
When Kangdi saw the shadow, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

It was exactly the same as what he thought in his mind.

Jie came to his side with a shadow, pressed EQA instantly, hit the double Q, and triggered Thunder with passive.

"First blood!"

"The Shadow Master killed the blind monk!"

The female voice of the system just fell.

Everyone in the audience who just came back to their senses widened their eyes.

"Oh my God!"

"Is this the Naruto Jie! Predict the flash landing point, W double QA instantly kill!!!"

Miller was the first to react in the commentary booth. Just now, everyone's attention was still on the factory manager's spider.

The blind monk flashed and was killed by Lin Kong. It only happened in a short second. How could people not be unable to react? !



"My Kong, my Kong is different!"

"Speak up, Kuroko, what's wrong with using Zed against Ekko? My Kong uses Graves against Counter because he is the Gunner God, and uses Zed against Ekko because he is the seventh Hokage!!!"

"Hokage Zed, Kong is awesome!!!"


"Ziardi played well this time, the bottom lane was ganked at level 2, and he directly invaded, not afraid at all."

"This is EDG's mid and jungle, NND, see that there is no WE, feel the horror of our EDG!!!"

"Haha, EDG is awesome, we should play like this, we can really make a comeback from 2-3!"

"Make a comeback from 2-3!!"

The fans of EDG in the whole stadium were boiling.

They were all shouting to make a comeback from 2-3. The audience who wanted to leave after the second game just ended were the ones shouting the loudest.

This is the EDG they want to see!

Xiye was also startled by Lin Kong's sudden attack.

However, when he wanted to intercept Lin Kong, it was too late.

The soldiers entered the tower, and it was useless for him to reach level 3. Lin Kong had already killed the blind monk and walked into their jungle. He joined up with the factory manager and there was no possibility of pursuit.


Xiye was sweating profusely. He was obviously Ekko!

The father of Jie, the grandfather of Jie!

As a result, he was given an advantage in the confrontation between the mid and jungle, although half of this advantage was also created by the factory manager.

But the other half, wasn't it that Lin Kong's Jie successfully suppressed him in the middle lane, and then predicted and killed the blind monk in seconds?

"..... It's okay, it's okay, I'll go to protect the jungle."

The microphone was quite silent, and 957 kept shouting to protect the jungle.

For a while, everyone in WE was quite silent. This ending was something they never expected.

Hongmi, who was in the preparation room, also frowned, opened her mouth slightly, and began to get nervous.

"Can Zed beat Ekko?"

"No one has ever told me this!"

What Hongmi was thinking was also what everyone in EDG was thinking.

Meikou: "Fuck, Kong is awesome!"

Uzi: "This prediction is awesome, my Kong is so handsome, he can really lead me to win!"

Uzi and Meikou were also watching the confrontation in the middle lane. They were at a disadvantage in the bottom lane, so they had to rely on the middle lane to win the game.

Unexpectedly, before they started to resist the pressure, the middle lane had already received good news.

It was inevitable that the two of them were happy.

Lin Kong waved his hands repeatedly and said with a smile: "Not really, 70% of this wave is due to my brother Mingkai's good play, and the invasion was severely damaged by the blind man."

"I picked it up."

"Don't worry, wait until I kill a wave alone before bragging!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

"This wave of jungle cannot be refreshed, the top laner has to come over."

"Stay stable, we must have a rhythm in the early stage of this game!"

The factory manager didn't say much nonsense, praised a few words, and continued to command and execute tactics.

EDG's discipline still depends on the factory manager's good execution.

After getting the first blood, EDG began to crush WE in morale.

In terms of equipment, Lin Kong is also far ahead of Ekko.

If Ekko is really hit by a set of ultimates, it will not be so easy to fight.

Although it is still impossible for Zed to kill Ekko alone.

Of course, what Lin Kong has to do is to break the impossible! !

After another 5 minutes, the time came to 8 minutes.

In the five minutes, EDG did not make any more achievements.

Gragas vs. Fizz in the top lane, this matchup is for development, nothing to say.

957's Gragas is still okay, suppressing Mouse by more than ten knives in the top lane.

Uzi in the bottom lane, because he did not have flash in the front, has been hiding for a while, relying on the top tower knife ability.

He still stabilized the last hit, but was suppressed by about ten knives.

As for the jungler, Zz1tai has been pulling back and forth with Lee Sin in the bottom lane.

With Lin Kong reaching level 6 in advance, he got a little dragon.

In general, it was a stalemate..

The commentators kept saying,

Wang Duoduo: "There is no chance. The blind monk and the spider in the bottom lane are on guard. The two sides are basically even in 3v3."

Colonel Guan: "Nothing happened in the middle lane either. It is impossible for Ekko to kill alone with Zed at level 6."

Miller: "Both sides can develop in the top lane. There is no friction. It seems that both sides have to wait for the next little dragon."

"As for WE's pioneer, I don't know how to deal with it."

"It seems that they plan to put it in the middle lane to relieve the pressure on Ekko."

The two sides have been deadlocked, and the commentators have nothing to say.

It was not until the blind monk came to the middle lane to do something that they could say a few words.

After level 6, Lin Kong's Zed in the middle lane can no longer suppress Ekko without thinking, even if the equipment is ahead.

For 9 minutes, Lin Kong held a set of Youmeng in his hand, but he didn't attack Ekko.

There is no way. No matter how skilled you are, it is impossible to do something that is 100% impossible.

But, I can't kill you, Xiye Ekko alone.

You are a blind monk, so it's hard to say!

Although the blind monk's flash has just been restored, what can he do with the flash?

It may not be released.

When he saw the blind monk coming to the middle in the bottom lane, Lin Kong knew what Kangdi wanted to do, which was to come over and release the vanguard!

"Release the vanguard?"

"Of course, it depends on how you handle it."

"The situation is just stalemate, Kangdi, Kangdi, come and kill!"

In the front, Xiye used his Q skill to clear the soldiers, and the soldiers pressed back, preparing to cooperate with Kangdi to deal with the health of the middle tower.

Kangdi touched Xiye with W, and saw that the soldiers were about to enter the tower, and he did not hesitate to release the vanguard, and then went to the bottom lane to play chess with the factory manager.

Unexpectedly, the opportunity Lin Kong was looking for was this moment.

"I'm here Teemo!!!"

Lin Kong saw the blind monk stretch out his hand to show the purple mark, and he knew it was time to release the vanguard.

There was no hesitation.

He pressed several keys in succession,

Flash, ignite,

R, W, Q, E, close to the face, A, then R back.

The combo was done in one go, in just one second!

Lee Sin had just released the Vanguard, and when he saw Lin Kong approaching, he frantically pressed the ultimate.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything when releasing the Vanguard.

When he could R, Lin Kong could also R, he Red out, and Lin Kong R went back.

It was the same as not releasing it.

As for Ekko?

When his W landed, the grass on Lee Sin's grave was three meters high.


After a set of attacks, Lin Kong returned to his position.

A moment later, the ultimate ended and exploded.

"The Shadow Lord killed Lee Sin!"

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