Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 815: Time comes


When he woke up in the morning, the master Bai Honggu yawned long.

I don't know what's going on. Since yesterday, he has felt that he is particularly sleepy.

"Is it slack?" Bai Honggu master thought of this, suddenly alert.

The Blood Soul Sect encountered a rebellion, and the Yin Sha Sect had been watching around, how could he let him slacken off in the current situation!

Washing his face with cold water, forcing himself to wake up, the Lord Baihonggu practiced the sword in the yard for a while as usual.

The feeling of practicing sword today is completely different from before. He feels that the sword is like his own arm, and it is easy to use. Moreover, some of the swordsmanship that I used to feel confused, but at this time it seemed to suddenly open up, and it kept flashing in his heart.

Between shots, the power of swordsmanship increased by more than 30%.

"Hey, how come you wake up in your skills?" Baihonggu's master was delighted: "Hahahaha, I have come to work in my life!"

When he was happy, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps.

After a while, Lian Jiuge came to him with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter?" Bai Honggu said with a smile: "Is that kid doing something again? As long as he doesn't tear down Bai Honggu, we will be more tolerant of small things. We need to be more patient with young people."

People are full of spirits at happy events, and now the Lord Baihong Gu sees everything pleasingly. Even if he thinks of the Bai Hong Sword Master, who is causing him headaches, he thinks it is a young man's energetic performance.

The great advancement of skill has brought him extraordinary confidence, and his whole temperament and realm seem to be sublimated.

Who is he, he is Director Bai Honggu's life!

Lian Jiuge glanced at Gu Zhu in amazement, and he also felt the difference between Gu Zhu.

Today's Valley Master seemed to glow all over, and as soon as he approached the Valley Master, he actually felt a faint feeling of heart palpitations.

This feeling made Lian Jiuge a little familiar, making his memories suddenly come to that **** era.

The devil punishes Naro!

On the body of the Lord Baihonggu, he actually felt a little bit when facing the devil emperor's punishment of Naro.

Thinking of this, Lian Jiuge's heart shuddered, and his expression became more respectful.

"Vulnerable Lord, it's not that kid's business, it's a visitor asking to see you. Yin Sha teaches someone to come!"

"Oh?" Bai Honggu frowned slightly: "Does the blood soul sect Zhao family know?"

Lian Jiuge shook his head: "We haven't notified them yet."

Lord Baihonggu nodded.

"Well, let's keep it secret for now. I'll be alone with the perineum evil guy and see the situation!"

Said it was a person who went to the perineal evil sect, after putting on the gown to see the guests, the Lord Baihonggu didn't immediately go to the meeting room, but came to the questioning stand.

He wandered up to the inquiring sword stand, picked up the fake Bai Hong sword that had been placed here before, and put it on him.

"Master Gu, what are you?" Lian Jiuge looked at him puzzled, wondering how he put this fake here, and then took it back.

"It's just a cover!" Bai Honggu master explained: "You immediately spread the news in the valley, that I was approved by Bai Hongjian, and now I am the owner of Baihongjian!"

Lian Jiuge immediately understood that the Lord Baihong Gu was deliberately letting the evil spirit cultivators see him wearing the White Rainbow Sword, misleading them so as not to make them think of the real White Rainbow Sword Master.

"The owner of Google is brilliant!" Lian Jiuge praised, and hurried to take action.

The Lord Baihonggu stroked the fake Baihongjian, and exclaimed: "Don't say, does the shape of this Baihongjian match me?"

As soon as the voice fell, the fake Bai Hongjian suddenly uttered a clear cry, as if he was agreeing with him.

Master Bai Honggu was startled: "No, aren't you a fake? Don't just follow the real thing, can you?"

Bai Hongjian rang again, but this time he heard aggrieved emotions in the sound.

"I rely on" Bai Honggu's master's complexion changed: "What's the matter? Is it possible that the summer boy recognized the master as a fake, I am a genuine product?"

Then he shook his head again: "It shouldn't be that it doesn't seem to have the kind of spirituality of a magic weapon! Could it be that I put it on the sword platform and was enshrined by the entire Baihong Valley, and cultivated by mistake? Has its spirituality been promoted to become a spiritual weapon?"

The Baihonggu master pondered for a while, and tentatively dripped blood on the fake Baihong sword, trying to recognize the master like a spirit weapon.

Things went smoothly, and soon the fake Bai Hongjian turned into a stream of light and plunged into his dantian.

"Hahaha, that's true!" Bai Honggu said with a big laugh: "Now, even if I tell others that you are not Bai Hongjian, they may not believe it!"

He summoned the fake White Rainbow Sword like a child, took it back, summoned it again, and took it back again. Then he sighed: "Since you have been promoted to the spirit weapon, calling you a fake Baihong Sword will make you a little wronged. Starting today, you will be called Baihong New Sword!"

Bai Hong's new sword whispered weakly again, as if a little weak to spit out.

Seeing this, the Baihong Valley Master laughed out again: "Haha, today is really a double happiness, it seems that I really want time to work!"

Knowing that the envoy of the Yin Sha sect was still waiting, the White Rainbow Valley Lord did not delay, the Yujian turned into a scared rainbow and went straight to the living room.

Before the meeting room, the white rainbow valley master slowly put the Baihong new sword into the dantian, making sure that the envoy of the Yin Sha sect who was greeted by hearing the movement saw the Baihong new sword clearly.

Sure enough, the evil sect elder who came was shocked when he saw the appearance of his imperial envoy Bai Hong's new sword, and shouted in disbelief: "Bai Hong sword! Have you already recognized the Lord of Bai Hong sword?"

The Lord Baihonggu looked at the messenger who came in playfully, but did not answer his words, but said to himself: "It turns out that it is the elder Ghostmian who is here. It is really another glorious white rainbow valley!"

The elder of the Yin Sha sect has a large tattoo on his face, which looks like a ghost face, so he is called the ghost face elder.

The Lord Baihonggu was very polite to him. He himself suffers from the lack of good looks, so he understands more how ugly like Elder Ghost Face, it is not easy to get to this point.

Under the pity of the same illness, his tone of voice slowed down a lot when facing the elder.

Of course, polite is polite, but his position and attitude will not change in the slightest because of this.

Soon, the two of them were seated in the meeting room.

In the same demon gate, Baihong Valley Lord and the Elder Guimian had seen each other before. So after they met, they didn't talk about business right away, but got up to gossiping.

Finally, when they refilled another pot of tea, the elder Guimian couldn't hold back his breath.

"Master Ren, you must already know about the blood soul sect. If you don’t speak secretly, I formally invite you on behalf of the Yin Sha Sect to join the opening plan of the Demon Emperor’s Treasure! Of course, you have to complete the Baihong Sword on your own. Acknowledge the Lord. Naturally, it is impossible for us to offer you the same conditions as the Blood Soul Sect. As long as we can reach a consensus, we can discuss the distribution plan after opening the treasure... I don't know what Ren Gu's idea is?

Elder Ghost Face directly chose the showdown, anyway, he just played a front stand. He didn't come here to negotiate the distribution method of the treasure right now, but to test Bai Honggu's attitude.

When the Lord Baihonggu heard the words of the ghost face elder, he did not immediately answer, but bowed his head to meditate.

Elder Guimian did not urge, but waited patiently.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour...

The Lord Baihonggu didn't mean to answer yet, and the elder Guimian couldn't sit still.

"Valley Master, Valley Master..." He shouted twice, but Baihong Valley Master still hung his head motionless.

"Lord Ren!" Elder Guimian couldn't help but stepped forward and pulled the Lord Baihong.

As a result, with such a pull, the Baihonggu master fell straight down!

"Damn!" Elder Guimian's expression changed wildly, and he quickly supported Lord Ren Gu.

At this time, he discovered that Lord Ren Gu's face was pale, his body was sweaty, and he looked unconscious.

Elder Guimian is anxious, but now he is in the base camp of Baihong Valley. If something happened when Lord Ren Gu met him, he couldn't explain it clearly!

"You dignified lord of the valley, don't touch porcelain!" While muttering in his heart, the ghost face elder held the white rainbow valley lord to the chair, and his right hand caught his pulse.

Their medical inheritance in Yin Sha Sect is the best among the four demon sects. Even if the ghost face elders are not intensively researching this way, they are a hundred times better than the average quack doctor.

Now, while Bai Honggu hadn't found the anomaly, he planned to investigate the situation first.

Even if it is impossible to cure a person and sell his personal affection, at least he must have strong evidence, so as not to get a hundred words of argument!

The ghost face elder forcefully suppressed the anxiety in his heart, concentrating on the pulse...

The more he perceives, the deeper his brow furrows.

"This kind of pulse is..." The elder Guimian suddenly widened his eyes.

"Happy pulse?"

"This...this is impossible!!"

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