Horse also appeared once today, exactly when he was fighting against Lanka's Super Boscordora.

"His giant marsh monster actually gave the flame horse such a huge pressure. This giant marsh monster is certainly not easy. Maybe this lunatic is really capable of bringing down Lanka."

Thomas tried his best to soothe the anxious flame horse, and his evaluation of Sato Kaede improved a bit.

In fact, Thomas is not at all optimistic about Sato Kaede to deal with Lanka, in his opinion, this is an act of death by a lunatic.

It was only because of the number plate, special equipment and small life that fell in Sato Kaede's hands that he was forced to reluctantly choose to work with Sato Kaede. If he had a choice, he would definitely hide away.

However, the appearance of the giant marsh monster gave Thomas a little more confidence in Sato Kaede’s plan, because he believed that his flame horse gave him an early warning, and he could survive from Lanka’s hands. The flame horse’s warning was a merit. Indispensable.

"Very well, my side has also been successfully completed. Your task now is to conquer the two little elves and replenish your combat power~www.NovelMTL.com~ Just come back here before dark. Have a good rest tonight. We will start tomorrow."

After Sato Kaede confirmed the lazy man Thomas released, he nodded to Thomas with satisfaction, and then handed two empty black pokeballs to him.

"Ok, I will go now."

Thomas took the two Elf Balls that Sato Kaede handed over, and said with a look of excitement, then he quickly mounted the flame horse and disappeared in front of Sato Kaede.

"Come out, I saw the message you left, and I know you are here."

After Thomas left, Sato Kaede turned and shouted at a dense grass ten meters away.

There was a big tree growing on the edge of the grass. At this time, many fresh traces of nibbling appeared on the trunk of the big tree. Many white sap flowed from above along the trunk to the ground.

As soon as Sato Kaede's voice fell, a scarred little elf suddenly walked out of the grass in the sound of "Well~".

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