"Then I will definitely believe you. Can Kong lead me to win this time?!"

Uzi also said happily. If others don't believe, how can he not believe Lin Kong?

Not to mention Zed vs. Ekko, and Sorry vs. Ekko, Uzi agreed.

"A sure win!"

Lin Kong said happily,

He also began to formulate a strategy against Ekko in his heart.

After Lin Kong's Zed was selected, the remaining BPs looked as bland as tea.

Hongmi made the final arrangements, said a few words to Xiye, and then stepped down.

Uzi's sister dunk on the EDG side took out Ashe and Thresh, and matched his teammates' pulling lineup.

WE957 took out the top single Gragas, and cooperated with Varus and Karma, who were also big cores in the bottom lane.

The lineups on both sides were formed.

"EDG side, top laner Fizz, jungler Elise, mid laner Zed, AD Ashe, support Thresh."

"WE side, top laner Gragas, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Ekko, AD Varus, support Karma."

"What can I say about this lineup? Both sides are lineups that speed up in the mid-term."

"It's a bit interesting. We should see a lot of early-stage clashes and mid-term teamfights. Both sides need resources."

The three people on the commentary stage commented on the lineups of both sides.

Just as the three people said, both sides knew that their early-stage and mid-term rhythms were crucial, and there was a clash at level 1.

However, Meiko's Thresh made a mistake right after he came up.

Facing 957's Gragas at the front, his first Q was empty.

Instead, he was caught by Gragas' E.

Seeing the situation, Xiye clicked on the W skill, and Ekko's W fell.

The confrontation in the jungle area was immediately unsuccessful, and Meiko's Thresh was also hit with a flash.

EDG had a bad start.

"My, my..."

Meikou was a little nervous while speaking, because the Q just now should not have missed.

957 predicted his prediction and dodged it without moving.

"It's okay, hold on in the bottom lane."

"He has a blind monk ganking the bottom lane, and he must be level 3 anyway."

"I'll be fine if I do a counter-camp."

Zhuazhang comforted Meikou, saying that in such a critical match point game, the mentality of the players is more important.

Lin Kong was also happy,

"This wave is a blood profit, okay!"

"Why be humble! Otherwise, my brother Jian will break through the bottom lane later, and this game will be boring."

"Tian Ye, you must be letting me continue to maintain a 100% win rate and a 100% MVP, and deliberately let me carry."

"I'll go to the bottom lane to reward you with two supports later!"

As soon as Lin Kong said this, EDG's microphone also laughed.

Facing the first wave of mistakes, EDG's microphone still maintained joy, and their mentality was completely relaxed.

However, when they were on the line, the impact of the mistake still existed.

Thresh didn't flash in the bottom lane, and the jungle was lit up. Conti knew the position of the factory manager, and he really caught the bottom lane with Lee Sin at level 2.

It was a lesson for Uzi.

"Fuck, so disgusting, Lee Sin is coming at level 2!"

Uzi saw Lee Sin, and luckily he was quick to flash and avoid the sound wave.

Otherwise, he would have to explain.

But there was no double flash in the bottom lane, and it would be difficult to face Varus and Karma in the early stage.

"EMM, I'll clear the jungle first, Lin Kong, is there a line in the middle lane, let's invade!"

"Lee Sin plays like this, you must invade."

"Bottom lane, Uzi, you guys develop first."

Factory manager had no choice, his Spider still had to quickly reach level 3 in the early stage, and Lee Sin completely fasted and sacrificed himself to help the bottom lane gain an advantage, which he didn't expect.

He could only quickly clear the jungle, and then cooperate with Lin Kong to bring the rhythm to the middle lane.

This is a normal exchange.


"Then there must be lane control!"

"At level 1, my Zed is invincible!"

At level 1, Zed can basically get lane control as long as his Q is accurate, and the same is true against Ekko.

After taking two Qs from Lin Kong, Xiye let go of the lane and prepared to wait for level 3.

After all, his level 1 Ekko clicked W, so there was no way he could have any lane control.

After being robbed of level 2 by Zed, he continued to lose lane control until level 3, when the line of soldiers entered the tower and leveled up to level 3, and then he could fight against Lin Kong.


Zhaozhang nodded and directly abandoned his upper jungle.

After brushing his favorite F6, he set off for WE's upper jungle and went to the opponent's F6.

So far, both sides have a normal rhythm.

It's just that the continuous accidents in the bottom lane at level 1 and level 2 made it look a bit thrilling.

In the live broadcast room, many people were scared.

"Fuck! This girl won't be caught if she doesn't miss her Q at level 1."

"It's difficult. Uzi is suppressed. Varus and Karma can suppress her all the time. EDG's bottom lane will definitely have no advantage."

"It's definitely no use. The bottom lane has no advantage.I don't know how EDG can win. Kong Ge is playing Zed against Ekko again, so it's definitely not easy to gain an advantage. "

"GG! Damn it, damn it, what can I say to you? You thought you were just starting out!"

"This Thresh, I can Q him at level 1."

"That's right, he just stood there and let people Q him."

"The top lane is also G, Xiaoyu is restrained by Gragas and can't get the line control at all."

"Disadvantage in three lanes, EDG go home and sleep."

"So Abu is really not as good as Redmi, WE's coach is good, you just don't know it. ”

Just 3 minutes into the game,

EDG was sentenced to death in the live broadcast room.

The speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping.

No one noticed that in fact, in the mid-jungle, the factory manager and Lin Kong had already launched their offensive.

Fortunately, the director still had a brain and watched the confrontation in the bottom lane.

Seeing that the factory manager was preparing to invade, the camera had already cut over.

The factory manager's spider was level 3 at this time and came to the F6 position. Lin Kong also ate the second line of the third wave of soldiers, reached level 3, and learned all the skills.

The soldiers were also suppressed under Ekko's tower.

The invasion posture was ready.

"This is, we are going to invade!"

"The blind monk will be at the F6 position soon."

"EDG should be able to make some achievements in this wave, at least they can make the blind monk flash. "

From the perspective of the God, Colonel Guan also saw that after Lee Sin killed three wolves, he went to F6.

This is where the factory manager was so powerful. The factory manager squatted in the bushes behind the red buff wall, blocked the field of vision, and observed whether Lee Sin would Q over the wall.

Just as the factory manager thought, Lee Sin Q hit the big bird, and without any hesitation, Q over.

The factory manager immediately took a few steps, and the spider form fell from the sky and came to Lee Sin.

When he saw the factory manager, Lee Sin did not retreat, but planned to hit him twice.

Because Ekko was right next to him, it was not so easy for Lin Kong, who was still pushing the line, to reach him. If Spider did not have E, there might be a chance to kill him.

In the microphone, Kangdi kept calling Xiye.

Xiye was also quite anxious. He was just a little short of the experience level 3 before he could click E to help Lee Sin.

As a result, he was stuck in position by Lin Kong and couldn't get the line.

On the factory manager's side, he used W and the spider bit the blind monk, which hurt him a lot and reduced his health.

When W was about to end,

He then used Q, switched to human form and pressed EQW instantly, hitting the blind monk perfectly.

He reduced the blind monk's health to less than half.

The blind monk's Q skill was still on CD, so he continued to fight until the spider's ultimate skill was ready. Even with Q, he had no blood to resist the spider's next Q.

He looked at Ekko again and saw that he was stuck in position and couldn't get over.

Kangdi sighed and then flashed over the wall to avoid being killed by the factory manager.

However, he never expected that 0.5 seconds after flashing over the wall, he would still be waiting for death.

Lin Kong's shadow suddenly appeared at the position where he flashed over the wall.

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