Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 161: : 100,000 volts and shadow clone

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Meihua is a grass-type elf with a single attribute. She is restrained by five attributes: fire, insect, flying, ice, and poison. Among the 18 attributes, only the rock type can restrain fire at the same time. Department, Insect Department, Flight Department and Ice Department.

Beautiful flower can gain the awakening power of the rock type. I have to say that this is a very happy event to celebrate. In the future elf battles, she will no longer have to fear the unrestrained fire type, insect type, flying type and Ice is the attack method of these elves.

At least Meihua will encounter little elves with these attributes in the future, and she will never fall into the same dilemma that she has almost no room for resistance like the last time she was with the big-billed bird.

Moreover, you must know that the awakening power is a special long-range move. As long as the level of the beautiful flower is increased a bit, it will automatically realize the powerful three-attribute strengthening skill of the butterfly dance. The beautiful flower can fully use the two moves of the awakening power of the butterfly dance and the rock attribute. Turn the battle around.

After completing the test of the awakening power attributes of the five fighting elves, Sato Kaede thought about it a little bit, and then decided in his heart the training arrangements for the five elves.

Big-mouthed bat and beautiful flower were arranged by him to train the awakening power skills, Nitoran was arranged by him to train the newly mastered one hundred thousand volts skills, and the Katy dog ​​was arranged by him to exercise the newly mastered shadow clone moves, and he just joined the group. Shuiyueyu was arranged by him for physical training.

Through the learning machine and skill CD, Nitoran has memorized the use of one hundred thousand volts, but because his attributes are not electric, and the nature of electric energy is very violent, let alone release one hundred thousand volts. , It can't even release a weak current.

Sato Kaede is not without a solution to the very difficult situation of the 100,000 volts trained by Nitoran. This is also thanks to his clean and honest way of treating the elves to increase contacts.

When Sato Kaede was treating others for the elves this morning, he met a male trainer who owns a three-in-one magneto. After healed his elves for free and paid 20,000 Union coins, He successfully borrowed the three-in-one magnetic monster, an electric elf from this trainer.

The reason why Sato Kaede would borrow a three-in-one magnet from others is naturally that this three-in-one magnet possesses a skill that can help Nitoran exercise one hundred thousand volts, and the name of this skill is electric. site.

Note: Electrical field, electrical system change type moves, effect: within 5 rounds, the field becomes an electrical field, the elves on the ground will not be able to sleep, and the power of electrical system moves increases.

"Come out, three-in-one magnetic monster, please, create a small-scale electrical field."

When Nitoran started to exercise at one hundred thousand volts, Sato Kaede also took out an ordinary poke ball from his body, and then released a three-in-one magnetic monster inside.

Because the three-in-one Magneto had been greeted in advance, the three-in-one magnetic monster that had received the owner's instruction did not panic. After hearing Sato Kaede's words, he immediately released three powerful currents from the three magnets on his body.

Under the control of the three-in-one magnetic monster, these three yellow currents completely submerged into the ground under the body, and then continuously submerged into the ground with the three currents on the three-in-one magnetic monster, centering on himself , The ground within a radius of five meters began to emit a trace of electricity from time to time.

At the same time, the ground seemed to be dyed. The originally white concrete ground was covered by a layer of yellow electrical energy. For a while, the electrical energy in this area became extremely active.

Sato Kaede, an ordinary human being, is now in this electrical field. His hair and hair on his body have begun to stand up slightly, and the skin of his whole body has begun to feel a slight numbness. When he moves his clothes a little, there is a burst of "cracking" on his body. Of static electricity.

At this time, Nitoran, who was also in the electrical field, finally clearly felt the unusually active electrical energy around him.

Relying on the strong involvement of mental power, even the violent electric energy can only be gathered by Nitoran a little bit. In the end, Nitoran successfully collected the electric energy on his unicorn and then released it from the unicorn. A faint current flowed out.

Obviously, with the help of an electrical field with three-in-one magnetic monsters, Nitoran's difficulty in exercising 100,000 volts suddenly dropped a lot. Although only a weak current can be released, it is a very good start.

"Good job, Nitoran, continue to maintain this momentum and exercise. As long as you learn one hundred thousand volts, you can defeat the water elves in the sea in the future."

Seeing that Nitoron successfully released an electric current, he continued to use the condensed electrical energy to make electric currents like a toy he found, and tried to manipulate the electric current to make various shapes with his thoughts, Sato Kaede nodded , Cheer and encourage him.

At the same time, because the awakening power of the big-mouthed bat is an electrical attribute, Sato Kaede also asked the big-mouthed bat to exercise the awakening power move in the electric field. From the current point of view, the awakening power move of the big-mouthed bat exercises The speed is not bad.

The new skills training of Nitoran and the Big Mouth Bat gradually got on the right track. On the other hand, the shadow clone moves of Katy Dog also gradually got on the right track.

The shadow clone move that Katy Dog just learned was learned by Sato Kaede through the learning machine and the shadow clone skill CD he obtained from the leader of the Tokiwa City Wild Wolf Gang.

Note: Shadow clones are generally changed moves. The effect is: to create clones by moving quickly, disrupt opponents, and increase their dodge rate.

It is not difficult to see from the introduction that the shadow clone is based on the movement speed of the elf itself. As long as the movement speed of the elf itself is faster, the more shadow clones will be created in a short time.

Therefore, for the Katy dog ​​who is proficient in the energy-storing flame attack, which can increase his speed, the shadow clone is undoubtedly very suitable for him. After remembering the shadow clone's powering skills, the Katy dog All of a sudden, two shadow clones were created on the spot.

And, as Katy Dog heats himself up through an energy-storing flame attack to further improve his bodily functions, he can even create six static shadow clones in one go~www.NovelMTL.com~ Currently, Ka The dog is running back and forth in an area, and while running, he uses the shadow clone move. According to Sato Kaede’s current minimum requirements, the dog must be able to make at least 3 accompany him when running The shadow of the same runner came.

However, it is clear that the Katie dog who initially started to exercise the shadow clone is not proficient in the force technique, and has not been able to use the body to remember this force technique. He can only create a shadow clone while running. He ran with him.

In Sato Kaede’s vision, Katie Dog’s shadow clone moves are mostly used when he initiates a close attack on the opponent, using the shadow clone to confuse the opponent, thereby reducing the difficulty for the opponent to stop him from the close attack.

At the same time, the shadow clone also further enhances the dodge ability of the Katy Dog, preventing him from being completely attacked by the fierce firepower of the crazy enemy when launching a raid or after a successful raid.

All in all, the Katie dog, who now relies on speed to eat, and the shadow clone, can make him more comfortable dealing with enemies in battle.

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