Chapter 977 Leave it to me!

"Obito, what's the matter? Is it serious?"

Chiba rushed up, and soon arrived in front of Kakashi, and at this time, Kakashi opened his mouth to speak, as if he just wanted to say something to Chiba, but just as Chiba opened his mouth, he was stunned for a moment.


Seems like you know Obito will get hurt?

And at this moment, Kakashi looked at Chiba's expression and movements, and couldn't help but come up with such a thought.

Uh... In this case, with Chiba's IQ, she should have already guessed these, from our tone and demeanor just now.

Obviously, after Lin's words, Kakashi was also reminded of Chiba's identity as a medical ninja, or a medical ninja with quite superb medical ninjutsu, and a glimmer of hope rose in his desperate heart.

As for why Obito knew the reaction of Chiba who was injured before seeing Obito's situation, he quickly found an explanation.

After all, they lived together for a period of time, and the acquaintance with each other is not achieved by ordinary friends. Besides, although there are no various autopsies in Chiba, they can still be said to be weird medical experiments, and those he seems to see. A medical summary like a bible, even, he was a guinea pig for a period of time to test medicine for Chiba, he understands how high Chiba's medical level is, and also knows how high Chiba's IQ is, the kind that seems to be able to see through the heart With such wisdom, I am afraid that Konoha will not be the second person.

Sometimes, Kakashi even suspected that he was more than ten years older than himself, not a year younger.

But no matter what, if there is someone Kakashi can trust in a critical moment, then Chiba is definitely one.

At this time, no matter how Qianye got here, how he escaped from danger, and crossed the battlefield to get here, it is no longer important.

The important thing is now!

That's his "fear" right now.

Even if Obito is exactly the same as in the original book, you can't get distracted, absolutely not like just now!

Although the more important something is, the more I am afraid of losing it, but this fear, this feeling of not being able to withstand a little failure, is something I must overcome.

This is not an easy thing to do!

To bear the burden, I must really be strong.

At the same time, Chiba, who walked up to Kakashi and jumped down, warned himself in his heart.

Having calmed down, he subconsciously reflected on his actions along the way.

Yes, reflection, right at the stall where he was rushing, he quickly reflected.

This kind of thinking has almost become his instinct.

It was this reflection that made him quickly sort out the previous scenes and sum up the lessons learned.

Indeed, the fear of losing the people he cares about will give him a stronger fighting spirit, allowing him to survive the attacks of powerful ninjas such as the three generations of Raikage and various crises.

However, after all, there are two sides to the matter. Any crisis or failure in the fate-changing plan will make him fall into a despair of losing fighting spirit and reason.

This is a very bad thing.

When he made his fate plan, he did it step by step. Saving Obito and preventing Obito from becoming black is only the first step. Although the first step is very critical, if it is achieved, it will save a lot of effort. Maximize the increase in success rate. After all, if Obito does not fall into the hands of Uchiha Madara, then the chance of his blackening is very small. Even if he is blackened, he can be quickly controlled under the control of Konoha. The Kyuubi Rebellion, just Not likely to happen.

However, it does not mean that the first step has failed, and that there is no hope of changing the fate of the plan. This point was actually ignored by him, because he valued the destiny change plan too much, so he always wanted to complete it perfectly, without any mistakes.

And the blackening of Obito did not happen overnight, there were quite a turning point, the most important turning point was Lin's death.

It can be said that before witnessing Lin's death, Obito was still that hot-blooded boy, that hot-blooded idiot he knew well, and Madara couldn't control him. , For Lin, for Kakashi, for his Minato-sensei, he voluntarily gave up his life.

Based on Chiba's understanding of Obito, he firmly believed in this point.

If Chiba is allowed to choose the person who can deliver the back in times of crisis, then Obito is definitely one of them!

Yes, the success of the first step will get twice the result with half the effort, but the failure of the first step is not hopeless.

However, Chiba's emphasis on changing his destiny will make him easily fall into the dead end of failure, thus missing some redeemable opportunities.

This is the downside of "fear of losing someone you care about."

Indeed, the fear of losing the person he cares about can give him a strong will and a strong fighting spirit, helping him to create miracles again and again.

However, the fear of losing the person he cares about will also make him overreact, lose his mind, and miss the opportunity to save him.

These advantages and disadvantages are also the only thing he got from this reflection.

Also, the most valuable thing, one of the most needed things to complete the fate-changing plan.

Therefore, after understanding these, a series of thoughts appeared in his mind during the leap.


A slight sound of stepping on the ground landed at the bottom of the gap.


Lin, who had been watching Qianye jumping from above, hurriedly greeted Qianye when she saw Qianye fall to the ground.

"I'm up there."

Then, there was Kakashi's voice above.

Obviously, what Kakashi meant was that you can treat Obito with peace of mind, and I will protect you at all costs.


It's that Kakashi already!

Hearing this, Qianye couldn't help but look up at the figure who turned away, and he understood in his heart. Then, his gaze passed over the anxious Lin, and landed on the figure at her feet.

The familiar boy with sunken left eyelid.


Then, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and his face stiffened slightly, but he didn't show much emotion.

"How is it? Chiba?"

At this time, Lin, who was staring at Qianye, couldn't help asking, her hand had already grabbed Qianye's trousers.

Obviously, Lin at this time was also very excited.

"Don't worry, Lin, we are still on the battlefield."

Taking a look at this usually gentle, living in Kakashi's house, who has been taking care of them silently, it can be said that the big sister of the Minato class + Kushina class, and also Yukina's few female friends, Chiba couldn't help it The corners of his mouth pursed.

It was the first time he saw Lin's expression like this, and the almost pleading eyes that were holding back tears made him tremble in his heart.

"Trust me... I will definitely, definitely save him!"

Scenes of Lin’s gentle smile towards himself emerged in my mind. When I was studying late at night, when Lin was around, I always had a cup of hot tea and snacks, and occasionally when I went to the toilet, I caught a glimpse of Lin dealing with it silently. The situation when they ate Hesai's mess, Qianye gritted her teeth, suppressed the trembling, and said.

"Well, please... please!"

Hearing Qianye's words, Lin nodded and loosened her hands slightly.

"give it to me."

Chiba nodded heavily and squatted down.

Then, his eyes fell on the boy who was half-suppressed by the boulder.

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