"Tsk! Judging from the ashes, they should have left not long ago!" Shiga Takeyue squatted down helplessly, and checked the extinguished bonfire. At this time, the bonfire was still burning with sparks, and wisps of faint smoke rose up with.

But, it always feels a little weird, this fire...

Shiga Takeyue frowned, and he checked again, and found that it was an ordinary bonfire without any abnormalities at all, and judging by the extent to which the flames were extinguished, it was not long ago.

The person who lit this bonfire left not long ago.

"Looking at the footprints, there should be three people, that is to say, only three people arrived here first, whether it was Kanno's group or Taki Chiba's group...Hmph! Leaving footprints, people are so ignored, I'm afraid it's Taki Chiba's genius!" Kiuchi Kento bent over and groped the ground.

And Hyuga Snow Eagle opened his white eyes, and in his white eyes, he didn't find any trace of these three people.

"It's not within the range of my white eyes!" Hyuga Snow Eagle said.

"Then what are you waiting for, catch up!" Kiuchi Taketo has already rushed out quickly and went straight.

Hyuga Snow Eagle frowned slightly, and followed. The displeasure and resentment towards Chiba in his heart had dissipated a little at this time, and he had already sensed something was wrong, but Kiuchi Taketo's actions made him feel that something was wrong. Skip it quickly.

Sure enough, it was correct to come and see, hurry up, and be ahead of the curve!

This is his final thought.

Originally, they wanted to follow the shortcut all the way, but Shiga Takeyue finally felt that something was inappropriate, so he wanted to come here to take a look, in case of fraud, and also to see who was the first to arrive here. Whether it's Guanye or Chiba, if it's Guanye, then sneak attack and eliminate them, if it's Chiba, go ahead of them.

After all, Chiba's group is difficult to deal with, and it is more cost-effective to rush ahead than to fight with them.

This is also the strategy that Shiga Takeyue came up with to cooperate with the two people's impatience. In order to obtain a more secure advantage of victory, but unexpectedly, the place has been empty, but it has the opposite effect.

hateful! These two guys! I shouldn't have said it was a fraud just now, the two of them became even more anxious when they saw this situation!

Shiga Takeyue had no choice but to keep up. If something happened to these two people, he would not be able to sustain himself alone. Although Bai Chuanquan is also very strong, he is far behind these two.

However, the bad premonition in his heart made him very uneasy.

Hurrying like this without taking the necessary rest...it's too unsafe! Too precarious!

There were warning signs in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

Time passed by, the three of them shuttled through the dense forest, Hyuga Snow Eagle kept his eyes open all the time, but no matter how they chased and speeded up, in the wide field of vision of the white eyes, there was no sign of the first three people.

As time passed and the distance increased, Shiga Taketake's heart kept sinking, a feeling of being tricked emerged spontaneously, and it continued to erode his reason.

Sure enough, it shouldn't have come! You shouldn't have come! Got it! It must have been a trick!

A feeling of regret surged up uncontrollably.

And Kiuchi Taketo would glance at Hyuga Yukaka every once in a while, expecting him to say "I found it, it's right in front", but Hyuga Yukitaka kept his lips tightly shut and refused to say anything!

No! No! Why haven't you caught up yet!

This was the common thought of Hyuga Snow Eagle and Kiuchi Taketo, and their anxiety could not be suppressed since they saw the light smoke.

The three of them shuttled back and forth until the crescent moon sank into the western sky, the sky turned pale, and the rising sun in the east coated the forest with a layer of golden brilliance.

The corner of Hyuga Snow Eagle's mouth finally evoked a smile, and in his eyes, he had already spotted the three people who went ahead!

It was the three of Chiba! Although I don't know how they are so far ahead, but seeing their appearance, they are standing in the open space outside the forest, looking at the towering tower in front of them.

Tower of Death!

They have arrived, but judging from their appearance, they should not have entered the tower yet!

"What's wrong?" Taketo Kiuchi, who had been watching Yuyutaka directly, asked quickly when he saw Yuyutaka's smile.

"I found them. They are right ahead. They haven't entered the Tower of Death yet. It looks like they are about to enter soon." Hyuga Snow Eagle said.

Hearing this news, Kiuchi Kento was overjoyed. He had waited too long for this moment! At this time, patches of morning light began to seep into his eyes, and he was about to leave the forest soon!

But Shiga Taketake's heart skipped a beat. The morning light, the suddenly bright scenery and the vaguely high tower made him nervous for no reason!

Why am I... a little scared!

Shiga Taketake's eyes were full of astonishment.


Before leaving the forest, Kento Kiuchi touched the ninja sword on his back, raised his gene with one hand and two fingers, and the moment he rushed out, after finding the target, his sparrow flash would take down these so-called geniuses!

Kiuchi Taketo rushed out impatiently, and Hyuga Yutaka followed immediately.

"Zi!" There was a sound of some kind of slender thread being pulled suddenly.

Kiuchi Taketo looked down in disbelief.

Hinata Yukito glanced at Taketo Kiuchi, who was only half a body diagonally in front of him, and his eyes were also full of astonishment.

The panic in Shiga Taketake's eyes erupted completely.

A thin thread was caught on the foot of Kiuchi Taketo who rushed out anxiously, and he pulled it!


Outside the towering tower, at the edge of the forest, a burst of flames suddenly exploded, the sawdust branches exploded, and the black smoke evaporated and floated into the air.

Tens of meters in front of the explosion, three seven-year-old children suddenly turned their heads.

"It seems that they are so anxious that they can't even see the trap." The middlemost child among the three children turned around, looked at the explosion, touched his chin, and showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Exactly, Chiba!

"Tell me, who will come here?" Chiba turned around and asked Hiroko who was beside him. At this time, Hiroko also turned around, looking at the flames and black smoke of the explosion.

"Shiga." His words were simple.

And Xue Nai looked at the flames and black smoke with some worry, as well as the broken wood leaves that exploded into the sky.

"Don't worry, we have controlled the number and power of the detonating symbols. They will only be blown up to lose their combat effectiveness, and there will be no danger to their lives." Chiba patted Xue Nai on the shoulder.

Yukina... probably worried about Hyuga Yutaka. Although they usually don't talk much, the relationship between brother and sister should be very good.

Qianye looked at the flames and black smoke, thinking so.

However, the final test has basically come to an end. Although they are imagined as Kakashi-level wisdom to set up a game, it seems that although they are strong, they are worse than Kakashi in this period.

If these tricks of mine were replaced by Kakashi, they should be seen through!

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