Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 326: : Spirit Master and Life Jade

Sato Kaede didn’t understand much about the profession of spiritualist, but since he received the "Book of Ghosts" gifted to him by the descendants of the volcano guardian family, the village chief of Baihe Village, he began to have a more comprehensive understanding of this profession. understood.

In fact, the volcano guardian clan is a big family of spiritual masters. The so-called spiritual masters refer to human beings who are born with the ability to restrain ghosts. They are like superhuman beings in humans. They are born with this incredible ability. power.

This incredible power is called spiritual power by all spiritualist families. With spiritual power, the spiritualist can avoid being affected by the death breath that the ghost elves have been exuding to avoid frailty and sickness. At the same time, they can also use spiritual power. Destroy or seal the ghost elves.

Yes, before the ancients and humans had created props that could control elves like elf balls, spiritists were the same as humans with extraordinary powers, such as ancient physical fighters and spiritual superpowers. It is one of the three major combat occupations protecting humanity.

Among the three major combat professions of humans in ancient times, the fighter is the most common combat profession, and the entry barrier is not high. As long as you master a certain method of refining, you can become a fighter.

Of course, although the threshold of this profession is not high, its upper limit is still personal qualifications. Only martial arts wizards with amazing bones are most likely to train to have the ability to single out powerful elf. (Sky King)

Superpowers are the most important talents among the three combat professions. Generally, only talents who are born with extremely strong mental powers can awaken themselves to become superpowers.

Among the three major occupations, the number of superpowers is the least, but their combat effectiveness is undoubtedly the highest.

However, things are often not absolute. Some people have the opportunity to become superpowers through acquired efforts or opportunities, but unfortunately, the achievements of such acquired superpowers are generally limited.

As for spiritual masters, the focus of this career inheritance is blood, and only those who have blood blood concentration up to a certain standard can possess spiritual power and exercise.

For this reason, spiritual masters rarely intermarry with ordinary people. They are generally intermarried with close relatives or intermarried with other spiritual master families, and they rarely spread their blood to the outside.

In fact, due to the particularity of their profession and the inheritance of their blood, they seldom appear in the eyes of the world. Even in modern times, the spiritual family still chooses to avoid the world.

In the Kanto region, the most famous family of spiritual masters is the Yuling family. The reason why this family that also chose to escape the tradition of being so famous has a lot to do with Juzi, one of the four heavenly kings of Kanto.

Yes, Juzi's full name is Yuling Juzi, she is the sister of the patriarch of the contemporary Yuling clan.

Chrysanthemum can drive a group of such powerful ghost elves and still live to this age, which has a great relationship with her status as a spiritualist.

Sato Kaede learned from the "Book of Evil Ghosts" that the psychic possesses many special abilities, such as being able to see ghosts and talking to them, controlling the ghost elves to fight as they please, temporarily enhancing the power of the ghost elves that he drives, Even like the ghost elves, they can impose curses on others.

Of course, spiritualists want to drive ghost elves to fight, not only relying on spiritual power, they also need some props to enhance their power to serve them.

Compared to the female trainer who appeared in front of Sato Kaede now, the obvious embroidered patterns on the kimono she was wearing were very similar to the patterns he saw in the "Book of Evil Ghosts."

According to the introduction of "The Book of Evil", these embroidered patterns are a few evil spirit seals. With the spiritual power of the spiritual master, they will let the clothes have the effect of blocking the death breath of the ghost elves.

However, this kimono with a special embroidered pattern alone is not enough to convince Sato Kaede that the female trainer in front of him is a rare spiritualist. Sato Kaede confirms that the other party is a spiritualist. Undoubtedly, things are hanging on the other side. A jade badge on the waist.

This jade plate was the size of a woman's palm and was green all over. Because of the distance, Sato Kaede could not see exactly what the pattern on the jade plate was, but he could see the green light that suddenly lit up on this jade plate.

If Sato Kaede didn't guess wrong, this jade plaque with green body should be the life jade mentioned in "Book of Evil Ghosts".

This piece of jade card called Mingyu was created by the spiritual master family for the people who have the status of spiritual master. It can be regarded as a status symbol. According to the saying, it is the ID card in the spiritual world.

However, the function of this ID card is much better than the alliance ID cards on Sato Kaede.

Although Sato Kaede was a little unbelievable, the "Book of Evil Ghosts" stated that the Mingyu had a trace of the spirit of a spiritualist, because in this way, the Mingyu could only be used by the spiritualist himself.

Once the spiritual master dies, or the spiritual master’s thought, this life jade will be broken immediately, and then the soul inside will be attached to the enemy, similar to injecting a tracker into the enemy, which can serve as the spiritual master. I and my people provide the final clues.

At the same time, this life jade also has the powerful function of automatically collecting nearby life energy.

In fact, the life energy in each creature is losing every minute and every second, but this process is very slow, and only after years can it be discovered. (The process of aging)

The function of life jade is to absorb the life energy naturally lost from the living beings, and then store it.

Although the life energy that a person automatically loses every day is not much, if the life energy that many people lose naturally every day adds up, this life energy is quite huge.

It is precisely by relying on Mingyu, a precious item that can automatically collect and store life energy, that spiritual masters can avoid the harmful things of killing and plundering life energy.

With the life jade, the spiritist can provide good food to the ghost elves at almost zero cost.

Looking at the exquisite green waist card on the opponent's waist, Sato Kaede couldn't help showing a trace of fire, because he had the "Book of Ghosts" in his hand, he naturally had the mind to cultivate ghost elves.

Sato Kaede has always had concerns about solving the food of ghost-type elf. There is a ghost-type elf who eats life energy by his side. This is too much trouble, and at the same time, it is too scary. .

Knowing that the food of ghost elves is generally life energy, Sato Kaede once imagined using the energy **** of beautiful flowers as food for ghost elves, but in fact, this is not feasible.

According to countless years of research by spiritual masters, life energy also has attributes, and can generally be divided into plant-based life energy and flesh-and-blood life energy.

Plants are also creatures, they are also losing life energy all the time, and the life energy in them belongs to the life energy of the plant attribute, and the life energy of the flesh and blood nature naturally refers to the life energy of the flesh and blood creature.

Although the energy ball move is an attack by the elf launching life energy collected from nature, this move is a grass-based move after all, so the life energy collected by the elf from nature is actually drawn from plants.

The life energy that ghost elves usually absorb is the life energy of flesh and blood. Of course, it is not impossible to feed the life energy of plant attributes to ghost elves, but if they are given to them for a long time, it will make them very weak.

After all, it is weird to be a vegetarian every day, and to be able to have strength, so that it can't talk about making these evil ghost-type elves stronger.

Besides, ~www.NovelMTL.com~ is a vegetarian every day, which ghost elf would like to follow such a trainer? Maybe he couldn't help but explode that day, and then sucked up the trainer who had been abusing him.

And Mingyu can perfectly integrate the life energies of these two attributes to form a life energy with both plant attributes and flesh and blood attributes, allowing the food and meat of the ghost elves to combine.

"If I had such a piece of life jade, it would save me a lot of troubles in cultivating ghost elves. If there is a chance, she can touch it. Maybe it will be rewarding."

Sato Kaede's thoughts were like electricity, and he quickly recovered from his thoughts, and then turned his eyes to the ghost stone in front of the female spiritualist in front of him.

This ghost stone is worthy of being a little elf cultivated by a spiritual master. It is different from ordinary ghost stones. He appeared on his own, and a cold black air radiated from him. All of a sudden, ten people around him The temperature within a meter has dropped by several degrees at least.

At the same time, under the cover of this cold black air, Ghost Stone's whole body was hidden in it, and only the scarlet eyes that lit up in the black air made people know that he was still in the original position.

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