Chapter 720 Chiba, what are you planning to do?

"Ding ding ding!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The overwhelming shurikens collided together in an instant, and immediately, clusters of white mist mixed with the sparks of the shuriken collision spread, and in an instant, a band of white mist covered the two sides.

"Chiba, be careful!"

Just when the white mist dissipated and blocked his sight, Kakashi, who was standing slightly behind Chiba, took a sudden step forward, pulled Chiba with his hands behind him, and blocked him Before Chiba.

"Puff puff puff!"

And at this very moment, in the white mist that filled the air, four rapidly rotating shurikens were paired in pairs, one up and one down, suddenly protruding from the white mist, bringing out two white arcs in the air. As soon as the body stood still, the four shurikens had already circled around, and the imperceptible bright silk thread tied to the shurikens had already surrounded Kakashi's side following the rotation of the shurikens.

In the next second, Kakashi only felt a tightness on his body, and after the shuriken quickly spun around him a few times, the steel wire tied it had already tightly bound him.

This is……

At this moment, his pupils contracted slightly, and the four kunai that were subsequently shot out of the white mist were reflected in his eyes.

"Ding ding ding!"

With four crisp sounds, the four shurikens that were still twirling were suddenly nailed to the ground firmly by the four kunai that were shot through.

Kakashi only felt the pulling force coming from the steel wire, almost staggered and almost fell. The steel wire wrapped around his body tightened for a moment, making him frown.

This is what he used when fighting Chiba during the Chunin exam...

Sharingan Flying Windmills!

Such a thought flashed in his mind, but Kakashi glanced back from the corner of his eyes, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Then, the next step is the dragon fire technique!

Reflecting in his eyes the stream of flames coming along the bright thread in the white mist, Kakashi took a slight breath.

Well, it seems that what I thought was correct. At this time, Hirohiko used the shuriken shadow clone technique to deliberately create this blinding white mist. It must not be to help Chiba create a chance to block his sight.

Instead, create an opportunity for yourself!

"Then, there is only one chance, it's up to you!"

At this moment, behind him, Chiba's voice came from pulling back.


Just when the voice fell, the stream of flames followed, touched his body, exploded suddenly, and exploded into a ball of fire in an instant, engulfing him.

"Be careful, Hiroko, this is a stand-in!"

At this moment, Xue Nai's serious and eager voice sounded from the other end of the white mist.


Sure enough, rolling eyes is troublesome!

Just when Xue Nai's words sounded, behind Kakashi who was burning into a fireball, a young figure suddenly jumped out, and in the leap, the ninja sword in his hand turned into a cold light, chopped down, and went straight into the white mist In the middle, the four bright-colored silk threads wrapped around the fireball converge.

In other words, in the white mist, cut off the position where Hirohiko was biting the steel wire!

At the same time, at this moment, the four tight steel wires in the eyes of the boy's figure also dropped slightly. Almost instantly, the image of Hirohiko letting go and retreating flashed through his mind, and the ninja sword in his hand suddenly slanted along the chopping trend. , the moment the blade touched the white mist, the downward slash suddenly turned into an arc slanted slash.


As if there was a soundless tearing of cloth, the belt of white mist split open suddenly, like a silk torn, along the oblique arc, split in half, and spread out suddenly, revealing the appearance of Hongyan opening his mouth and withdrawing, and retreating rapidly.

And at this moment, in Sangouyu's writing wheel eyes, what was reflected was the figure of the boy who was exactly the same as Kakashi leaping up and swinging his sword, slashing down diagonally.


The next second, there was a sound of cloth being torn, and the clothes on his chest were torn apart from his right shoulder to his left side, revealing the fishnet clothes inside.

so dangerous...


It was Kakashi who showed mercy. If he hadn't cut it off with the back of his sword, he would have seen blood by now!

I lost!

At this moment, such a thought flashed through Hirohiko, who was fluttering with the flap of his chest being ripped open.

However, I lost, but we didn't lose!

And just after the thought of admitting defeat flashed, a bright light flashed in Hongyan's eyes, and Sangouyu's Sharingan turned suddenly.


Sharingan illusion!

Almost as soon as Hirohiko's Sharingan turned, Kakashi immediately noticed something, and when the pair of bright red Sharingan expanded and enlarged in his field of vision, he suddenly closed his eyes.

Then, next, it's up to you!

Seeing Kakashi's eyes closed and the illusion failed, Hirohiko's eyes did not show any frustration, but a sense of expectation.

"Whirlwind of leaves!"

But at this time, a shout full of passion and blood suddenly remembered that on the right side of Kakashi's very close position, an upper kick from left to right had already hit his left cheek.

Maitekai's figure suddenly flashed!

"Hirohiko is right, you will definitely close your eyes immediately!"

At the same time, on Kakashi's left side, Asma's voice suddenly sounded, and a right uppercut almost touched Kakashi's right cheek.

Asma is here too!

One left and one right, Kakashi is already inevitable.

Solve one first!

At this moment, seeing that the attack was about to succeed, Asma and Maitkai passed a thought at the same time.

"Oops! Qianye actually!"

And just when the thoughts in their minds turned, Xue Nai's suspicious voice suddenly remembered.

It's so dangerous, if Yukina finds out early, then Kakashi and I are done for!

At this time, Yukina's voice just remembered that behind Kakashi who closed his eyes and leaned over, Chiba suddenly jumped out, raised two fingers in one hand, and flung out the other hand, two kunai with detonating talismans fluttering at the end. He rushed out and flew towards the position where there was still some distance behind Hong Yanfei's retreat.

but now……

I caught you!

At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Chiba's mouth.

"Bang bang!"

At the same time, at this moment, when the attacks of Asma and Maitkai were about to hit Kakashi, two balls of fire and smoke the size of fists suddenly exploded from their right and left shoulders, the sudden explosion and personal explosion The resulting pain, as well as the shock wave, immediately disrupted the two's attacking stances.



After hearing two muffled grunts, Kai and Asma's feet and fists rubbed against Kakashi's face at the same time and stopped, then they slid down suddenly, and the two of them also landed sideways in embarrassment, with black smoke on their shoulders. Roll and float.

Did you set the detonator at that time?

A picture flashed in the minds of Asma and Kai almost at the same time, which was the situation when Chiba put her hands on her shoulders just now!

Miscalculation, I paid too much attention to the two of them!


We are a little careless because of our advantages!

Didn't notice the hands and feet set on his own body!

And at this moment, a few meters behind the white mist belt, Xue Nai raised her head slightly, and from the point of view penetrating into the white mist belt, it was clearly those two kunai flying towards her!

By my voice, have you found my place?

But, what is Qianye going to do, such a frontal attack, and he has not separated his avatar, and is still exposed in the air, what is he planning to do?

This is absolutely not holding back!

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