Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 835: Another demon?

This mouse is not an ordinary mouse, but a gray rat!

Ordinary mice have no way to survive in the harsh environment of God's Land. Either they have evolved into gods, or they have become food for gods.

This mouse is relatively lucky. Since the place where it lives can be selected as a stronghold by the people of the magic door, it naturally has a unique environment.

The concentration of evil spirit here is much lower than that in the relics of gods and demons, which is equivalent to the level of ordinary wild gray evil land. That's why an ordinary gray rat can survive here.

The gray beasts are more fierce than ordinary beasts, but it also depends on the type and degree of alienation. Like this gray rat, it is about the fighting power of an ordinary white goose.

Of course, in terms of ethnicity, it is more than a little bit stronger than the average mouse.

But that's it.

The people present clearly saw that it had only thin gray spirit power on its body, only the weakest gray beast.

However, this little gray beast mastered the secret sword technique of Baihonggu, Void Sword Escape.

Void Sword Escape, but a more advanced reclusive method than Shadow Transformation Secret Art.

During the general Qi training period, even the disciples of the innate period could not make it, but now it was made so slippery by a gray rat, how could he not let Jiuge practice dumbfounded.

"Is this the pet of which elder in Baihong Valley?"

Zhao Guangming inquired about the mouse's details with Lian Jiuge while telling the big orange claws to show mercy.

If it were an ordinary gray beast, he would have let Daju slap him to death. But who knows the background of the mouse who has mastered the "Void Sword Dun"? You have to figure it out.

Lian Jiuge shook his head: "No, no one in Baihonggu can keep this kind of pet."

"Is it possible that this mouse can learn by himself without a teacher, and learn from your Patriarch Ya?" Zhao Guangming once again raised a possibility.

Lian Jiuge's face shook his head with a green expression.

Zhao Guangming's understanding of Baihonggu is only at a half-hearted level. Practicing Jiuge is not too much to say.

Is it possible for the mouse to comprehend Zushiya to comprehend such advanced sword escape skills? Doesn't it mean that many of the elders in Baihonggu who are sitting on the Patriarch's Yawu sword are not as good as mice?

What's more, Zu Shiya is not here at all. Even if this mouse can comprehend the sword, can it still follow them to flee for thousands of miles?

They are here to discuss the origin of this mouse, and Daju is also playing cat and mouse games over there.

No matter how this mouse escapes into the void, it can always be easily found by Daju.

Orange cats are also cats!

Its sensitivity to mice has long been integrated into its nature.

If the person using "Void Sword Dun" here is a practitioner, it would never be so easy for Daju to find his position.

But when it was a mouse, Daju was able to lock it down only by smell.

Following Zhao Guangming's orders, the mouse forced by the big orange was exhausted and showed up frequently.

But it won't kill it, and it's ready to wait for the rat's muscles to run out of strength before being captured again.

However, this time when the mouse appeared again. A stick flew from a distance and drove the mouse away with a "bang"!

The Grey Rat suddenly burst into blood and died with a slight twitch.

"Meow!" Big orange was frying, and called out dissatisfiedly at Wu Hao who threw out the stick.

Lian Jiuge and Zhao Guangming were also shocked, and Zhao Guangming even complained: "Hey, we haven't figured out the origin of this mouse yet. Why are you killing it so quickly?"

Wu Hao laughed twice, and said, "Is it possible that Elder Zhao still has to interrogate it for nothing. Dare to ask if you have someone who is proficient in rat language in the Zhao family?"

Zhao Guangming: "..."

Seeing his speechless appearance, Wu Hao spoke again: "Dare to ask who of the four demon sects can communicate freely with the gray beast? Who is the best at spying on intelligence?"

"You mean Yinsha Sect and Wanhualou?" Lian Jiuge asked with a frown, "We have been hiding our whereabouts. They won't find here, right?"

Wu Hao shook his head: "What is all-pervasiveness, what is surprise. From this mouse, you can see the clues!"

"If Yunyun hadn't discovered it, who would have thought that an inconspicuous mouse would be someone else's spy? What's more, it has also learned how to escape from the Void Sword, and it is even more fascinating and impossible to guard against!"

Lian Jiuge raised his brows and asked, "But how does a mouse learn to escape from the void?"

Wu Hao immediately replied: "Our signature secret technique, Bai Hong Guanri, can be spread, not to mention Void Sword Dun? Not long ago, Bai Honggu just caught a spy from Wanhualou. There may not be a second one. The third!"

"Except for the Yin Sha cult, who is good at imperial gray beasts, who can cultivate such a kind of spirituality from a junk animal?"

When Wu Hao said this, he suddenly realized that the faces of the people in front of him were a little weird.

He had to stop and smiled awkwardly: " there any problem?"

Following the weird eyes of Liu Yunyun and Lian Jiuge, Wu Hao couldn't help but suddenly realize when he saw one person and one cat in front of him.

Isn't there a "poop shoveling officer" in front of someone who can cultivate garbage animals into talents?


Zhao Guangming discussed with Lian Jiuge, although what Wu Hao said was only his speculation, it didn't sound unreasonable.

Today they can sneak in a mouse silently, but they don't know what sneaks in in the future.

Regardless of whether Wanhualou and Yin Shajiao are behind the scenes ~ ~ they must take it seriously.

It's about their plan to rescue the Devil Emperor, so you can't be too careful.

This stronghold was no longer safe, and they immediately moved to a new stronghold.

And based on the efficiency of Wu Hao and Liu Yunyun in absorbing the blood of the gods, they will also study a new power leveling plan.

The elders started the division of labor again, taking Wu Hao and the two of them into the relics of the gods and demons in turns, hunting down the gods.

And Wu Hao and Liu Yunyun started a new round of absorption and refining process.

After the Void Rat incident, these people have a sense of urgency in their hearts. For Wu Hao and Liu Yunyun, the blood of the gods needed at this stage has also begun to be supplied in sufficient quantities.

When absorbing the blood of the gods again, Wu Hao did not immediately start refining, but first observed Liu Yunyun's refining process through the red lotus mark he left.

Upon seeing it, Wu Hao's eyes widened.

The process of refining the blood of gods generally requires the completion of two steps. One is to get rid of the impurities and residual will in the blood of the gods, and the other is to refine the blood of the gods and transform them into their own true energy.

But Wu Hao discovered that Liu Yunyun didn't have the first step at all. Regardless of any remaining violent will, directly began to refine and absorb.

Omitting the most difficult step, her refining speed is naturally amazing.

But how could she dare to do this? Isn't she afraid of Cannian's will backlash and her madness?

Wu Hao was observing the situation in her body, but he didn't notice the slightest abnormality.

Her body is like a bottomless pit, swallowing all the impurities and residual will in the blood of the gods!

"How could this happen... Could it be that Liu Yunyun is also not a demon?"


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