Legend of Xiangjiang Tycoon

Chapter 318: Foundation

"How about the five-fifth?" Roland's family principle continued to ask.

   Li Zhiwen shook his head, did not speak, obviously he did not agree with Roland's advice.

   Roland’s abacus is done well. First, let’s take the electricity sales of the two groups in Hong Kong as a condition to see if Li Zhiwen can accept it. If he accepts it, then Roland’s doctrine will definitely make a profit.

   Seeing that Li Zhiwen disagreed, he turned to the principle of dividing accounts by five to five.

   The Roland family understands that if only one company competes, or if other companies compete, the nuclear power plant project can be taken down by the Roland family.

   There is no reason. With the advice of Roland's family principle that has been maintained close to the mainland, in 1978, the Roland family's principle dragged his seriously ill body to Beijing to talk about the power supply of China Power Co., Ltd. to Guangdong Province.

   And this time, the Roland Family Daoli originally intended to let his son Michael Family Daoli go north to negotiate.

   But as soon as he knew that his opponent was Li Zhiwen, he immediately dispelled the idea, because the Roland family knew that even if he personally went northward, he might not be able to do it, even his own son.

   After all, my own skin determines the difficulty of this time, so the Roland Shi family should first reach cooperation with Li Zhiwen. This is much simpler than direct negotiation.

   But Li Zhiwen is not stupid. How could he give up his advantages? Of course, he refused Roland's principles extremely decisively.

   The Roland family learned about Li Zhiwen's attitude and did not speak any more. The scene fell into silence for a while, and Yuen Long was not far from Shekou, and it didn't take long to reach the other side.

As soon as Li Zhiwen disembarked, he felt that Shekou was different from the last time he came, but I am not surprised to think of the speed of China in future generations. The future Pengcheng will be the same day by day. Maybe Li Zhiwen may have a big change next time. .

However, Bao Yugang and Luo Lan Shi’s Daoli were shocked by the scene before them. Bao Yugang’s last visit to Shekou has been almost a year, and Luo Lan Shi’s Daoli has been almost three years since they arrived in Shekou. Shocked by the hot construction site, it was really a thousand-foot tall building on the ground.

   "The Chinese nation is really a nation that can bear hardships and stand hard work. I believe that in another twenty years, China will shock the world. This is really a great miracle." Roland Shijia said in admiration.

   "Mr. Jia Daoli, what you see is only a small side, you will be more shocked in the future." Li Zhiwen said with a smile.

   The three of them did not continue to speak. Instead, under the leadership of the reception staff, they boarded the bus to Yangcheng, and then took a plane from Yangcheng to the capital.


Zhaolong Hotel is located on the bank of Changhong Bridge in Beijing, which belongs to the East Third Ring Road in later generations. It is located at the center of the two famous commercial districts of Beijing, Yansha and CBD, and at the intersection of Sanlitun and Chaoyang Park, within a radius of one kilometer. The embassies of dozens of countries also have Workers' Stadium nearby. In a word, the location is very beautiful.

   However, as the Zhaolong Hotel is gradually donating from Bao Yugang, Bao Yugang does not have the right to operate it, but the name is also very powerful after Bao Yugang's father Bao Zhaolong.

   There is also a story about the Zhaolong Hotel. As soon as it opened in 1979, Bao Yugang went north to the capital.

At that time, there was no five-star hotel in Beijing. No matter how Bao Yugang felt, there should be a five-star hotel in Beijing, so he found the relevant person in charge and said that he was willing to donate US$10 million to build the first one in Beijing. The five-star hotel is just named after Bao Yugang's father, Bao Zhaolong, which everyone is afraid to accept.

   In the end, I don’t know what happened and it reached the head of the head. The head gave an instruction and the person in charge accepted the donation.

   On July 15, the day after Li Zhiwen came to the capital, the groundbreaking ceremony of Zhaolong Hotel was officially held. Li Zhiwen was also invited by Bao Yugang to participate in the groundbreaking ceremony, so Li Zhiwen woke up very early.

   "Boss, I'll wait on you to get dressed!" Lijue lying on the bed was about to get up.

   "No need, you lie down obediently, I'll come and see you again!" Li Zhiwen sat on the edge of the bed and patted Lizhixiang shoulders and said.

   "Hmm!" Lizhi said shyly.

   Li Zhiwen was not talking either, and left the room neatly dressed.

   After Li Zhiwen left, Lizhi stared at the ceiling blankly, thinking about what happened last night, it was unrealistic to say how much Lizhi liked Li Zhiwen.

   Strictly speaking, Li Zhiwen idolizes Li Zhiwen. He started such a big business at a young age. In addition, Li Zhiwen had hinted at Li Zhiwen before, so yesterday I just took Li Zhiwen halfway through.

Lizhi is very satisfied with this matter. As Li Zhiwen’s secretary, his work is easy, the salary is high, and there are some rewards from time to time. Lizhi is no longer willing to return to Hong Kong when he just arrived. A salesperson has to be discriminated against by others.

  Look at who has underestimated himself since he became Li Zhiwen's secretary. The only regret is that Li Zhiwen has a girlfriend, but how is that?

   Li Zhiwen walked out of the room and met Bao Yugang. Bao Yugang asked mysteriously: "Zhiwen~www.readwn.com~ Did you sleep well yesterday?"

   "Old Bao, go to you, you can do it if you like to beckon, what do you envy." Li Zhiwen teased.

   "Forget it, I'm old, it's nice to be young." Bao Yugang said with a smile.

   In fact, the older generation in Hong Kong also played very well when they were young, and there is no need to cover up. After all, Hong Kong previously allowed polygamy.

   "Let's go quickly, don't let anyone wait." Li Zhiwen said.

   Bao Yugang nodded and left the hotel with Li Zhiwen and sat in a Hongqi car. Li Zhiwen wondered when his Rover brand could enter the mainland market.

   The hotel where Li Zhiwen and Bao Yugang lived was not too far from the location of Zhaolong Hotel, and the car arrived at the location within a short period of time.

   After the two got out of the car, they already saw a large group of people already there.

   The two walked a few steps quickly and greeted these people one after another, and this group of people was also very easy-going, shook hands with Li Zhiwen and Bao Yugang one by one.

   At nine o'clock in the morning, the groundbreaking ceremony officially began. First, a representative from the mainland delivered a speech, and then Bao Yugang also delivered a speech as a donor, explaining the functions and planning of the Zhaolong Hotel.

   The next step is to formally start laying the foundation stone. At this time, the gongs and drums are noisy. The founder holds a new shovel tied with red silk in both hands to plow the foundation stone. After that, Bao Yugang, Li Zhiwen and the guests from the mainland successively plow the foundation stone.

   The ceremony ended soon, and Li Zhiwen didn't wait much, leaving Bao Yugang to chat with the guests, and then took the opportunity to return to the hotel.

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