Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 63 Breakout! (Please subscribe and get a monthly pass)


Looking at the retreating Suna Ninja team, Namikaze Minato gave the order.

Shuichi Hoshita and the others immediately used the teleportation technique to pursue, and after getting close to a certain distance, they threw Namikaze Minato's flying thunder god kunai with all their strength.

The escaping Sand Ninja Jonin glanced back, adjusted his body shape, and easily avoided a kunai.

But the next moment, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure in front of him.


The Suna Ninja Jonin was startled and had no time to react. The Rasengan in Namikaze Minato's hand had already been smashed down and hit accurately.


The Sand Ninja Jonin's body fell into the air, creating a large crater and raising smoke and dust.

"team leader!"

The other three sand ninjas exclaimed and immediately stopped.

Hoshixia Shuichi and three others rushed forward.

The art of instantaneous body!

The Dance of the Three Suns and Moons!

Illusion - this is not the art!

Kurama Shanyang assists, illusion group interference.

Uchiha Shisui used the teleportation technique to fight in a group and kill the enemy in an instant.

Hoshita Shuichi is also three against one, a step slower, but he can still kill the enemy with one move.


Namikaze Minato ordered that he, Hoshita Shuichi and the others evacuate the town and rest temporarily on a mountain.

Eat Bingliang Pills to replenish your physical strength, and drink water to replenish your body.

The four of them rested separately and did not talk.

Hoshita Shuichi lowered his eyes and reviewed today's battle.

This move of Lan Yantian Blade is unsurprisingly sharp, because its extremely high temperature can melt steel instantly.

"But my speed has dropped a lot."

Shuichi Hoshita knows exactly where his flaws are.

In other words, compared to the jounin level.

He does have an astonishing neural reaction speed and dynamic vision, which is extremely convenient in close combat.

But it's not a panacea.

Uchiha Sasuke of Mangekyo also has dynamic vision and the powerful insight of Sharingan. He can also see Kirabi's movements clearly, but he is still suppressed by Kirabi's swordsmanship.

Because Kirabi's attacks were fast and very frequent, his eyes and brain reacted, but his body movements slowed down.

Facing the chuunin, Hoshita Shuichi has no shortcomings in speed and explosive power due to the strange chakra burst method he learned from Tsunade. Coupled with his high neural reaction speed, he has a great advantage.

But facing the Jonin, he was not fast enough.

Or the attack speed is not fast enough!

When he faced the Suna Ninja Jonin before, if it weren't for Uchiha Shisui, he would definitely not be able to kill him alone.

"Speed, in addition to training and pure chakra burst, Thunder Release can be improved."

Hoshixia Shuichi first thought of Lei Dun's activation of cells throughout the body.

Because of his fast nerve reaction speed, his attack speed is actually outstanding among Chuunin, and even in Tsunade's opinion, it is as fast as some Jounin.

But people are never satisfied.

What's more, on the battlefield, there are no chunins, only chunins!

Of course Hoshita Shuichi hoped that he would be able to escape even if he couldn't win when facing a Jonin.

"Can fire escape increase speed?"

Hoshita Shuichi's attention quickly returned to Fire Release.

Because among all kinds of escape techniques, his fire escape talent is the highest and the easiest to achieve results.

"Fire Escape also has the characteristic of explosion. The explosion produces shock waves, which can indeed form a driving force..."

Shuichi Hoshita brainstorms.

An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and the break was over.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Hoshita Hideka and the others rushed to the third town.

From here on, Namikaze Minato changed his fighting style.

It is no longer a stealth extermination war, but a stealth attack. Take advantage and run away to continue attacking the next place.

In one night, Shuichi Hoshita and four others fought in four towns, causing chaos in the northern part of the River Country.

However, the power of Sand Ninja Village has also been mobilized, and it is unable to take care of Hehe Town and Shanliao Town, two towns close to the Fire Country.

These two places were also successfully occupied by Konoha's subsequent ninja team and became the rear of the Minato team.

In addition, with the Minato team's attacks in all directions, many Suna ninja teams were mobilized to encircle and suppress them, which also left many small towns and villages in the northern part of the River Country empty, allowing Konoha to quickly infiltrate its power.

There is no doubt that the tactical goal has been initially achieved.

The sky is bright.

In a cave, Hoshixia Xiuyi opened his eyes.

After three hours of rest, he had recovered.

Not far away, Uchiha Shisui also woke up.

The two came out of the cave, found spring water and washed their faces, then took over from Namikaze Minato and Kurama Sanyo.

However, without Namikaze Minato's superb perception ninjutsu, Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui would need to expand their alert range.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

Standing on the top of the tree, Hoshixia Shuichi discovered that there were ninjas coming from the lower reaches of the river.

The sand ninja is here!

Hoshita Shuichi immediately retreated, and after joining Uchiha Shisui, he discovered that there were Sand Ninjas to the west.

Returning to the cave, he woke up Namikaze Minato and Kurama Sanyo. The former immediately used the Sensing Ninjutsu and said after a moment: "There are enemies not only in the south and west, but also in the north and east."

Hoshita Shuichi was not surprised.

Although Namikaze Minato has a flying thunder god, his chakra does not allow him to fly around with Shuichi Hoshita and the others.

And since it left traces, it was inevitable to be tracked.

Needless to say, this was also planned.

The mission of their team is to disrupt the Suna Ninja's arrangements and mobilize the Suna Ninja's troops.

The Suna Ninja must have noticed this, but they had to encircle and suppress the Minato team.

If the Minato team is not surrounded and suppressed, it will not be safe to fight against Konoha's follow-up forces, especially the combat power and destructive power displayed by the Minato team.

"Minato-sensei, our mission goal has been achieved, shall we break out to the east next?"

Kurama Sanyo asked.

Namikaze Minato said: "Based on the current perception, it is true that the power in the east is weaker."

"But do the Sand Ninja want to force us back, or do they want to surround and kill us?"

Uchiha Shisui said: "If I were the commander of Suna Ninja, I would definitely keep this team."

"This is not only to avenge the comrades who died in the battle, but also to show the country of the river."

Kurama Sanyo was surprised when he heard this: "Shisui, do you mean there is a trap to the east?"

Uchiha Shisui shook his head: "Can't be sure."

Namikaze Minato then asked Hoshita Shuichi: "Shuichi, what do you think?"

Hoshita Shuichi thought: "Minato-sensei, since perception cannot reach such a long distance, the only way to determine whether there is a trap is to test it."

"Use shadow clone!"

"I still have enough chakra, so I split into three shadow clones, two transformed into Shisui and Sanyo, plus the teacher's shadow clone and went east."

"As for how we go, it's up to the teacher to decide."

Namikaze Minato was a decisive person and immediately said: "First, act according to the plan Shuichi said."

"Second, break out to the south. The force in this direction seems to be the most powerful, but it also means that after the breakout, there is a high possibility that there will be no strong resistance."

Kurama Sanyo couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Minato, what if there are no traps in the east?"

Namikaze Minato smiled and said, "Of course it's a return of support!"

Kurama Sanyo nodded.

"The enemy is already on the mountain, take action!"

Namikaze Minato ordered.

Shuichi Hoshita immediately formed three shadow clones, two of which became Uchiha Shisui and Kurama Sanyo. Together with the shadow clones of Namikaze Minato, the four figures immediately used the teleportation technique and left from the east. Break out down the mountain.

The Sand Ninja obviously also sensed the presence of the Ninja, and did not change the direction of the enemy's search in four directions. Instead, he accelerated towards the top of the mountain.

This sign seems to indicate something.


Namikaze Minato ordered again.

The four of them exited the cave and headed south down the mountain. Namikaze Minato was in front, Kurama Sanyo was in the middle, Hoshita Shuichi was at the back with Senbon in his mouth, and Uchiha Shisui was at the back, one on the left and one on the right.

When we reached the mountainside, the enemy was already in sight.

Shuichi Hoshita and Uchiha Shisui both accelerated past Kurama Sanyo, one on the left and the other on the right alongside Namikaze Minato.

Uchiha Shisui began to form seals when he accelerated. At this moment, he opened his mouth and spat out a line of fire, forming a huge fireball.

Hoshita Shuichi on the left is symbolically forming three seals, which is also a powerful fire ball technique.

Namikaze Minato in the middle also completed the seal, Wind Release - a big breakthrough!


The fireball turned into a rolling wave of fire, overwhelmingly sweeping through the trees in front.

The Sand Ninja on the opposite side also completed their Ninjutsu at this time. They were the three Jonin at the front. All of them had Wind Release, forming a terrible storm, flying sand and rocks, and destroying the trees.

Then the fire wave and the storm collided, and the air violently collided and rubbed, causing a terrible roar.

Immediately afterwards, a rolling heat wave swept across.

No matter whether it was Shuichi Hoshita, the four others, or the Suna Ninja, they all stopped at this moment and hid behind the tall trees.

When the heat wave passed, Hoshishita Shuichi and others, who rushed out again, moved their hands together and threw shurikens and kunai.


Either block, use the same shuriken or kunai to counter, or dodge.

This round of throwing the ninja tool did not accomplish anything.

But Namikaze Minato's figure suddenly disappeared.

He suddenly appeared behind a Sand Ninja Jonin who was rushing at the front, grabbing the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his left hand, and the Rasengan appeared in his right hand.


The Rasengan hit the Sand Ninja's back firmly, causing the rocks on the ground to collapse and explode.

At the same time, Uchiha Shisui, who had opened his Sharingan, had already used his unique instantaneous technique. A large number of instantaneous clones appeared, surrounding the other two jounin who were rushing to the front of the sand ninja.

Following Uchiha Shisui was Hoshita Shuichi. He performed the Dance of the Three Suns and Moons and entered the battlefield with the cover of Uchiha Shisui's many instant clones, directly taking down a Sand Ninja.

Behind him is Kurama Sanyo. He did not enter the battle circle, but used genjutsu to interfere with the two sand ninjas who were fighting Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui.

In front of Hoshige Shuichi and the others, after a Rasengan killed a jounin, Namikaze Minato flicked his hand on the ninja bag and shot out a large number of flying thunder god kunai.

The next moment, Namikaze Minato disappeared, and the dozen Sand Ninja behind could only see a flash of yellow light and shadow.

That's the color of Namikaze Minato's hair!

The continuous screams made Suna Ninja, who was fighting Hoshita Shuichi, feel uneasy.

When the screams disappeared, Namikaze Minato's figure suddenly entered the battle circle, and then the two Suna ninja Jonin flew out with a groan.

Hoshita Shuichi seized the opportunity, chakra erupted under his feet, the Tencong sword in his hand was covered in blue flames, and blue light lit up in the forest.

The Suna Ninja Jonin's reaction was not unpleasant. He immediately stood up when he hit the ground and held a kunai to resist. However, the kunai was cut off by Shuichi Hoshita's Tenbashi Sword. Then he broke open the vest, and the hot blade slanted from his right shoulder. Cutting across to the left, almost splitting the man in two.

At the same time, another Sand Ninja Jonin was also killed by Namikaze Minato.

From the beginning of the ninjutsu battle to the end, the battle lasted less than 3 minutes.

It wasn't Suna Ninja Taina, but Namikaze Minato who was too fast.

Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui also had extraordinary talents, and coupled with the genjutsu assistance of Kurama Sanyo, they were able to hold back the two Sand Ninja Jonin.

The best way to deal with Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui is actually long-range and medium-range ninjutsu. Unfortunately, the sand ninja's intelligence on the two is seriously insufficient.

And once the close combat occurs, there is no chance to form seals and use ninjutsu.

Hoshishita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui were not even given the chance to use their ninjutsu after escaping.

After the battle, Shuichi Hoshita and the others immediately packed up the Flying Thunder God Kunai and continued southward.

Because the sand ninjas from the north and west came to kill them, especially the sand ninjas from the west, the distance was closer.

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