Legendary Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 160: : Attributes of Awakening Power

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After Anna left, Sato Kaede immediately released the other elves on her body one by one, and then quickly started the skill training journey at noon today.

Now that he knows the clues of the person who attacked last night, as long as the opponent is still on the boat, Sato Kaede has a way to find him, and the identity of the opponent seems to be very special. He must act cautiously and not be too hasty.

Compared to revenge, Sato Kaede is now more keen to improve the strength of his elf. If nothing else, as long as in the past three or four days, he can successfully reach the destination of the mission in La Rus.

Since Sato Kaede left Tokiwa Forest to the present, he has now spent 6 days successively. That is to say, there are only 19 days left for him to complete the task. If the time to finally reach Larousse City is marked off , There may be 15 days left.

Therefore, in order to complete the task, Sato Kaede must race against time. As for other things, he can temporarily write down who the opponent is and what he looks like, and it is not too late to settle accounts later.

(Note: 1 day in Tokiwa Forest, 1 day in and out of Tokiwa City, 1 day in and out of Golden City, 1 day in and out of Dead Leaf City, 2 days on board now.)

Today’s skill training theme is undoubtedly the awakening power that the five combat elves have just learned through the learning machine and skill CD. But before letting the elves train this skill, Sato Kaede needs to know the awakening power of the five elves. What kind of attribute is it?

Yes, what are the attributes of awakening power? It's just looking at the elf itself, which is a skill of looking at faces.

If the elf uses the awakening power attribute to make up for the shortcomings of its lack of attack surface, it is undoubtedly earned and has the value of training, and vice versa, there is no training value.

The elves who took the lead in experimenting with the awakening power attribute were naturally the big-mouthed bat in the team. The large-mouthed bat closed its eyes and then used the method on the awakening power skill CD to activate this move.

Because he was just getting started, Big Mouth Bat was not familiar with this move, so it took him a full minute to complete the move of awakening power.

Slightly yellow energy light particles began to gather little by little from around the big-mouthed bat, and then, under the control of the big-mouthed bat, converged into a yellow energy ball in front of him.

After the yellow energy ball is formed, a trace of blue electric current also immediately swims on the surface of the energy ball. When the yellow energy is condensed in the big-mouthed bat and cannot be controlled, the big-mouthed bat immediately transfers the current energy. The ball is released forward.

The yellow energy ball exploded immediately after flying a short distance, forming a small-scale energy explosion.

At the same time, a large number of yellow energy light bombs entwined with electric current flew around, but these energy light bombs flew about 2 meters in the air, and they quickly dissipated in the air.

The move of awakening power is almost an energy bomb, which gathers the attribute energy in a certain way, and then throws it out after forming an energy ball, and finally releases the energy photobomb formed by energy light particles inside in a high-speed way. , In order to cause area damage to the enemy.

Judging from the color of the energy ball formed by the big-mouthed bat just now, Sato Kaede recognizes that the awakening power of the big-mouthed bat is electric, and the yellow energy represents the electric energy.

(Note: The energy of different attributes, their colors are different, such as grass is green, water is blue, fire is red, etc. These are displayed on the attribute table.) (Do not spray on your own )

It is strange to say that Sato Kaede most hopes that the awakening power of the big-mouthed bat is to restrain the ground element of the electric system, but in the end he awakens the awakening power of the electric system, which is really a bit dumbfounding for Sato.

However, the news that the awakening power of the big-mouthed bat is an electric attribute is also acceptable to Sato Kaede. For the water elves, the big-mouthed bat does lack the means of attack.

Once the water elves are allowed to enter the water in this kind of ocean or water field, there is no way for the big-mouthed bat, but now with the awakening power of the electric attribute, this problem is solved perfectly.

As long as the water elves dare to enter the water, the big-mouthed bat dares to use the awakening power into the water. As soon as the yellow energy ball entangled by a large amount of electric current enters the water, the ordinary water elves have not escaped. Fleeing law can only be passively beaten.

And this has a great advantage for the big-mouthed bat in air combat with other flying elves. To be honest, Sato Kaede has not commanded the big-mouthed bat to conduct air combat with some flying elves.

Although the size of the big-mouthed bat is very large today, it is still much worse than some large flying elves.

At present, the size of the big-billed bat is almost the same as that of a normally developed Bibi bird. The distance between the big-billed bat and the big-billed elves such as the big-billed bird is not dominant in size.

Therefore, if the levels of the two sides are similar, it is certain that the big-mouthed bat and this kind of large flying elves are at a disadvantage in air combat, but with this power attribute awakening power, the big-mouthed bat may still be able to Take a small advantage.

Of course, because the big-mouthed bat's awakening power attribute has been implemented as an electric attribute, it is impossible for him to have restraint means if he wants to fight against electric elves in the future.

It is now predictable that in future elf battles, as long as it is not a last resort, it is impossible for Sato Kaede to use the big-mouthed bat to fight against the electric elves or the elves proficient in electric moves.

After experimenting with the awakening power attribute of the big-mouthed bat, it was Nitoran’s turn to test it. Like the big-mouthed bat, it took about a minute for Nitoran to successfully activate the awakening power. .

Unlike the yellow energy ball formed by the awakening power of the big-mouthed bat, the color of the energy ball formed by the awakening power of Nidoran is dark black and exudes an evil aura.

Feeling the evil energy ball in front of Nidoran, Sato Kaede hardly had to guess, he knew that the attributes of the awakening power released by Nidoran were evil.

Afterwards, Katie Dog, Water Leaping Fish, and Beautiful Flower who rested for a while also released the awakening power moves one by one, and Sato Kaede also noted down the awakening power attributes they displayed one by one~www.NovelMTL. com~ The awakening power attribute of the Katy Dog is a bit weird, and it is actually a grass attribute that is restrained by his own attributes. For this reason, Katy Dog also unexpectedly has the means to restrain the rock, water and ground systems.

The awakening power attribute of the water leap fish is very good, it is a very rare flight type, and it can be regarded as one of the 5 attributes that can deal with the grass attribute.

You know, the giant marsh monster in the final evolution form of the water leaping fish has only one weak attribute, and that is the grass system, and the grass system is restrained by the flying ice system, the flying system, the fire system, the insect system, and the poison system.

Relying on the probability of five out of eighteen to obtain the awakening power of the flying element, the water leap fish also has a good way to deal with the grass elf in the future. Of course, the water leap fish can also learn to restrain the ice element of the grass elf. The move is just the icing on the cake.

As for the awakening power attribute of the beautiful flower, Sato Kaede never thought of it.

Since the evolution of the beautiful flower, it seems to have opened up, and her strength has ushered in a huge increase. Now she is also selected by the goddess of luck, hitting the jackpot with a probability of one in eighteen, her awakening power attribute released It's actually a rock series.

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