Chapter 93 Appreciation

Three generations of Naruto Office.

"Hehehe... this Qianye, the whole test has fallen into his control. He is really an amazing child." Third Hokage smiled, and at this time he had completely put down the pipe in his hand, and watched with all his attention. Image inside the crystal ball.

And everything the three of Chiba did was in his eyes, even all the actions of Shiga Taketake, Kanno Satoru, and Shirakawa Izumi's actions, he could see clearly. The three groups, and the three of Chiba, are really far behind.

At this time, the Sannin surrounded by the teacher also showed astonishment, Jiraiya also scratched his head, and said: "What is this child's head made of, such a plan can be thought of!" .”

Tsunade smiled and said, "Oshemaru, he completely exploited the loopholes in your additional rules."

At this time, Orochimaru was surprised at first, and then showed a wicked smile, saying: "This child's wisdom is indeed not simple, not only the combat wisdom, but also the team's combat wisdom, are all first-class. Really Interesting kid."

The Third Hokage also nodded appreciatively, and said: "His wisdom, I am afraid, can only be compared with Shikahisa of the Nara family in this generation of pigs and butterflies. This kind of team combat wisdom is even more precious than ninjutsu. "

"However, I didn't expect this kid to cheat so openly. He entered the death forest an hour before the test started, and left a shadow clone to confuse the opponent, making the attacker think that the defender didn't go in, and dragged on for an hour." Zilai also said with a wry smile.

"They walked into that bush before. I thought they were going to do something. It turned out that there was a shadow clone in it, and Uchiha Hirohiko split two shadow clones, one transformed into Hinata Yuki who rejected the shadow clone technique. Nai, then three shadow clones walked out of the bushes, confusing the opponent. The three of them cut off the barbed wire and entered the death forest." The three generations were full of approval, and smiled and said: "This child is very clever, At such a young age, he has shown extraordinary wisdom and mind."

When talking, Sandai Hokage couldn't help but think of the scene where Chiba prevented Kushina from clarifying the truth about the Maya incident.

If this child can always be guided correctly, maybe in the future...

"Jiraiya, this isn't cheating, it's Orochimaru's loopholes in his words." Hearing Jiraiya said that Chiba had cheated, Tsunade couldn't help but smiled and said: "This kid took advantage of Orochimaru's loopholes. "

"Yes, I just said that the attacker can only enter ten minutes after the defender enters the death forest. However, there is no regulation on when and how the defender will enter. The method of sneaking in, and even using shadow clones to confuse the opponent, making the opponent think that they have not entered yet, thus delaying the time for the attacker to enter, there is no cheating or foul here." Orochimaru said: "Chiba and the others are perfect He took advantage of my rules, and if the method of entering the Death Forest counts for points, the full score is ten, and I will give him twelve points."

"And it was this one-hour delay that gave them enough advantage." The Third Hokage said, "I thought this would be the end of it, but I didn't expect this Chiba to use his shadow clone to the end, not only He proposed to Guan Yewu that they should delay the time, and put the victory on Guan Yewu, which inspired Guan Yewu's fighting spirit. At the same time, he used the shadow clone to delay the attacking team for a certain period of time. First, he was delaying time for himself. Secondly, it also bought some time for Guan Yewu, so that kid Bai Chuan couldn't catch up for a while."

"The most powerful thing is that the child used his shadow clone to successfully anger Hyuga Yutaka and Kiuchi Taketo, which amplified the instability of Shiga's entire team infinitely. The anger of the two, and as Captain Shiga Taketake also saw this, and tried his best to save him, but Chiba deliberately exposed his position with a bonfire at night, which completely destroyed the mentality of Hyuga Yutaka and Kiuchi Taketo, and lost the most basic calm , It also made Shiga Taketake exhausted, which eventually led to Shiga Taketake's mistakes and fell into Chiba's trap." Tsunade's evaluation is not lacking in praise, from a macro perspective, she can clearly understand everything about Chiba layout.

"On this point, Shiga Taketake is a bit of a pity. The real number is not a good player in tactics. After all, the teaching in this area is a little bit worse. It's a pity for Shiga Taketake. When he is promoted to Zhongnin, arrange a tactic for him. The teacher in the school. This child is calm and composed, and he has not lost his composure from the beginning to the end, and his aptitude is also very good." Third Hokage said:

Hearing the words of the third Hokage, Sannin showed surprise. It can be said that this Shiga Taketake was completely blown up by Chiba, and their eyes were also focused on this bright pearl of Chiba, but they forgot this piece of raw material. Jade.

When the third Hokage said this, they also felt that it was a pity for Shiga Taketake. The reason why he was defeated by Chiba was because of his experience in leading the team. Because of his lack of experience in leading the team, he was timid and caused the team to fall apart. If he is given some opportunities to practice, he may be a strong enemy of Chiba in terms of tactics in the future.

Sarutobi-sensei, is still as perceptive as ever.

Sannin sincerely sighed.

However, this Taki Chiba is really surprising, amazing! A rough jade like Shiga Taketake, under his brilliance, is like a stubborn stone, and even let their eyes only focus on him. Everyone in this final test is bleak compared to him. Light.

It is unimaginable that a seven-year-old child can come up with such a plan that they may not be able to come up with.

Before today, the genius who surprised them the most was undoubtedly Minakaze Minato a few years ago, but now, the most amazing young genius is undoubtedly Taki Chiba here!

Sannin glanced at each other at the same time, sparks seemed to burst out in their eyes, and their eyes all expressed a meaning.

I want to cultivate this genius!

At this moment, the Third Hokage suddenly leaned in front of the crystal ball, and said "uh", as if very surprised.

Sannin temporarily looked away and looked at the crystal ball, what surprised their teacher so much.

And at this time, in the crystal ball, three kunai inserted smoke into the feet of the three of Chiba, and the detonating symbol at the end made a "chick".

Burn up!

This is... a counterattack?

Shiga Taketake's group, in such an explosion, can they still have the power to fight back?

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