"I understand."

"I still have flash, I can operate it."

Mouse heard what Lin Kong said and knew what Lin Kong meant.

Lin Kong's Galio maintained a very healthy health in the ganks in the top and bottom lanes.

There was about half of the mana left, which was enough to support a 2v2 confrontation.

The RNG side saw the tp light up, because Lin Kong's Galio had used tp before.

Xiaohu and Xiangguo knew that this was the tp of Qing Gangying.

"He doesn't have a big move!"

"Isn't this tp a gift?!"

"Xiangguo, kill him instantly!"

Xiaohu had just seen the situation in the top lane, and he also caught the information that Qing Gangying didn't have a big move.

He started to discuss with Xiangguo and prepared to kill Mouse who landed.

He even started to collect the balls of the q skill, ready to control Qing Gangying directly when he landed.

"Okay!" Xiang Guo also agreed quickly. His Warwick was well-equipped. With Syndra, he was confident that he could kill Qinggangying in one second.

He immediately activated his ultimate on the spot, waiting for Qinggangying to land. Xiaohu took over the control and jumped up to burst.

As soon as one wave was over, another wave started. The director did not have time to replay and focused on the middle lane.

"Qinggangying TPed. This does not feel like a good time. There is still a quarter of the defense tower left. He can t down."

"Walker directly used his ultimate on the spot. Syndra was accumulating balls. He was going to kill Qinggangying who TPed in one second."

"Mouse is too greedy. This middle tower cannot be defended. They actually earned a lot in other lanes."

"There is no need to defend it forcefully."

Seeing the picture and simply analyzing the situation, Colonel Guan immediately felt that this wave of Qinggangying would be given away for nothing.

That was Syndra. The level 6 burst kill line in the middle lane was close to two-thirds of the blood.

There is also a Warwick on the side. As long as he lands on the ground, it is not difficult to melt a person!

The audience also started to curse when they saw this scene.

Mouse usually performs averagely in EDG, and this wave of TP looks like a crime again.

Originally, Lin Kong ganked two lanes, but if the Shen was killed.

It means that the top lane was ganked in vain, and only the bottom lane was ganked. The middle tower was pushed, and this exchange was a huge loss.

"Oh my god, don't hurt my brother Kong, mouse, can you t?"

"Why do you need to t, Warwick and Syndra, come and kill them instantly."

"Why? Even if you tp to the bottom lane and destroy the tower, no one will say anything. T in the middle and give it away?!"

"My Kong is going to cry because of being pitted today."

"I am really impressed. What is this tp for?"

In the live broadcast room, because of the commentary of Colonel Guan, most people naturally thought that mouse was giving it away at the first time.

No one noticed that Lin Kong's Galio had walked to a position where the ultimate range could just reach the middle lane tower.

Qing Gangying landed, instantly.

"Do it!"

Xiaohu and Xiangguo did not hesitate at all, and all their skills came out. Xiangguo's Warwick aimed at Qing Gangying, and the mid-air E combo was perfectly connected.

Syndra did the same, qe Tiannv Sanhua, followed by WR, and her skills did not hesitate at all.

The damage of the two people burst towards Qing Gangying.

However, neither of them expected the operation made by mouse.

The moment he landed, according to the previous plan with Lin Kong.

Mouse immediately flashed to avoid Syndra's fatal qe combo.

Although, the subsequent WR could not be avoided.

But he could still use skills and basic attacks anyway.

Dodge QE, Warwick jumped up, and immediately AEE without hesitation.

Hit the shield.

So far, these alone are not enough to keep Shen alive, as Rengar's burst and Syndra's WR hit.

If there is no follow-up, he will still die.

"Heroes are coming!"


"It's Galio!"

On the commentary stand, Wang Duoduo excitedly explained.

That's right!

At the moment when Mouse teleported to the ground, Lin Kong's ultimate was almost broken.

At the moment when Mouse landed and flashed, Lin Kong's ultimate was also released.

The newly revised Galio, the second extremely abnormal point.

The target locked by the ultimate can reduce damage!

Maybe it's not that high, but Shen dodged Xiaohu's QE, and played a shield, combined with damage reduction.

Mouse's Shen took on Rengar's burst and Syndra's WR, and still had nearly one-third of his health left.

At this time, Xiangguo's Rengar was stunned by Shen's E.

Because the brutality value is used to deal damage with two Qs, and there is no W to release control, he has no room for operation at all.

He can only watch helplessly as his own lion dog is stunned, and then Lin KongjiaThe knock-up of the hero Leo.

The moment Lin Kong landed, he used W to taunt, and Xiang Guo was even under the tower at this moment.

The ending was doomed.

"The Colossus of Justice killed the Pride Stalker!"


"Galio's ultimate was too timely, saving the Yasuo from death and taking away the Warwick."

"Syndra has no choice, she has no skills anymore, she can only retreat!!"

"EDG didn't chase, their skills were also on cooldown, but they had enough, they earned enough!!"

"Hero saves the game, three lanes fly, the middle tower is saved!!!"

"This Galio is awesome!"

Wang Duoduo's excited commentary also made the scene boil.

All the EDG fans couldn't help but cheer.

"Fuck!!! Kong!!"

"Three lanes run in one minute, so cool!"

"I thought it was a gift, but it turned out to be another gank planned by my brother Kong!"

"This is OK, this is OK? Three lanes were destroyed in one minute!!"

"Too cool!!"

"Who else is this Galio? Who else!"

"Kong brother, awesome!"

"So cool, the hero is on the stage, it's really a hero on the stage!!"

"1 to 1!"

The EDG audience cheered, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was the same, shocked by Lin Kong's Galio.

One minute, three lanes run.

4 kills!

The middle tower that was originally doomed to be lost was saved.

Uzi: "Awesome!"

Zizi: "The opponent is also anxious, and didn't even think of Galio."

mouse: "Haha, this wave will be a highlight tomorrow!"

Everyone in the EDG microphone was also very happy.

One minute, RNG's three lanes blossomed, 4 kills

The original RNG Tristana rhythm was completely over, and the middle lane tower was not destroyed.

Instead, RNG's bottom lane tower was destroyed.

Tristana was useless, and RNG's mid and jungle did not gain an advantage, and the game was basically over.

Compared with EDG's cheerful atmosphere, RNG was silent.

We were tricked again! !

Everyone was angry in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do.

This game is over, which is what everyone thinks now.

Another successful gank in the middle lane,

In the preparation room, Abu couldn't help but stand up excitedly.


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