The task was completed, and Lin Kong's video creation template gave a lot of experience and reached level 8.

If he played badly in a few more games in the subsequent games, he would be able to reach the maximum level and start the next template.

As for the popularity of the video, it took half a day to become the number one hot search.

"Tears, Lin Kong made the whole sad history of LPL, and everyone who watched it burst into tears."

"Win the championship, must win the championship! EDG, MSI!"

"No regrets for youth, EDG mid laner!"

"What is youth? Youth is LPL."

In one day, the video reached tens of millions of views, and the top ten hot searches were all taken by EDG and Lin Kong.

Under countless hot searches, there was also the official blog of EDG.

All of them were people who were looking forward to EDG's MSI journey.

At this moment, it seemed that there was no longer any distinction between fans, no pigs and dogs, and everyone had only one identity.

LPL fans.

Just thinking that LPL could defeat SKT and win the championship!

EDG had not expected such a thing to happen, and they also sent out public relations to express that all EDG members would do their best.

In the base, after the training, several EDG players also saw the trending search.

They watched Lin Kong's video as soon as possible.

After watching it, everyone fell silent, especially Uzi. Lin Kong could even see the tears in his eyes when he watched the video.

Since 2012, every year has been what he has experienced. At the age of 15, Uzi stepped onto the professional stage. Now he is 20, and looking back, it is all regrets in his youth.

It is inevitable that tears will flow.

After watching it, he sat there in silence, looking at Lin Kong, and laughed for some reason.

"Come on! Win the championship!"

In just four words, Uzi's attitude is shown. In S7, he will also try his best!

This is even more true for the factory manager. As a veteran, he feels uncomfortable and regretful in every competition.

Young and frivolous, now I have to admit that I am old. The 7 in S7 not only means that the factory manager changed his name to compete for the championship, but also that the factory manager feels that this will be his last year.

"You have done this kind of thing!"

"Then you must play well in the game, and the pressure is full."

"I don't care whether you train or not, you must win the game, beat SKT, beat everyone, MSI, Intercontinental Championship, S Championship, win them all!"

Standing in front of Lin Kong, the factory manager was also emotional for a rare time, and the words from the heart hit Lin Kong's chest.



The simple answer also made the factory manager feel very relieved.

Abu stood by and watched the whole process. He didn't expect Lin Kong to do the whole thing and also mess with the team.

But the result is good, the team's cohesion has become stronger.

Mouse, Meiko, Scout were also shocked by the video. How can youth be regretless...

Only a perfect end!

Seeing this, who can not be touched?

EDG's fighting spirit was also aroused.

The next day, G2 was the first to bear EDG's wrath.

Lin Kong directly took out the mid-lane Galio and prepared to give G2 a precious four-on-two.

I just don't know if they can get a point when they meet again in 2 years.

Lin Kong's Galio defeated G2's bottom lane at level 6. A-P in the middle lane was embarrassed when facing this Galio, and there was no way to restrict him at all.

They were crushed in all aspects, roaming, and team battles.


"Well played, my brother Kong."

"Uzi killed three people!"

"Kong's ultimate skill knocked 4 people away, and we got it!"


"Come on EDG!!!"

"EDG, go for it, kill SKT and advance to the first place!"

"Seven o'clock, can you crush SKT and let SKT feel what the will of seven is!"

In the official live broadcast room in China, everyone was cheering for EDG.

This was the least haters. After Lin Kong's video, the audience's favorable impression of EDG rose to this level for the first time.

Most people are expecting EDG to surpass SKT and win the MSI championship!

"Oh my god, the pressure is really full."

As soon as the game with G2 ended, Lin Kong just stepped down and checked his phone for a while.

His private messages on various platforms were completely bombarded, and the first one below wb was flooded.

All of them were cheering Lin Kong to play well and defeat SKT head-on.

Lin Kong even suspected that there was a problem with the time difference, because it was obviously four o'clock in the morning in China.

But this also reflects the enthusiasm of the crowd!

This SKT, if you don't eat it today, you have to eat it!

Time passed quickly, and it was seven o'clock!

The first battle between SKT and EDG began! ! !

"Get ready, it's time to appear!"At Abu's call, the five EDG players lined up and stood on one side.

Stepping onto the stage one by one, on the other side were the five starting players of SKT.

"Top laner, huni!"

"Jungler, peanut!"

"Mid laner, faker!!!"

"Jungler, bang!!"

"Support, wolf!"

The commentators' voices welcoming SKT were much more spirited than those on EDG's side, and the EDG players hadn't had this feeling of playing away from home for a long time.

The whole audience was cheering for the opponent and shouting the opponent's team name.

"That's it, it's worth winning against them!"

Lin Kong and the factory manager and Uzi next to him clapped their hands to cheer them on.

In the official live broadcast room, Haier Brothers and Colonel Guan had also been looking forward to it for a long time. The game screen was synchronized and immediately filled with passion.

"The game officially begins!"

"This is our LPL team, EDG versus the LCK champion, SKT, who holds the title of triple crown!!!"

"Let's wait and see, and cheer for EDG together!"

"In this game, EDG chose the blue side, and SKT chose the red side."

Miller spoke first, introducing the details of the game.

Abu and Coach Kouma also did their homework in advance.

The bans of both sides were extremely targeted.

EDG banned the top laner Rumble, the jungler banned Lee Sin, and then banned Faker's Syndra.

SKT's mid-jungle version of Graves is T0, and the top laners are Fizz and Kled.

It seems that they are planning to tear a huge hole in EDG's upper half weakness.

EDG's first choice was theirs.

Abu looked at Lin Kong, "What do you think? What do you choose?"

"There are many, Lulu, Galio, Clockwork, Zed... Which one do you want?"

"First, take a Lulu support and see what they want."

"Don't worry, I want to win this game!"

Lin Kong was not in a hurry to choose which hero to play. There are so many choices now, and it's not impossible to see what the other party chooses.

"Okay, let's take Lulu first."

EDG locked Lulu, and SKT didn't hesitate, Kennen and Leblanc were brought out together!

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