Chapter 660 Because...

Because, last time he failed...

Turning to bed Xiaochun was slightly taken aback, not only him, but also the third Hokage and Mitomonyan were taken aback, and when he heard this sentence, Danzo completely closed his eyes and turned into Furui Fubo, lowering his eyebrows The appearance is pleasing to the eye, and, looking at that appearance, he will not say anything this time, as if he agrees with Qianye's words, and he no longer plans to do anything.

Of course, the subtext behind Chiba's words, the three Hokages, the two advisors, and Danzo all understand.

Because he failed last time, this time he will learn a lesson, be more careful, and think more thoroughly. In addition to his years of experience in the front line and his own talents, this plan is enough for him to rest assured.

Next, Qianye didn't need to say anything, this sentence already explained everything.

Compared to Chiba, a newcomer, Watanabe Kenshin also has this talent. He is inferior to Chiba, but he is not much inferior. Compared with Chiba, his actual command experience is enough to make him surpass Chiba in command, and He has experienced failure, he has tasted the taste of failure, and he will learn more experience from failure. At the same time, he will be more careful and thoughtful, and because he has already failed last time, this time he will guarantee that he will never fail. Bian Qianxin will use 100% of his strength, even 120%, 200% of his strength.

Moreover, Watanabe Kenshin's experience will also allow him to withstand pressure better than Chiba, and avoid pressure from adversely affecting his decision-making.

That is to say, in this respect, Watanabe Kenshin's endurance may be better than Chiba's.

And all in all, in this plan, in this task, Watanabe Kenshin is actually more suitable than Chiba!

At this moment, Sandai Hokage, Zhuanju Koharu and Mitomonyan couldn't help but look at each other, complex emotions flashed in their eyes, their brows frowned slightly, and they didn't speak for a while.

As for Qianye, looking at Danzo, he also sighed in his heart after seeing his appearance of not doing anything anymore.


In a sense, his talent may not be inferior to that of Sandai Hokage. Compared to Sandai Hokage, he seems to lack only one thing. Although he does not know what he lacks, it is this lack that makes his political ability Restricted, the gap between him and the third Hokage is getting bigger and bigger.

Next, he should stop doing anything, that is to say, he won't be hindering me anymore.

It's a wise judgment. He always understands his position. There are some things he can't say. On this matter, all he can say is the sentence just now. He didn't change his attitude or words because of me. He didn't show any flaws at all, and it was difficult for him to catch his small flaws and disgust him!

I also want to provoke the relationship between him and the third Hokage... Although the effect may not be very good, it can disgust him to some extent.

At the same time, you can also warn him.

Now it seems that there is no such opportunity...


I hate this kind of old fox the most, he can't gain the upper hand at all, and this forbearance...

What a troublesome character!

As for now, the Third Hokage and the others have obviously been persuaded by me, and with the fact that the Third Hokage originally favored Watanabe Kenshin, there is already a high chance that the post of troop commander will be given to Watanabe Kenshin.

Here, I can't say much. In order not to be caught by Danzang.

Thinking about it, Chiba pursed her lips, looked at the three Hokages and the three, and remained silent.

The atmosphere fell into silence.

Xiaochun and Menyan seemed to have no objections.

At this time, looking at the closed eyes of Koharu and Mitomon Yan, the third Hokage knew that they were giving the decision to themselves, that is to say, whether they chose Chiba or Kenshin Watanabe, they Both have no comment.

And based on the decades of friendship and tacit understanding between them, he could see that in this matter, Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mito Menyan were actually leaning towards Watanabe Kenshin, and they were persuaded by Chiba.

If they were partial to Qianye, then they would not be silent.

However, this kid, Kenshin, has achieved remarkable results in the front line during this period of time. Lu Jiu also told me many times that the current Kenshin is completely different from before, and has grown completely in the past few years.

Even, Lu Jiu mentioned the impact of that failure on Kenshin many times. Basically, Kenshin cheered up in a short period of time. This kid also has a resilience, and he is not someone who is easily defeated.

Coupled with the tempering of the fierce battle on the front line, he may really be more suitable than Qianye for the position of troop commander.

It's been so long, should I also consider Kenshin?

His talent has made him a deputy, isn't it too difficult for him?

It's rare that Qianye, a child who never forgave him, recommended him like this and spoke to him like this. Is it unfair for me to give this opportunity to Qianye?

If it were other commanding talents, his current record and performance would have already made him a troop commander.

Am I being too hard on him.

At the same time, am I too anxious about Chiba... This period is indeed not a good time to train novice commanders.

He is still a child, no matter how amazing his performance is, it does not mean that his mind is really mature enough to withstand the pressure of this plan. The stability and maturity he shows may just be that his way of thinking is very mature, and his mind may not be fully mature. up...

Thoughts flashed in his mind, Sandai Hokage hesitated, he took a puff of cigarette lightly, his eyes flicked over the faces of all the people present.

Danzo doesn't intend to participate...

Seeing Danzo's appearance, Sandai Hokage sighed in his heart, he was always a little confused about what Danzo's childhood friend was thinking.

However, he was quite surprised that he spoke for Qianye just now.


There is a feeling of being lectured by Chiba...

Thinking about it, Sandai Hokage took a breath, exhaled the puff of smoke just now, and said: "Well, then this matter, as you said, will be handed over to Kenshin Watanabe."

As he spoke, he opened the letter of appointment that had been prepared, and changed Taki Chiba's name to Kenshin Watanabe.

During this period, no one objected, and remained silent.

But at this moment, Chiba glanced at Danzo, with a smile on his lips.

almost forgot...

He said silently in his heart.

Um? This kid, is he targeting me?

At the same time, when Qianye smiled slightly, Danzo seemed to be aware of it, his eyes opened slightly, his brows frowned for no reason, and a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

"I have another idea about this matter."

At this moment, Chiba raised his head, looked at Sandai Hokage, and said.

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