Konoha's entry is ninja!

Chapter 62 Blue Flame Sky Blade (5th update, please subscribe for monthly tickets)

After realizing the most critical point, Kurama Sanyo asked: "Minato-sensei, according to Shuichi, we can't lose, so as the vanguard team, we should have a very important mission, right?"

Namikaze Minato nodded: "Of course!"

"Our first mission is to capture the town in front of us. Someone will come to replace us later."

"The second step is to go deep into the River Kingdom, disrupt the Sand Ninja's current arrangements in the River Kingdom, and attract the troops of the Sunagakure Village to create opportunities for the subsequent teams!"

"So, this is an A-level mission!"

Uchiha Shisui and Kurama Sanyo immediately looked more solemn than ever after hearing this.

Not only because of the evaluation of A-level missions, but also because of the danger of going deep behind enemy lines.

However, Hoshita Shuichi was thinking that even if this task was completed, it would be difficult for Konoha to win.

Especially without all-out war.

So what's the key?

"Daimyo of the River Country?"

"No, it's the third Kazekage of Sunagakure Village!"

"However, if we attack the Third Kazekage, there is a risk of a full-scale war, so is it still the Daimyo of River Country?"

Hoshita Shuichi grasped the key, but it had nothing to do with their current mission.

"Next, our shadow clones will sneak into the town to obtain information, find the Sand Ninja, and deal with them as quickly as possible."

Namikaze Minato's plan was simple and crude.

The four of them each separated into shadow clones and went out.

After approaching the town, Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui transformed into wild cats and tanuki respectively, and entered the town without attracting any attention.

As for Namikaze Minato and Kurama Sanyo, they used Flying Thunder God to bring Kurama Sanyo in after Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui entered the town.

After that, the four of them split up and walked through the streets and alleys, looking for traces of the Suna Ninja.

Suddenly, Xingxiaxiu stopped because he saw a shadow flash past.

He immediately jumped up and reached the roof. Sure enough, he saw a figure leaping towards the direction he came from.

Sand Ninja!

However, Shuichi Hoshita didn't follow it, because the traces of this sand ninja were too obvious.

Moreover, he is not good at illusions, and the ones most suitable for taking action are Uchiha Shisui and the others.

However, he could follow the traces of this Sand Ninja in reverse direction to see if he could find other Sand Ninjas or their stronghold in the town.

Sure enough, not long after, Hoshita Shuichi determined from the traces and the conversations of some people in the surrounding towns that the Sand Ninja's stronghold was the manor in front of him.

This is right in the center of the town.

Immediately, Hoshita Shuichi released his shadow clone.

Outside the town, when Hoshita Shuichi got the memory of the shadow clone, there was already feedback from Minato Namikaze.

The Sand Ninja he had seen was captured by Namikaze Minato and Kurama Sanyo.

Now the information is correct.

Without waiting for Uchiha Shisui's shadow clone to respond, Namikaze Minato put his hands on Uchiha Shisui and Kurama Sanyo respectively, while Hoshita Shuichi also put his hand on Namikaze Minato's arm.

The next moment, the four of them disappeared from the spot, and when they reappeared, they were already in a woodshed. Next to them was the Sand Ninja who was captured by Namikaze Minato, who had been eliminated, and next to him was the Flying Thunder God Kunai.

According to the intelligence, there are two Sand Ninja teams in this town, one is led by a Jonin, and the other three are all Chuunin.

Another one was led by a chuunin, and the other three were all genin.

The jounin team was stationed in the manor and patrolled regularly.

Right now, this sand ninja is out on patrol.

The Chuunin team was scattered in the four directions of the town, guarding the four main roads.

At the same time, they are dressed as people from a small town, not as ninjas.

"Leave this Jonin team of Sand Ninja to me. Shisui, Shuichi, Sanyo, you are in charge of that Chuunin team."

"Shisui is in charge of the chunin, and Shuichi and Sanyo are in charge of the three genin."

"Once I take action, there will be quite a stir. The Chuunin team will definitely take action, and it will definitely be exposed."

Namikaze Minato gave the order.


Hoshita Shuichi and the other three nodded in unison, and then the four of them disappeared from the place with a flick of the brush.

After Hoshita Shuichi left, his figure immediately split into two, heading north and west respectively.

He wanted to deal with the two genin in both directions.

Soon, Hoshita Shuichi and the shadow clone arrived at their destination, in the form of wild cats.

His eyes roamed around, and he quickly locked onto the target.

But Hoshita Shuichi didn't move, but waited quietly.

A moment later, a roar suddenly came from the center of the town.

The two people who were stared at by Hoshita Shuichi immediately reacted. After climbing onto the roof and seeing the billowing smoke in the center of the town, they immediately ran away.

Hoshita Shuichi and the shadow clone also acted immediately, and suddenly rushed out from the side at a faster speed.


Blood spattered and the two Sand Ninja fell down clutching their necks. Even Hoshita Shuichi's face could not be seen clearly.

After taking care of the two enemies, the shadow clone was immediately released, while Hoshita Shuichi headed straight to the center of the town.

But by the time he arrived, Namikaze Minato had already settled the battle.

Soon Uchiha Shisui and Kurama Sanyo also arrived, both successfully completing their respective goals.

"The next target is Shanliao Town!"

Ignoring the town that was in chaos, Namikaze Minato led Hoshita Shuichi and the others straight to the next target.

When they arrived at Shanliao Town, Hoshixia Shuichi and others sneaked in in the same way to obtain information.

Different from River Valley Town, Shanliao Town has three sand ninja teams, all led by jounin, and the finished glyphs are distributed in three locations in the town.

Moreover, these three Sansha ninja teams set up a supreme observation point to assist the patrollers.

Shuichi Hoshita and the others observed that even if they could quietly take down a patrolling Suna ninja, they would be discovered at an extremely fast speed.

When one of the strongholds is raided, the other two strongholds will respond quickly and will definitely arrive within a minute or two.

Obviously the two teams deployed in River Valley Town were for early warning purposes.

Now Hoshita Shuichi and the four others were facing at least 3 jounin.

After figuring out the peripheral intelligence, hiding in a room, Minato Namikaze ordered: "Next, divide into two groups, Shisui, you and Shuichi; Sanyo and me."

"Sanyo and I raided the Suna Ninja team to the east. Shisui, Shuichi, and you are responsible for intercepting the Suna Ninja team coming from the north."

Hoshita Shuichi and the other three nodded in unison: "Understood!"

This is a blitzkrieg!

After the order was given, the four people immediately split up.

Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui used transformation techniques to transform into stray dogs and stray cats. When they arrived at the ambush site, they squatted by the garbage dump and waited quietly.

In less than three minutes, there was an explosion from the east, and the people from the two Sand Ninja strongholds in the north and south suddenly moved and rushed towards the east.

Shuichi Hoshita, who had turned into a stray dog, immediately stretched his body. When the Suna Ninja team jumped over his head, he also moved suddenly, flying over the wall and flying over the wall, and returned to his human form the moment he jumped into the air.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

This was a fireball with a diameter of more than 5 meters, heading straight for the back of the Sand Ninja team.

Almost at the same time, Uchiha Shisui who shot out from the right also had a huge fire ball, and his huge fire ball was even bigger than Hoshita Shuichi.


The two sand ninjas walking at the end turned around, but they were too close and it was too late to use their ninjutsu.

But although they didn't panic, they flicked their arms and kunai flew out with detonating talismans on them.


The detonating talisman exploded, exploding two huge fireballs.

But it exploded at close range, and the fiery shock wave knocked the two sand ninjas behind to the ground, and the other one also landed on the roof in a panic.

The jounin at the front also stopped at this moment.

However, Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui, who were prepared, were faster. Hoshita Shuichi used the chakra burst technique taught by Tsunade to use the instant body technique to kill the sand ninja who landed on the ground and cut off his head with a knife.

Uchiha Shisui's teleportation technique was faster. The Sand Ninja who had just stood up met his eyes, and his eyes were stunned for an instant. Then the sword light passed by, and a blood line appeared on his neck.

"Shuichi, be careful!"

Uchiha Shisui shouted.

After Hoshita Hide finished killing one person, he looked up and saw the Sand Ninja jonin condescendingly completing the seal, his cheeks puffed up, he opened his mouth and vomited, a violent storm arose.


The friction of the air flow made a loud noise, and there was a wind blade hidden in the storm. Wherever it passed, whether it was earth or wooden walls or buildings, it left traces like falling swords.

Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui quickly ducked behind the building.

The storm passed quickly, and a figure fell from the sky. The sword struck straight at Hoshita Shuichi's head.

At the critical moment, Hoshixia Xiu sidestepped the sword while drawing out the sword from his lower back. With a short stature, he moved like a runaway rabbit. As he pounced out, he swung the sword horizontally from right to left, striking the enemy's abdomen.

At the same time, the blade of Shuichi Hoshita's Amanbashi Sword began to be quickly covered with blue light from beginning to end. The terrible high temperature distorted the air and light, coupled with the extremely fast speed of swinging the sword, causing a series of distortions Afterimage.

The secret of A-level swordsmanship, the Blue Flame Sky Blade!

The blue light covering the blade of the Tencong Sword is actually a high-pressure, high-temperature flame formed by the changes in the nature of the fire escape chakra. Its temperature is as high as 4000 degrees, which is the limit that Shuichi Hoshita can currently achieve.

At this moment, the Suna Ninja retracted his sword to block, but due to the distortion of the air and light, he misjudged the position of Shuichi Hoshita's sword.

The end of the Tencong sword cut through half of the Suna Ninja's sword and passed by it, then cut through the vest worn by the Suna Ninja, slicing through the skin, flesh, internal organs, spine, and dividing the waist into two.

Because the speed of the knife was too fast and the temperature of the knife was too high, no blood flowed out, and the Sand Ninja's body did not split into two and fall down, so he just stood there frozen with the knife in his hand.

Hoshita Hide didn't even look back and went straight to Uchiha Shisui.

At this moment, Uchiha Shisui used his unique teleportation technique to deal with the Sand Ninja Jonin.

Seeing Hoshita Shuichi coming to kill him so quickly, the Sand Ninja Jonin looked shocked: "How is that possible?"

Under the cover of his wind escape, Sunasuke, as a senior chuunin, would have completely taken the lead, but he was actually solved by this kid from Konoha so quickly.

"These two Konoha brats are not simple..."

The Sand Ninja Jonin made a quick decision, retreated and jumped into the sky, quickly completed the seal, puffed up his chest, and blew with his mouth.

Wind Escape-Big Breakthrough!

This is pure wind, unlike the previous attack with wind blades.

There is no time to use complicated seals in such a short time, and then it will be interrupted.

Uchiha Shisui's instant clone was not afraid of such an attack, but the main body hidden inside was not. It was immediately blown away from the roof, so that other instant clones were also destroyed.

However, Hoshita Shuichi's chakra exploded under his feet, and he climbed to the roof against the strong wind.

The Sand Ninja Jonin who was falling from the air quickly formed a seal, but before the seal could be completed, Hoshige Shuichi had already opened his mouth and sprayed out a line of fire, and the flames expanded to form a fire bomb.

"This guy has no seals!"

The Sand Ninja Jonin was shocked again, but he had to give up the seal and drew his sword. The Wind Release Chakra appeared on the sword and split the flame bullets.

Hoshita Shuichi raised one hand, and two shadow clones appeared, each holding Tencon swords, and they all attacked the Sand Ninja Jonin who landed on the ground.

Uchiha Shisui had also rushed up again, and his shuriken flew out, disturbing the Suna Ninja Jonin.

The Sand Ninja Jonin blocked with his sword, and then fought with three Hoshita Shuichi.

His speed is undoubtedly extremely fast, faster than Hoshita Shuichi, and the sword covered with Wind Release Chakra is equally sharp.

But at this moment, the Sand Ninja Jonin felt very uncomfortable. Even his faster movements were blocked or avoided.

"Damn you little devil!"

The sand ninja jounin gritted his teeth, sold a flaw, and took the opportunity to blow up one of Hoshige Shuichi's shadow clones. He then used the armor on his shoulder to stab another shadow clone of Hoshige Shuichi, but kicked the shadow clone to pieces.

His left hand's wind escape chakra was surging, and he actually grabbed Hoshita Shuichi's Tenbashi sword with his bare hands, and his right hand's sword took Hoshita Shuichi directly.


Uchiha Shisui came and stopped him with this sword.

At this moment, Xiuichi Hoshita's Tian Cong Dao was quickly dyed with blue light, reflecting the faces of the three people into a light blue color.

Blue Flame Sky Blade!

The scorching temperature distorted the air, and the Sand Ninja Jonin's pupils quickly dilated, and just as he was about to retreat, the Tencong Sword had already broken through the Wind Release Chakra in his hand and cut his palm open.

Screaming in agony, the Suna ninja jonin retreated, but Uchiha no Mizu and Hoshita Shuichi killed them one after another, with a continuous flash of sword light.

Tinkle, clang, sparks flying.

After blocking Uchiha Shisui's several swords one after another, the Sand Ninja Jonin's tachi was split into two by the Amanbashi sword.

Uchiha Shisui took the opportunity to cut open the vest of the Suna Ninja Jonin with a knife in the chest, but he was also kicked away by the painful and angry Suna Ninja Jonin.

Ignoring Uchiha Shisui who was flying backwards from him, Hoshige Shuichi pounced and once again cut off the dagger that the Suna ninja was blocking with one knife, cut off his right arm and sealed his throat with the knife.

The Suna Ninja Jonin looked at the gasping Hoshita Shuichi with wide eyes, and fell down unwillingly, his body divided into two parts.

"Shisui, are you okay?"

Hoshita Shuichi turned around and asked.

Uchiha Shisui held his stomach and shook his head.

The kick just now almost took his breath away. His eyes could see the action clearly at that time, but the speed was too fast, and he could no longer avoid it because of the knife.

As expected of a Jonin!

At this time, Namikaze Minato appeared with Kurama Sanyo, but they teleported over directly with the help of the Flying Thunder God Kunai on Hoshige Shuichi and the others.

Seeing that all the enemies were eliminated, Namikaze Minato was surprised at first, and then sincerely praised: "Well done!"

"But Shuichi, your chakra..."

Shuichi Hoshita put away his sword, then formed a seal with his hands: "Don't worry, Minato-sensei, it's not a problem!"

As he finished speaking, he unlocked the unfinished Yin seal.

The chakra stored for half a year surged out from his forehead, nourishing his dry body.

But this also means that the Yin Seal that Shuichi Hoshita worked hard for for half a year was ruined, and he needs to start over.

But he didn't use the Yin Seal just for times like this, so it wasn't a pity at all.

"Minato-sensei, the Suna-nin is here!"

Anma Shanyang reminded.

Hoshita Shuichi and the others looked up and saw four Sand Ninja chasing after them.

The rescue speed of the Suna Ninja was faster than expected. Before Namikaze Minato and Kurama Sanyo eliminated the enemy, the Suna Ninja team from the south arrived.

Because he was worried about Hoshita Shuichi and Uchiha Shisui, Namikaze Minato and Kurama Sanyo only briefly engaged the enemy before retreating.

However, when the Sand Ninja team approached and saw the situation here, the leading Jonin did not hesitate to order: "Retreat!"

Both teams were eliminated in such a short period of time. The strength of Konoha's team is far beyond imagination!

5 updates with a total of 12,000 words have been updated. Good night everyone! ! !

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