Kennen is a hero in this version, and his AP in the top lane is second only to Fizz and Rumble.

His best use is the thunder in teamfights, and as Huni is a blue-collar top laner in teamfights, this is also one of his specialties.

As for Leblanc...

That's Faker's confidence!

Colonel Guan saw the situation and exclaimed: "Leblanc!!"

"It was locked in seconds, without any hesitation. It seems that Faker is determined to win today, and he used his best hero against EDG."

"I hope Faker can show his strength as a peak Leblanc today!"

The live broadcast room heard Colonel Guan's speech and nodded with satisfaction. It seems that everyone wants EDG to win the game now.

"It's just that Kong's choice of Lulu is a bit too messy."

"Yeah, I actually want to see Kong play Galio and teach SKT a lesson. Before, Graves could play four-on-two, let alone Galio."

"As for me, I want to see Zed more. Lulu is really not good."

"Indeed, to be honest, Lulu is really not good. I feel that she is not as good as Karma in the laning phase. She relies solely on Uzi's strength to perform."

"If Kong plays Lulu, EDG will be in trouble today."

Although the audience in the live broadcast room supports EDG, now on the surface, everyone feels that EDG's Lulu belongs to Lin Kong. The memory of Lin Kong's Lulu in the mid-lane is unforgettable.

Next, after discussion, EDG continued to use Warwick as a jungler and AD Kog'Maw.

No mid-lane was used, and Lulu was used as a swing position.

And in the formation of the top core lineup in the bottom lane, Lulu Kog'Maw, while keeping a strong jungle Warwick.

"King's AD, it seems that their mid laner is not Lulu!"

"Want to trick me? Is it that easy!"

Coach Kouma is experienced. It is difficult for an AD like King's Mouth to play Lulu without Lulu. Lulu is almost a support.

In the third hand, Coach Kouma took out the jungler Daisy.

EDG banned AD Ozarks to prevent Luna from playing in the bottom lane, and SKT then banned the mid laner Clockwork.

EDG banned Draven again, and SKT directly killed the mid laner and continued to ban the mid laner Galio.

In the fourth hand, he took out the Twitch who has invisibility in team battles and can find a position to fight King's Mouth.

These BPs are extremely exquisite.

Miller: "SKT's lineup is perfect, with sufficient combat power in team battles, and the mid and jungle can also put pressure on EDG in the mid-term."

Wawa: "That's right, these two bans show that SKT thinks Lulu is a support, and Kong's casting is not over yet!"

Colonel Guan: "That's right, there is no room for confusion in this game, Lulu and Kog'Maw are still the best, let's change someone in the mid lane!!!"

The analysis in the official live broadcast room also gave the audience some hope.

Lin Kong doesn't play Lulu?

"That's great!"

"Kong, Kong, I knew you wouldn't mess around."

"Kong, come on, you'll definitely be the C and take down SKT today."

"Don't play your crappy Lulu, you need to be tough to beat Faker!"

"Kong has a lot of blocked heroes, Galio, Clockwork, and Graves are all gone."

"Isn't there Zed?"

"Zed, it's a bit difficult, Zed is too weak in teamfights, the mid-lane assassins in this version are not good, only flexible ones like Leblanc are okay."

"Indeed, but I, Kong, don't care! Come on, show us your skills, it's a ball."

"Give Faker a Zed, let him see who is the best Zed in the world!!!"

The people in the live broadcast room saw that the Lulu was most likely not Lin Kong's, and they all started to make a fuss.

Playing Lulu and defeating SKT with a four-protect-one lineup is good, but if you can defeat Faker head-on, it would be even better!

Everyone wanted to see the second scenario.

Turning around, it was EDG's turn to choose the fourth and fifth heroes.

In the fourth hand, they took out the top lane Gragas to counter Kennen.

Only the mid laner was left, and everyone's attention was attracted to the last empty position, looking forward to what hero Lin Kong would take.

"Is there any other choice?"

"No more words, here comes Zed!!!"

After Lin Kong finished speaking, Meiko locked him in seconds.

The live broadcast room was boiling!


"I knew that Brother Kong would not let us down, here comes Zed!"

"Who dares to face the world's number one Zed? Only Kong!"

"Zed vs. Ahri, tit for tat, there's something interesting to watch in the middle lane."

"Today is the time to prove who is the world's number one mid laner."

"Brother Kong, you must, must win!!!"

"SKT, die!"As soon as Zed came out, the live broadcast room was filled with jubilation. This was the hero they wanted to see the most.

Faker's Zed has been famous for a long time, so how will he perform against the rising star now?

Everyone wants to know the result.

Even at the Rio scene, a group of SKT fans were in an uproar and applauded.

This is applause for the brave. Lin Kong can choose Zed opposite Faker, that is courage!


"Then, I will let you know the fate of playing Zed."

"Who still plays Zed in this version? I won't pick this hero anymore."

Faker looked at Zed with cold eyes.

At this moment, he was full of disdain. Under this version, Zed has long been no good.

Lin Kong forced to choose against the version, so Faker naturally wanted to defeat Lin Kong and let him know that the patch is the boss!

"Zed, this hero is not afraid of him."

"For the last pick, just use Tam to protect him."

"Xiaohuasheng should focus on the bottom lane in this game. EDG's bottom lane is Kog's Lulu, so you need to take care of it more."

"In the middle lane, I believe Faker will take action!"

Coach Kouma also nodded. He had his own understanding of Lin Kong's Zed, but in his opinion, the reason why Lin Kong's Zed could play so many famous scenes and wonderful operations before was nothing more than his opponent's incompetence.

When his enemy changed to Faker, Kouma would only think that Lin Kong was looking for death!

"Come on!"

On the EDG side, the microphone was full of cheers.

In the spring finals, WE faced EDG. WE was the challenger. Now the situation has reversed. EDG is the challenger challenging SKT, the king!

All they have to do is to try their best! !

"The lineups of both sides are determined, and the game begins!"

Under the flashing lights, Colonel Guan had just finished speaking when the game officially began!

At level one, both sides began to calculate each other in the fight for vision.

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