Laws of the Insect Hive

Chapter 86 Half Body Demon

The small meat ball is different from the big meat ball in the past. It seems that it does not yet have the ability to perceive the outside world like the big meat ball. It has no sense of hearing, smell, or smell.

The only thing that can perceive the outside world is the touch of the sticking out granulation.

Its IQ is higher than that of ordinary ants, and after being in contact with System for half an hour, the little meatball imitated System and tried to move its body by extending its granulation.

However, the granulation strength of the small meatball is not very strong, and it cannot support the weight of the small meatball at all. Only its spherical body can roll in the soil.

Just like finding a novel toy, the ball has been using the granulation to make its body roll on the ground for the rest of the time, and from time to time there are some emotions of joy...

And through constant contact with the small meat ball, the [sensing] power on System's tentacles came into play again.

Before [Metamorphosis Growth] was transformed into [Pupation], System did not feel the ability of [Body Transformation] very clearly, but he felt it more clearly.

[Body Deformation] This power cannot make the body deform at will, and can only be appropriately changed according to the original insect bloodline of the body.

The reason why the predecessor of the small meat ball can change into various shapes is because of its [devouring] talent, which allows it to plunder and absorb the bloodlines of too many kinds of insect life, and can change into many strange appearances.

Like [Super Speed ​​Regeneration], System's [Body Transformation] ability also has the possibility of being activated.

However, the fit of [Body Transformation] with his body is not particularly high. After activation, the upper limit of the talent level will be very low, and the deformation ability will not be very sensitive.

System didn't know for a while whether this ability should be activated.

Perhaps this ability can change the extra stomach and speed up my digestion of food and harvest experience, but if I can't do that, it will undoubtedly waste a lot of experience points.

System probed the bloodline on Little Meatball with his tentacles and thought about it, but found that at some point, Little Meatball also followed his example and stretched out granulation buds to wrap his tentacles.

This little meatball imitated System's movements as if it were his descendant.

System shook his head slightly, without thinking any further, he piled some food next to the small meat ball, and started to go to the ice and snow world outside, looking for frost slime or other large meat food.


A few days have passed, and the ice and snow world of Lierte Forest has not changed much.

Wrapped in silver, the wind was cold, and the temperature was the same as a few days ago, around minus 40 degrees, with no obvious change.

But at the exit of the nest, System's tentacles smelled a faint fragrance, like the scent of flowers that often wafted in the summer of Liert Forest.

Ice crystal vines with the thickness of chopsticks and pale green appeared on the trees around System's lair at the same time, and a few frost flowers bloomed sporadically among the not wide oval leaves.

In just a few days, the seeds of these Frost Flowers have sprouted and grown rapidly, and the largest vine of several Frost Flowers has even grown to a height of one meter.

The shape of the Frost Flower was similar in size to the rose in System's previous life, but the color was obviously different, like ice and snow, translucent white.

The five surrounding vines were all growing well, but on three of the vines, System found some uninvited guests, the butterfly larvae that he kept as livestock.

There seems to be a butterfly spawning ground nearby, and as a result, nearly a hundred small reptiles appeared on the ice crystal flower.

If left alone, even though the vines of these Frostflowers grow very quickly, they will be eaten away by these butterfly larvae.

Spikes, hooks, get the butterfly larvae out of these vines.

The two worker ant knights nicknamed by System immediately moved into action. They climbed onto the vines and killed these small butterfly larvae, which were only one centimeter in size, one after another without any effort.

Before long, more common worker ants emerged from the nest, collecting and transporting the dead bodies of many butterfly larvae that fell from the vines and were killed back to the nest.

System did not pay too much attention to the killing of the butterfly larvae by these ant people. He stretched out his tentacles and plucked a frost flower.

Frost Blossoms look hard, but are actually as soft as ordinary roses.

It exudes a peculiar frosty smell, obviously a magical plant, System can taste a much richer salty and umami taste than snow when he puts the petals in his mouth, and has a very weak pineapple sweetness, which matches the petals. With a slightly soft texture, System feels like eating fruity shrimp.

For the same weight, this petal provides slightly more experience than Frost Slime's jelly and is a good food.

It's a pity that the experience generated by this frost energy can only be useful to him or Shava with the Frost bloodline, and it is completely useless to ordinary ant people.

It is almost impossible to fill the stomach of Ant Knight with this frost flower.

However, this kind of Frost Flower seems to have a special effect on Neris, the ice elf who has contracted with System. As System eats the Frost Flower, it usually only appears on top of his head in [Frost Form]. The light circle suddenly appeared above System's head.

And as System ate these Frost Flowers, the halo above his head began to flicker like an unstable voltage.

System asked the Ice Spirit.

Nellis's answer was the same as most of the time, she asked three questions.

She didn't know what was going on, but said that this frost energy made her very comfortable, and if she absorbed this energy for a long time, she would experience some changes.



The episode from Frost Blossom passed quickly, and System and Shava started a long search for the Frost Slime.

After a day and a half of searching, System finally found his new friend, Frost Slime, buried under the snow at a distance of 2.5 kilometers from his lair.

And what System found this time was not a single frost slime, but one large and two small, a total of three slimes.

Under the snow where the slime was, System also found the corpse of the giant snake that was almost dissolved by the slime.

It seems that the slime should be able to quickly divide and reproduce by dissolving this unfortunate snake corpse, and finally form the three slimes of one large, two small and small.

Using the ability of [Teleportation], System decided to lead these slimes to the frozen mud pile under the snow near his lair for captivity.

However, System was in the process of instructing the three frost slimes who were not very obedient to jump on the snow.

System's tentacles swayed slightly, and he smelled a sulfur smell again, the abyss that made him uneasy. His body was responding the same way it had been in recent months, and [intuition] had that vague sense of unease again.

System originally thought that the meat ball from a few days ago was the source of his anxiety these days, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The unease he felt had nothing to do with the meatball or the owner of the meatball at all, but something else.

Two minutes later, the uneasiness in System's body faded as before, but this time the abyss that filled the air did not disappear immediately.

Following this breath, System flew to the sky to search. In a snow crater about a kilometer away, System found a half-demon, to be precise, one with half of its body and head left. the devil.

It should still be alive...

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