Kryptonian Demon Lord

Chapter 814: format

? "Enlighten the Valley Lord, I haven't tried to escape for three days in summer!"

Early in the morning, practicing Jiuge came to the owner of Google to do daily reports.

"Oh?" The owner of the valley seemed to be in a good mood: "Are you already so behaved? It seems that you have accepted your fate!"

"What is he doing now? Is he practicing sword?"

Lian Jiuge shook his head: "No... he shut himself in the refining room of your cave mansion and closed the restrictions inside, as if he was refining inside?"

"He? Refining tools?" Bai Honggu said in a dumbfounded voice: "You are obsessed with this kind of trail. You have to persuade him when you have time."

In the Hao Cang Realm, among the six arts of cultivation, Dao Dao is vague and seldom inherited. Among the remaining few Dao, Pill Talisman Talisman had spread, but Qi Dao was the least valued one.

Because this is a world with magic weapons, even if it is a magic weapon refined by a master refiner, you have to stop eating when you encounter a magic weapon.

Over time, the people of the major cultivators are keen to explore the relics of the gods and demons, looking for the gods and soldiers, who even refining tools?

Only those practitioners who are at the bottom of the practice will pay a little attention to the craftsmanship.

Because this is more or less a craft, it is good to make money.

So when the Baihonggu master heard Wu Hao's refining, he felt that he was starting to get into the eyes of money again. I want Elder Lian to persuade him, lest he pick up the watermelon and lose the sesame seeds.

If Lord Bai Honggu could come to Wu Hao's refining room and see the scene of Wu Hao refining, he probably wouldn't think so much.

At this time, Wu Hao looked very solemn in the mixing room.

Because he is manipulating the air transport valve.

The Qi Luck Valve gave him the ability to use krypton gold to increase the success rate of making five-color stones and strengthening the white rainbow sword. But this krypton gold is exquisite.

Wu Haoyue is focused, and his skills are more superb. The higher the basic success rate he can obtain. In this way, when he re-uses the air transport valve, the less krypton cost will be required.

Of course, Wu Hao must be cautious about the consumption of Star Stone.

In this way, he closed the refining chamber, refused to disturb, and he should be left alone!

With Wu Hao's current level of refining, when making monochromatic stones and two-color stones, it can be done easily even if the air valve is not used to increase the success rate.

However, after reaching the level of the three-color stone, it is not simple to be able to solve the problem. He decisively uses the assistance of Akrypton.

Fortunately, when Wu Hao joined Baihonggu, the enthusiastic Baihonggu master gave an entry fee. Now when refining the five-color stone, there is no need to worry about the lack of materials.

With the help of the Qiyun Valve, the three-color stone and the four-color stone were quickly refined by Wu Hao.

When he was about to refine the five-color stone, Wu Hao hesitated slightly, but didn't start the refinement right away, but first strengthened the Baihong sword with these strengthening stones.

"Ding, ding, ding..." With the pleasant ding, the Baihong Sword was continuously strengthened, its material continued to improve, and the light on the blade became more obscure and restrained.

The voice of Baihong Sword Spirit trembled slightly: "Oh, what did I see, my brave and intelligent master, my admiration for you is like a stormy sea. It is already surging! I feel it when I am ascending. The material is improving, and it is a thousand times better than the effect of soaking the blood of the gods! Oh, my goodness! Master...I'm already cramping!"

"I feel it, promotion...promotion is about to come. Hurry up, continue...don't stop! Oh... it's so cool!"

Bai Hongjian was screaming happily, but didn't notice that Wu Hao's eyes had become dangerous.

The four-color rays of light flashed, and a layer of enveloping cloud gas rose up and soared on the white rainbow sword.

"It's done, it's done!" Bai Hongjian screamed: "Master, master, I have reached the final pass of promotion. As long as I complete my reincarnation and replenish my spirituality, I will be able to immediately be promoted to Lingbao! At that time, I can better assist The master is all over the world!"

Wu Hao's eyes flickered, "Oh? I don't know how long it will take you to reincarnate? Really need to cultivate the reincarnation body to the gods? It's too slow, right?"

"It's not slow anymore! You know that it is Lingbao. It takes many years of accumulation to complete this level of promotion. If the owner is too slow, I have a few tips to increase strength quickly, I will tell immediately Master, can also shorten this time further..."

Bai Hong Sword Spirit spoke happily, but didn't notice that Wu Hao's eyes were not warm at all.

"Really, you have such a trick. Why didn't you say it earlier? It seems that even if you have a kneeling personality, you will inevitably have your own thoughts after all!"

Wu Hao's voice gradually became colder: "In that case... format it now!"

"Ah, Master, what are you going to do, Master? I have always been loyal. We still had a bond of servitude before. Master... You are self-destructing the Great Wall... Ah!"

With the last scream, the sword spirit of the Baihong Sword eventually collapsed, and then quickly reorganized into a new spirit in the nourishment of the Baihong Sword.

The new spirit is like a newborn baby. He has just gained his own spiritual sense, and now he is looking at Wu Hao outside curiously with pure eyes.

Wu Hao nodded: "Sure enough, it's so pleasing to the eye!"

For this kind of highly intelligent spirit body, Wu Hao is deeply vigilant. This sword spirit now knows so many private things about him, how can Wu Hao let it be reincarnated safely.

That is simply to create opportunities for it to get rid of its own control.

Even if there is a contract to kneel and lick, Wu Hao knows that this kind of contract is signed through less glorious means. The contract can constrain the spirit weapon spirit, but what about the further spirit weapon spirit?

In case the Qi Ling awakens one day and finally settles, Wu Hao doesn't want to take a knife in the back at a critical moment.

It's better to format it now, and completely wash away all the memories before it. It's a hundred.

After all, Wu Hao is a conspiracy theorist, and he has been betrayed by his subordinates. The suspicion of the sword spirit is entirely instinctive.

It's as if he rejected the system of the heavens and ten thousand realms at the beginning. It is difficult for Wu Hao to tolerate an intelligent life form, following him every day, knowing all his secrets.

So far, he has not stopped testing Akrypton to prevent it from showing signs of uncontrollable.

Akrypton, the enlightened thing who has been with Wu Hao, has such an attitude, let alone a sword spirit in it?

Besides, this sword spirit has always given Wu Hao an uncomfortable feeling.

Wu Hao has practiced the Tianma Sutra for a long time and is very sensitive to emotional changes, although he has no evidence at all. But Wu Hao chose to believe in his own feelings.

"Continue formatting!"



After formatting the sword spirit once, Wu Hao felt uneasy, and formatted it many times in succession. Seeing that the origin of the sword spirit was about to be hurt, he stopped.

The sword spirit at this time, uh, should be called the sword spirit N. Sword Spirit N was dumbfounded and stunned, except for instinctively following Wu Hao's orders, there was no superfluous reaction at all.

Wu Hao nodded in satisfaction.

But it's just a what kind of intelligence is needed.

It's the brain-dead and stupid type like Akrypton, who is the most suitable for him!

Wu Hao cautiously picked up the Sword Spirit N number, admired it slightly, and nodded his head: "Sure enough, I will behave a lot. If this is the case, let you go to reincarnation once, and I will be relieved!"

As he said, he passed the impression of the White Rainbow Valley Lord in his mind to Sword Spirit N, and said to it: "Remember this person, he is your carrier of reincarnation."

"Are you ready...3, 2, 1... launch!"

Sword Spirit N swished across the wall and turned into a silent ghost, sweeping across the night sky.

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