Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 87 Volcanic Eruption (1)

The demon was about one meter and two in length, much smaller than the strong demon that the white bear in Nellis's image was fighting against, and had dark red skin, just like the little demon that appeared in System's previous games and novels.

The little devil was left with only the left half of his body and head, struggling painfully in the snow pit.

System did not rashly approach.

After observing from a distance with Shava for a while, System turned into [Frost Form], and used [Frost Slime] on the top of the tree branches to breathe out this immortal little devil.

System heard a few angry curses from the little devil in a strange language, but he couldn't understand it at all. It should be the language of the abyss, and neither did Nellis.

After a few minutes, maybe the little demon lost too much blood, or the little demon was affected by the [Frost Slime] attack, and the little demon with only half of its body died.

The wounds on the little devil's half body were uneven, and they didn't look like they were formed by being bitten, nor did they look like wounds left by weapons attacking.

System did not find any footprints or other traces near the little devil's body, which was unusual.

The little devil is like being made like this by something and then thrown here, very strange.

System scanned the surroundings with his eyes for ten minutes and found that the surrounding environment was still very quiet, so he jumped off the branch and dipped the blood of the little devil with his tentacles and put it into his mouth.

As System speculated about the abyss creatures, he tasted a spicy taste that confused him, with a slight sweetness.

The experience generated by the flesh of the little devil is not very high, and it is not even better than the flesh of the frost slime. It seems that the little devil should be a weak abyss creature.

This kind of spicy, sweet and chaotic meat is obviously not suitable for the food of the ant people, and even System himself does not really want to eat this kind of food.

But System quickly thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone, which is to use the half demon corpse to feed the slime.

Slimes, as scavengers of forest swamps, are a kind of microbe-like aggregate, and even digesting the corpse of demons will not have any effect on it.

In this way, not only can he harvest more slime glue, but also have the half demon corpse as a bait, and it can also prevent the frost slime from escaping suddenly when it is in captivity.



Bringing back the demon corpse and the three slimes together with Shava did not show any other twists and turns. System successfully used the corpse of the little devil to keep the frost slime in captivity...

Ten days passed, and six of System's worker ant knights burst out of chrysalis.

Except for the one with the lowest intelligence, the shape of the worker ant remained the same as before, and the remaining five worker ants had the appearance of knights.

The first two worker ant knights had grown to about fifteen centimeters in ten days, much faster than System expected.

During these ten days, while the common worker ants in the ant colony were eating slime gum, three more worker ants appeared and entered the second pupation.

And Queen Ant Lin finally entered into the second pupation under System's watchful eye, forming a huge insect pupae that was nearly thirty centimeters long.

However, with the exception of Queen Linda and these three worker ants, most of the remaining ants in the nest do not have much potential. Unless a lot of time is wasted, it is difficult for them to enter the second pupation.

System's lair has once again entered a stage of steady development.

A month has passed again...

Except for the two soldier ants that took a longer time to pupate, all the remaining worker ant knights had already emerged from the chrysalis.

Among the thirteen worker ants, three of them have not changed much in appearance, but have become larger than ordinary ants, and their fangs have become larger, and their appearance is similar to that of soldier ants.

The remaining ten all turned into worker ant knights resembling Shava.

Most of the forelimbs of the worker ant knights have bladed weapons similar to ant fangs. Only the first two worker ant knights emerged from the chrysalis with diamond-shaped spikes and strange hooks.

During this month, System accumulated experience through continuous eating, raised his level to the full level of 15, and successfully activated the talent [Super Speed ​​Regeneration].

Perhaps because of the newly acquired title Xenogeneic Insect.

System found that the process of activating [Super Speed ​​Regeneration] was much easier than he thought, and he could easily obtain this powerful life-saving ability by referring to the ability of Little Meatball.


[Super Speed ​​Regeneration] (13/19): Obtain special talents from [Insect Adaptability], [Numeric Code], [Severe Limb Regeneration], [Insect Ability Activation]. The body can be rapidly regenerated by consuming life force.


After possessing [Super Speed ​​Regeneration], it only took a dozen seconds for System's broken tentacles to grow out of his vitality.

Not only tentacles, but his broken exoskeleton, broken tentacles and wings can grow in a short period of time by consuming life force.

As long as the fatal injury to his head did not cause him to lose consciousness, his crippled body could recover very quickly by consuming his life force.

After the successful activation of [Super Speed ​​Regeneration], System also began to prepare to activate the talent [Body Transformation].

By comparing the [Body Transformation] and the gradually growing body of the small meat ball, System had an excellent idea of ​​the ability [Body Transformation].

That is to use the ability of [Body Transformation] to transform the body with the [Corrosive Mucus] secreted by his glands to form a body similar to meat balls and slimes that ignores physical attacks.

The weakness of his head is no longer a weakness by then, as long as his body is not destroyed in an instant, he will not die.

Because of his mutation, his [Corrosive Slime] rarely possesses the characteristics of life, just like the blood flowing in his body. In theory, his body can completely transform with the [Corrosive Slime] gelatin.

However, to actually implement it, the talent level required for [Body Transformation] is somewhat high. Only when the talent level is high enough can he transform his body back and forth between flesh and gel.

This was a little troublesome for System, who had a low degree of fit with [Body Transformation].

Although he has [Ability Enhancement], he can strengthen his ability, but System cannot strengthen the upper limit of his ability. Otherwise, during this period of time, his strengthening of [Numerical Code] will undoubtedly give him more incredible abilities.

System must make the upper limit of the talent level when [Body Shape] is activated as high as possible, at least to level 11.

So a few days ago, after System activated [Super Speed ​​Regeneration], he often came to Little Meatball's room to communicate with Little Meatball on a daily basis, while comparing and feeling the [Body Transformation] ability in Little Meatball. .

After nearly forty days, the little meatball has regarded System as the closest person.

Unlike ordinary ant people, although System had taught Meatball to call him king, Meatball always called him father.

In fact, Little Meatball originally called him his mother, but after System corrected him countless times, Little Meatball finally changed it and called him his father.

After these days of continuous eating, the small meat ball has grown to a size of ten centimeters. Although it is not as good as its predecessor, it can already change its body into various shapes.

Among them, Meatball's favorite is to imitate System's tentacle monster. Besides, it maintains the state of Meatball most of the time.

The little meatball seems to hate being alone, and if System is not around, it will often get close to other ants and imitate System, extending its tentacles to entangle the ants.

Among them, the worker ant Black is the closest to Little Meatball. Little Meatball often gets close to Black and plays with Black.

And since a dozen days ago, System took the little meatball to fly outside the nest once, and the little meatball basically went outside for a few laps every day, sometimes with System, sometimes with the same Black together, or the worker ant knight hook with thunder and lightning ability.

System also made an agreement with Little Meatball today. After the inspection, he would take it to fly outside for a while.

But on this day, System used the tentacle's [Sensing] power to compare the [Body Transformation] talent.

The uneasiness that System had been experiencing for the past few months reappeared, and this time the uneasiness felt extremely strong, as if something was about to happen.

After a few steps, along with the strange fluctuations sensed by the tentacles, the underground nest where System was located shook violently, and the ant people in the nest expressed uneasy emotions one after another, appearing to be very flustered.


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