Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 719 Infinitely Approaching 0

"Why, what, it's seven against two!"

"Two super geniuses VS the most powerful young ninjas in the village?"

"This... this, this, this..."

"It seems that it's getting more and more interesting!"

"Yes, yes! This is more interesting than the battle of super geniuses!"


Whispers from all around came into her ears, Chiba's eyes kept moving, and she kept glancing around the audience who started to step back a little to make room for them, as well as the same-time buddies who were already gearing up in front of them and stood on the opposite side. Let’s gather ideas one by one into plans, then decompose the plans into steps, and then enlarge the steps one by one, considering the pros and cons. At the same time, we eliminate the steps with low success rate, so that the idea is more likely to have a higher success rate. The steps... so back and forth, this turn of the stalls, Qianye almost eliminated five or six steps in his mind, and came up with three or four new steps, and combined, narrowed, and connected to form new plans one by one, Then……

One by one was rejected, until all the possibilities of Qianye were basically thought of, but there was no complete plan.

The existence of Hirohiko and Yukina, as well as the opponent's superiority in numbers, Hyuga Yutaka's participation in the battle... made the failure rate of these plans rise exponentially.

Although he already has the strength of an elite johnin, and even has a super genius beside him who can split 50/50 with himself, or even with anyone, but these strengths can't make up for these failure rates at all, making him in an "extreme" High probability of success" range.

In other words, the total strength of the opposing team has reached a level where "tactics" cannot "make up for the gap between numbers and strength".

That is to say, the current opponent can completely "break the tricks with strength" against him!

At this moment, Qianye is really helpless...

After all, sometimes, it is not because one's own strength is higher than the opponent's, or even one's wisdom is much higher than the opponent's, can defeat the enemy. A battle is not a simple numerical battle. Many people in the previous life discussed the strength and combat effectiveness of the characters, and even which character is more Which character is powerful is basically judged by a round-based numerical duel. For example, a certain trick of this character is extremely powerful, not only has a wide range, but also has a strong lethality. In this way of judging, this character basically You can "one trick, eat all over the world", soar all the way, and even be stronger than the protagonist. After that, there will be a group of like-minded people or persuaded who agree with the strength of this judged character. As for the protagonist being able to defeat him, that is "the protagonist's aura is causing trouble".

In other words, there is another way of judging, which is "character strength level setting". If the set level is high, the level of torture must be low, and when the protagonist is above the lower level, it will basically be classified as "the protagonist's halo". .

Of course, this kind of judgment method has considerable credibility in some very rigorous works.

However, whether it is the former way of judging or the latter's way of judging, in the world of Naruto, it is not rigorous or even wrong. In the previous life, Chiba always believed that among the three major migrant manga, Naruto is The worst one to be blacked out by the "protagonist halo".

In fact, every time Naruto fights, his opponents are not weak, but they are not so strong that Naruto can't fight back. At this level, wisdom and tactics can have a great impact. Moreover, the setting of ninjutsu, or the battle setting of Naruto's work, is very conducive to the display of wisdom and tactics. Naruto's anti-killing is actually within the "reasonable" range, which is completely unreasonable. "The halo of the protagonist" is wrong. Naruto's fighting intelligence is actually not low. In this regard, Chiba firmly believes that he inherited it from his father.

Of course, it is only Qianye's deep belief that there is no research, and it is not correct.

Whether it is a numerical or setting-based battle judgment, it is actually a kind of paper. In a real battle, the environment, time, and people are all important. Using the theory of Chiba's previous homeland, even fighting requires Timing, favorable location, and harmony of people do not mean that the strong will surely win. When the three are combined, the variables are infinite. To defeat the strong with the weak, as long as you find the right method, as long as the gap between the two is not the weak, no matter how you attack the strong, the damage will be the same. 0, then it is entirely possible.

And this method, here, is "tactics."

As for the current situation in Chiba, although the damage is not completely 0, the two of the opponents have greatly reduced the effect of tactics to increase combat power, making the effect infinitely close to zero, and then let Chiba and Kaka West had to face absolute numbers and strength disadvantages.

In other words, the weaker side was also given the condition to use wisdom to turn the tables, so that the possible damage they could cause to the opponent's collective combat power was infinitely close to zero.

Of course, this is just a metaphor and a figurative statement. The complexity of the current situation cannot be fully expressed in words.

In short, Chiba and Kakashi are now at a complete disadvantage, and the tactics cannot be reversed, and even the tactics will become the cause of defeat.

"Have plans?"

As if sensing Chiba's gaze, Kakashi turned his head slightly and asked.

"No, no."

Qianye smiled wryly and shook his head. If the success rate of tactics is lower than a certain limit, then it is very likely to become a flaw and be used by the opponent, resulting in the defeat of his own side.

"Uh, still need time?"

Kakashi frowned. In fact, he also thought about a lot of tactics, but the result was not very good. There were two supercilious eyes on the opposite side, and the small moves were useless at all, and there was no way to hide them.

"There is nothing to do."

At this time, Chiba took a few steps forward and stood side by side with Kakashi, the bitter smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more bitter.


Kaka's mouth under the mask tugged.

"Do you think they'll accept our defeat so easily?"

Chiba asked back.

"forget it."

Kakashi took a deep breath, squatted down slightly with Chiba, and reached into the ninja bag behind his back.

Tsk, oops, Kunai and shuriken reserves are not much, and there is no replenishment...

A thought of suffering flashed through his mind, but Kakashi's eyes were looking forward without blinking, his expression was solemn, and all his energy was concentrated.

At this time, Qianye next to him also had the same expression on his face, but the thought in his heart was different.

So, is it the only way to do this?

It might be over the limit, it might be a little unpleasant to take over, but...

It seems that this is the only way to do it!

"Kakashi, cooperate if you can!"

At this time, he suddenly spoke.

"Ah... I understand, pay attention!"

Kakashi nodded, and said in his mouth, the second half of the sentence was already spoken in a serious voice.

"The attack is coming!"

In the next second, Qianye was the interface, and his hands were suddenly thrown out of the ninja bag behind him.

Several shurikens and kunai flew out of his hand, and at the same time, his free hand closed violently, forming a seal quickly.

Shuriken Shadow Cloning Technique!

The next moment, Chiba and Hirohiko on the opposite side raised their heads slightly at the same time, a sharp light flashed in their eyes, and the seal in their hands was over!

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