Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 834: A mouse with a stunt

Hearing the movement of Liu Yunyun, the guarding elders rushed over.

The first to arrive here were Zhao Guangming and Lian Jiuge.

Zhao Guangming's face was very ugly at this time. You must know that although the blood of the gods has been purified by the gods, there are still some remnants of mixed will after all.

Therefore, the process of refining must be careful and absolutely not allow the slightest interruption.

Otherwise, the innocence will be mixed and impure, which will increase the difficulty of breaking through the bottleneck at the time of promotion.

Heavy will have residual fragments of will. When practicing, there will be a lot of demons, and if you are not careful, you will be in danger of getting into trouble.

Now Wu Hao and Liu Yunyun have just started refining for an hour. Of course, Zhao Guangming and others would not think that they have finished refining. Naturally, they felt that they had encountered an accident and stopped refining in the middle.

How can they not be in a hurry. You should know that refining is not something that can be stopped by just stopping. Once you stop before the refining is completed, you will not only lose all your previous efforts, but you may also face different consequences.

Zhao Guangming came to Liu Yunyun, and entered Liu Yunyun's body without saying a word of truth, preparing to help her suppress the serious consequences of suspending refining.

But just input the true yuan, he was stunned.

Liu Yunyun is in good condition and has a solid state. It can't be better if she is simply good.

And in her dantian, there was no trace of the blood of the gods. Obviously it has been completely refined.

Zhao Guangming was stunned for a long time, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay, okay! The refining was completed in such a short time. As expected of his daughter, she really is like a father!"

But I don't know why, his expression is very exaggerated, how fake it looks, how fake it is.

Lian Jiuge rolled his eyes silently.

He also followed the Devil Emperor back then, and naturally knew something about the Devil Emperor.

As far as he knew, even the Demon Emperor Punishing Naro could not have such a terrifying refining speed.

Don't look at Zhao Guangming's understatement now, his heart must have been panicked.

Seeing what Zhao Guangming looks like now, Lian Jiuge secretly shook his head and smiled.

In the recent period, he has encountered many times that have broken the upper or lower limit of his cognition. I have already developed a big heart.

Not to mention that Liu Yunyun's refining speed is far beyond that of ordinary people, even if she directly forms a pill here for a second, she will not scare him to practice Jiuge!

Just thinking of this, I heard a familiar voice after practicing Jiuge.

"Where? Where is the mouse?"

Wu Hao came over with a stick, as if going to beat a mouse.

Lian Jiuge's complexion changed, and he hurried to Wu Hao's side, and he had to input a True Yuan into Wu Hao's body, and probe Wu Hao just like Zhao Guangming probed Liu Yunyun. In order to avoid his improper operation leaving hidden dangers.

As a result, he had just touched Wu Hao's body, and a sharp sword intent emerged from Wu Hao's body. The sword intent not only shattered his true essence, but also attacked him unfailingly.

Zhao Guangming hurriedly retreated and dodged, but still let the sword intent rub his hair up.

In an instant, he became disheveled and embarrassed.

At this time, Wu Hao's voice was long overdue: "Hey, Elder Lian, what are you doing?"

"Cough cough..." Lian Jiuge coughed slightly: "Why are you here? The blood of God's evil is finished?"

Wu Hao nodded: "Well, it's over. I heard something here, come over and take a look, who was calling for a mouse just now?"

Lian Jiuge and Zhao Guangming looked at each other, looked at Wu Hao, and then at Liu Yunyun, suddenly they didn't know what to say.

If one of this kind of horrifying talent appears, they can be forcibly interpreted as the three lives fortunate to have encountered a cultivating genius who has not met in a thousand years. But two appear at the same time, how do they explain this?

Still obediently admit that you are old...

When they stared at them, Wu Hao ran to Liu Yunyun to comfort her, and asked her quietly about the scene of the mouse.

Since you have the heart of sultry sisters, then figuring out what people like and hate is a basic operation.

Wu Hao knew that Liu Yunyun was afraid of mice. Just now, he happened to find a mouse in the sword field...

Only need to carry on some simple guidance and transformation through the sword domain, naturally can make the mouse obediently run to Liu Yunyun's side to be scary.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to comfort Liu Yunyun, Wu Hao also quietly passed through Liu Yunyun's body with true energy.

His red lotus zhenqi combined with the method of restraining breath and concealing it, passed through Liu Yunyun's body without anyone noticing it.

He immediately confirmed that Liu Yunyun had indeed refined the blood of the gods, and there was no trace of it.

It was a quarter of an hour faster than him!

Wu Hao refused, he felt that there must be a special reason he didn't know.

But his true qi did not find the slightest abnormality.

It seemed that Liu Yunyun's refining process had to be specifically probed to find the mystery of her being able to refining so quickly.

Wu Hao's legendary Red Lotus True Qi has many magical functions, like a volcanic eruption when it bursts, and hibernation like a worm and snake when hidden. It is extremely condensed, enough to stay out of the body for twelve hours.

Wu Hao quietly planted a trace of real energy on Liu Yunyun's body with the technique of the red lotus mark. Be prepared to wait for her next refining, and take a look at her body.

He is to make a necessary supplement to the perception of the sword domain.

Sword Domain Perception is actually rougher than Divine Mind Probe, like the difference between SD and HD. However, neither the sword domain nor the divine mind can see through. Therefore, if Wu Hao wants to observe Liu Yunyun's body in real time, he needs some small means.

Zhao Guangming and Lian Jiuge checked the surrounding environment when Wu Hao was doing small moves, and they came over to ask Liu Yunyun about the details of the mouse that she saw just now.

You must know that when the two of them began to refine, the elders set up a tight defense around, and a fly could not fly in, let alone a mouse.

And they just used divine mind to explore all around, where there are traces of rats.

The two discussed for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that seeing the mouse just now is probably an illusion caused by Liu Yunyun's improper handling of the blood of refining and transforming evil spirits.

Upon hearing their conclusion, Liu Yunyun looked aggrieved. But at the same time she was wronged, she was a little confused.

Because the mouse is really not found now, she is a little unsure whether the mouse has really come, or her hallucinations...

"Aim at meow!"

When several people were discussing whether a mouse really existed, the big orange in Zhao Guangming’s arms suddenly screamed, and then rushed out at a speed that was completely disproportionate to its size, and slammed into an open space. Past.

With a wave of the cat's paw, it smashed into a big hole there.


With a scream, a big gray mouse appeared on the edge of the big pit.

It glanced at Da Ju in horror, and disappeared into the void with a flash of sword intent on its body.

"Void sword escape!" Zhao Guangming exclaimed.

"Why does this mouse use your signature sword escape technique in Baihonggu?"

Practice Jiuge: "..."


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