Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 325: : Pretending to be fake and ghost elves

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In response to cheers, Sato Kaede took Meow into the battle venue. This is the third time he has entered this venue. Until now, the only elves he uses are Nitorino and Meow. Two.

Today, Sato Kaede’s forged identity is called Yamaguchio. He is a simple-looking and ordinary young man with a national character face. In fact, Yamaguchi does exist. Sato Kaede still has the alliance ID card that was taken away by others after his death. .

In addition to the alliance ID card of this civilian trainer, Yamaguchi Kaede, Sato Kaede also has more than a dozen alliance ID cards of other civilian trainers. These alliance ID cards were obtained by Sato Kaede in the black market. The price does not count. Expensive, a 100,000 alliance currency, the seller guarantees that these alliance ID cards are valid for one year.

Yes, every year there are many ambitious civilian trainers who have not come back since they set off, but their relics are not left in a corner that no one cares about. These things will generally continue to circulate in the market. Among.

For example, alliance ID cards. These alliance ID cards that have lost their original owners are good things in the black market and are of great value. As long as they have them, new owners can temporarily borrow this alliance ID card with a little disguise. The identity of the original owner.

The only pity is that every three years, I need to personally go to the police stations set up by the alliance in various cities for new replacements, so as to prevent bad people from impersonating the dead and doing evil as much as possible.

The owners of these alliance ID cards that Sato Kaede traded from the black market are all the same age as him, and there is not much difference in height and body. With the disguise artifact of Variety Monster, he can use these alliance ID cards to temporarily become a perfect incarnation. Their original owners.

In fact, Sato Kaede would definitely not want to pretend to be dead if he can play against the Dome. Unfortunately, his reputation for playing against the Dome is too big. The odds set during the game are seriously unbalanced, which makes him The goal of seeking high profits in the battle against the Dome is dashed.

What also makes Sato Kaede speechless is that as long as someone sends out giant marsh monsters, beautiful flowers, and elf hunting swallowtails to fight, the audience will suspect that this person is Mr. 2597.

Then, the gambling odds set in this game will be out of balance, making him want to go to other competition clubs to participate in the game and then profit from the gambling game is also defeated.

Therefore, in order to avoid identity exposure and continue to make big money, Sato Kaede had to change his identity and change to a new elf to play against.

However, after Sato Kaede used Yamaguchi's identity to win two consecutive games here, the odds of buying him have dropped a lot, becoming 0.72. It is difficult to get the 1.5 and 1.2 odds like in the beginning. . The league stipulates that contestants can only buy themselves to win.

But on the contrary, after Sato Kaede played Yamaguchi defeated his opponent with Nitorino one-to-three in the second game, fans supporting him appeared one after another. At this time, many audiences in the audience were full of confidence. Buying him to win, and then cheering for him.

Sato Kaede’s opponent this time is a beautiful trainer wearing a red and white kimono. His name is Yuanzi. Judging from the other party’s dress, she looks a bit like a shrine maiden in a Japanese shrine, but the first elf sent out is actually very few The ghost used by people is the little fairy ghost stone.

"Miko, it seems that the opponent this time is not easy."

Seeing the female trainer in front send Ghost Stone, Sato Kaede's face suddenly became serious, and his heart gradually became more vigilant.

Although in the game, Sato Kaede will often subdue ghost elves such as Geng Gui as the main elves, but since coming to the real world of elves, he discovered that few trainers would cultivate ghosts. It's an elf.

So far, none of the trainers Sato Kaede has encountered has nurtured ghost elves, and most of the trainers seem to have deliberately ignored the elves with this attribute.

It's not that the ghost elves are not powerful. Quietly on the contrary, the ghost elves, like the super elves and the dragon elves, are generally very powerful.

It's just that compared to superpowers and dragon elves, ghost elves, which can be regarded as real ghosts in the world of elves, represent unknown and death, and creatures are not suitable for contact with them.

Moreover, ghost elves are undead creatures in the world of elves. Sato Kaede learned through the book of evil spirits that their food is generally the life energy of creatures, the death energy converted from life energy, and various negative emotions of creatures. , Therefore, they are regarded as the deadly enemies of all living beings.

Although the ghost elves in the animation can also eat the elves food made by humans like other elves, in fact this kind of ghost elves that eat the food of the elves are just waste, and they will never become powerful. The ghost of the elf.

After all, the ghost elves are not flesh and blood creatures at all. The way they absorb nutrients is completely different from normal flesh and blood creatures. It is impossible to use what the creatures eat for undead creatures and want them to become stronger.

Therefore, if the trainer wants to nurture the ghost elves ~www.NovelMTL.com~ and make their ghost elves stronger, then the trainer must kill and do something that hurts the sky.

And as the registration of ghost elves increases, if the quality of food cannot keep up, the amount of food they need will increase.

Normal trainers are always accompanied by ghost elves. Even though these ghost elves are not malicious to their trainers, they will still unknowingly absorb the life energy of the trainers, thereby shortening the trainer’s lifespan.

Generally speaking, the trainers who specialize in ghost elves are short-lived ghosts. Although many of them have achieved good results, they have left a lot of trouble.

The lifespan of ghost elves is still a mystery so far. Many ghost elves spend much longer than a normal human being, so even if their trainer dies, they can still live well.

And because the strength is strong enough, these ghost elves who have lost the restraint of the trainer generally will not listen to the words of the descendants of their trainer, plus their evil nature, it is very likely that they will eventually become evil elves on the side of disaster.

Facts have proved that the most dangerous wild elves in the wild are all kinds of ghost elves. They are undead creatures, so they don’t care about human morality. They only know that humans are also one of the foods in their recipes, and they are still the most delicious. Kind of food.

Therefore, under the strong propaganda of the alliance, even Sato Kaede, who was born in a remote rural village, knew the terrible ghost elves, and suggested that the trainer should not cultivate ghost elves.

In Sato Kaede’s knowledge, there is only one type of person suitable for nurturing ghost elves, and this type of person is called a spiritualist.

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