"Oh my god! Galio TPed to the bottom lane, and Zz1tai was in position at the bottom lane."

"Four-on-two, this is actually a four-on-two wave?!"

"EDG is too strong, planning a gank in the top lane while also planning a four-on-two in the bottom lane?!!"

Guan Zeyuan couldn't help but exclaimed in the commentary booth. He couldn't think of it when he saw the position where Lin Kong TPed.

Galio, who was just in the top lane, came to the bottom lane, and Zz1tai was in position.

While RNG's mid and jungle were still demolishing towers, four EDG players suddenly launched an attack on the bottom lane.


"There is such a move?"

"Brother Kong, isn't this a bit exaggerated? Just after ganking the top lane, he came to the bottom lane to continue ganking?"

"Is this the mid laner? A pure battlefield rhythm machine!"

The audience was also shocked by this sudden second gank. They didn't think there was such a way of playing.

They can understand organizing an attack.

But they couldn't understand why the top and bottom organized two consecutive attacks.

Since EDG decided to take action, they were not ambiguous at all.

Factory Manager: "TP land immediately, Uzi, you block the front!"

"I'm in position, both of them must be kept this time."

Uzi: "Okay!!!"

meiko: "Look at the AD, the AD still has flash, we must kill first!"

"They don't have level 6, shut down Tristana's W!"

Everyone made a quick judgment. Galio was level 6 at this time, and their bottom lane was just a suppression line, and 2 waves of minions could enter the tower.

"I'm on the ground!"

As soon as Lin Kong landed, Ai Loli and Xiao Ming's faces immediately became ugly.

Originally, they thought that there was only one Spider in the factory manager, and they had two skills in hand and healthy blood volume, so they would not be crossed at all.

But now there is another Galio in Lin Kong, and the situation is completely different.

They were caught in the middle, Meiko's Wind Girl charged up her Q skill in front, and Uzi's Ashe's W made it difficult for them to move.

Behind them, Zz1t's Spider surrounded them.

Galio TP landed,

There was no way to escape!

Seeing this, Xiao Ming decisively sold out, blocking the attack of the two people in front to see if Ai Loli could escape.

EDG had a clear division of labor, with Uzi and Xiao Ming watching Fanzi Ma.

Zz1t's Spider took the lead in carrying the tower, and prepared to kill Tristana with Lin Kong.

Ai Loli tried to escape with W, trying to use Tristana's W to offset the control, and then use flash to pull away, to see if she could get out of danger.

It's a pity that the idea is good, but the reality is very skinny.

Tristana, who jumped in the air with W, was taunted by Lin Kong Galio's W in the air, and was still taunted when she landed.

Lin Kong calmly used his E skill, and turned around to watch him. With his E skill in human form, he could not escape even if Tristana flashed.

"Spider Queen killed the Maglin Gunner!"

"Ice Archer killed the Apocalypse!"

One kill for each person in the bottom lane, perfect distribution.

Uzi: "Nice!"

Meiko: "Great TP!"

Factory Manager: "I really didn't expect this wave, it's amazing."

"Not only did he catch the top lane, he also caught the bottom lane!"

"Well played!"

Factory Manager praised Lin Kong. Lin Kong was able to observe the top lane soldiers and scout the bottom lane at the same time.

His overall view is simply perfect.

This is how you can achieve success in both the top lane and the bottom lane.

Now Factory Manager understands why Boss Zhu said that Lin Kong was a genius.

This is simply a genius!

On the commentary stand, Wang Duoduo couldn't help but praise Lin Kong.

"This mid laner!"

"He has a great sense of the overall situation. He knew that he was going to be caught in the middle lane, so he immediately went to gank the top lane and was able to judge the situation in the bottom lane at the same time."

"The TP was left to the bottom lane for the tower dive. This doesn't seem to be EDG's coordinated tactics, but King's on-the-spot judgment!"

"If that's the case, this Galio is too terrifying."

A mid laner killed both the top and bottom lanes within 1 minute.

It sounds so fantastic that it makes the audience feel mysterious.

At this time, the live broadcast room was completely blown up, and there were no haters.

Everyone was exclaiming for Lin Kong's top-notch on-the-spot judgment.

"My brother Kong is so strong!"

"I am crying, great character, choosing Galio and devoting himself to his teammates, not wanting a single kill, double catching in 1 minute!"

"My brother Kong is so handsome, woooo, top fireman Galio!"

"God of war in the key game, black people speak, who dares to say my brother Kong is incompetent, you play Galio?!"

"Question, question louder, let me hear, who dares to say my brother Kong!"

"This mid-lane, how come I have never encountered it in the ranking, all of them are earthbound spirits like Xiaohu, who don't roam at all, otherwise I can be in silver!"

Lin Kong's operation madeAll the black pieces in the live broadcast room turned into white pieces at once.

RNG was also beaten quite silent.

letme and Ai Loli were caught and killed, and they didn't say anything.

They could only watch the middle lane destroy a tower.

Xiang Guo and Xiao Hu didn't know what to say. This wave was indeed a road they had never expected.

"My, my, I didn't expect it."

"Xiang Guo, hurry up and destroy it. The remaining one-third can also be destroyed..."

Xiao Hu was a little speechless. What can he do?

The tactic is to catch Lin Kong, but Lin Kong doesn't even have a lane.

Is this how the mid-lane Galio plays? At level 5, he ganks the top, and after killing, he upgrades to level 6 and ganks the bottom.

He didn't even use the ultimate move to catch the bottom!

What can Xiao Hu do? !

Teammates were caught, and they laughed while brushing?

This is the only way.

On the other hand,

Lin Kong, who had ganked the bottom lane, was not overwhelmed by the praise of his teammates, but continued to think.

Two ganks in 1 minute, it is really amazing.

But Lin Kong knew that in fact, in the semi-finals of the S7 World Championship, Faker didn't know how many times he had performed this kind of firefighting operation.

After rescuing the top lane, he TPed to the bottom lane to continue to put out the fire and capture people.

He knew that Xiaohu had no choice, otherwise the S7 that year would not have been lost.

However, Lin Kong had to do more than that. After catching the bottom lane, he saw that there was only one-third of the defense tower in the middle lane left.

The pace towards the middle lane also accelerated a lot.

"Mouse, TP!"

"Mouse, TP the middle lane!"

"Protect the first tower!!!"

Lin Kong's voice gradually became louder in the microphone, and it also shocked the others.

Mouse did not hesitate. He had just returned home and quickly TPed to the middle lane.

"Ah? They might kill me in seconds."

Mouse remembered that Syndra and Warwick were demolishing the tower in the middle lane, and he immediately regretted it.

Others were also quite nervous when they heard this.

Indeed, why Lin Kong didn't dare to go to the middle lane? Isn't it because RNG's mid and jungle double 6 can kill people instantly?

Lin Kong let Qing Gangying tp the middle lane, which was a bit like giving it away.

"I have my ultimate, I have my ultimate!"

"Don't be afraid!"

"The middle tower won't give it to you!"

Lin Kong yelled in the microphone, and the EDG people reacted.

In the 1-minute double capture just now, Lin Kong's ultimate was not used yet!

When Qing Gangying landed, Lin Kong and Galio could use their ultimate to return to the middle lane to protect the tower.

One minute three lanes run!

This word appeared in the minds of the other EDG people.

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