Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 976 Staggered!


The muffled sound of heavy skin and flesh slowly spread from the place where the smoke and white mist dissipated!


At the same time, the sound of a sharp object piercing through the flesh also sounded, mixed with the muffled sound of the heavy flesh, and spread far away.



Then, the sound of the right shoulder colliding with the left back and the right chest colliding with the right shoulder sounded at the same time.


The palm that pierced through with lightning and fire, like a thousand birds singing, slowly brushed against the slightly ragged skirt, and there was a sound of "tearing". For the second, it was torn apart neatly, and the two neat pieces of clothes suddenly separated, flying up and down!


Then, there was an uncontrollable cry of surprise, which sounded in the flash of Lei Guang's palm.

Then, arms and arms, eyes and eyes crossed.


With almost a sound, two feet crossed across the stiff adult figure, one on the left and one on the right, both landing on the ground.

"Squeak... cheep... cheep..."

The thunder light in his hand slowly dissipated, and the scarlet twin-godama sharingan turned slightly. Kakashi's eyes passed over Iwagakushi's twisted neck and the face that had turned completely behind him with all the crowded features, and fell on On the other side, the boy's voice pierced through the same right hand as his own.

"your eyes!"

And at this moment, Qianye, who punched out with a fist and wiped Huoguang's distorted cheek, Yan reflected Kakashi's Sharingan of Ergouyu who turned around, opened his mouth and let out an exclamation, and his heart beat wildly Incessantly, an indescribable feeling welled up in my heart!

This scar...the eyes...

In the end, or...

And in his mind, such a thought passed through.


At this moment, Kakashi looked at Chiba, and Chiba looked at Kakashi's eyes. When the eyes seemed to meet and seem to be wrong, the other feet of the two also stepped down one after another.


Then, there was the sound of an arm being pulled out from the flesh.


Then, the adult figure between the two of them slowly fell to the ground, and with a muffled sound, he fell to the ground without making any sound.

Under the pincer attack of the two, Huo Guang didn't even make a sound, and was killed in just a moment of despair.

"Qianye, you...how do you..."

But at this time, Kakashi, with a few teardrops in his eyes, didn't even look at Iwagakushi's body, but stared at Chiba, who was slowly falling from the smashed right hand. The inconceivable gaze, for a moment, seemed a little speechless.

Now, he did not expect at all that he could see Qianye here.

"Bring... bring soil...?"

However, at this moment, Chiba didn't seem to hear his words at all, and stared blankly at the place where Kakashi came from in front of him. The rubble bulge that had been turned upside down, and a hole was exposed, and his mind was almost at a loss. Blank, the words in the mouth trembled a little, like a whisper.


This is not true!

The battle has obviously changed, the timing of Kakashi's knife breaking, and the way to end the fire have also changed.

How can it be……

How could Obito still be substituted into the original fate?


How could he still die!

In his heart, there was a series of disbelief and disbelief.

Bring soil!

And hearing Chiba's trembling and whispering, Kakashi's body trembled violently, those surprises and disbelief at Chiba's appearance here disappeared in an instant, his heart was also tugged, but he opened his mouth and said everything He couldn't come out, but just looked away, and while looking at the gap, he walked forward step by step with heavier but not slow speed.

"He's here……"

After a long time, when he was almost at the gap, his tightly pursed lips opened slightly, and he spoke in a serious and sad tone.

How could this be...how could this be!

Should have changed!

Should have been different!

Although I was a little late, the battle has changed! The content of the battle has changed!

Why, it will end like this!


However, when Kakashi's voice came, Chiba's feet seemed to be rooted, and he couldn't move a step away.

And in his mind, all kinds of emotions and thoughts are intertwined, unbelief, despair, anger... Those negative emotions that were forcibly suppressed have erupted, completely disrupting his reason, let alone take a step forward. Now, his spirit is in a kind of extremely chaotic trance.

He tried to clear his mind, but the surge of negative emotions had already occupied all his thoughts, and he was in a trance on the spot, unable to make even a single reaction.


However, in the next second, a familiar female voice of surprise and lingering surprise came from the gap, but it instantly shattered the numerous negative emotions in the head, and the beating heart suddenly calmed down.

There was a flash of thunder in my mind, and my whole body calmed down in a shudder.




How could I have forgotten this matter!


It is true that this is the place where fate happened, but it was not this incident that really made Obito black!

It's Lin!

Now is just the beginning, just the beginning!

Lin is the real key!

Moreover, the matter has come to this point, even if I am depressed, even if I don't believe it, and escape, it will not do any good, but it will lead to the inevitable blackening of Obito, and the inevitable occurrence of everything.

Perhaps in this matter, I have failed, and Obito is about to fall into the hands of Uchiha Madara.


There is still hope!

Everything, and hope!

Taki Chiba, Taki Chiba!

Haven't you already thought about it?

Change will not be so easy, and there is even a high chance of failure!

No, are you ready to fail?

Why, you have to be so flustered!

At this moment, in his mind, the thunder flashed, and countless thoughts were used. In an instant, the darkness of despair in his heart suddenly became clear, and he cheered up.

"What, Chiba is here too! Obito, Obito, wake up, Chiba is here too!"

And at this time, when Qianye's heart suddenly brightened, Lin's inexplicable voice of surprise and surprise rang in his ears.

In the critical state of Humen mode, the sound at this distance can be said to be close to Chiba's ears.

Could it be that... with soil, there is still salvation?

And hearing this inexplicable voice of surprise and surprise, Chiba took a sudden step, met Kakashi's surprise eyes who seemed to have thought of something when he heard this sentence, and ran away.


Bringing soil does not necessarily mean death!

There are many types of fatal injuries. With Lin's medical methods, there may be no way to treat them, but...

I'm here!

And me!

At this moment, the hope in Chiba's heart blazed up.

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