Chapter 659 Questions and Answers

To be honest, Chiba did not intend to recommend Watanabe Kenshin. Although he believed in this person's character, he still had a grudge against Watanabe Kenshin. Couldn't treat him like anyone else.

Although this matter is not entirely Kenshin Watanabe's fault, Konoha's intelligence department should also bear some responsibility for Kanno's accident. After all, in the Kanno incident, the intelligence department did not do a good job in the intelligence work outside the village, resulting in intelligence errors , almost directly affected Watanabe Kenshin's decision-making, but after all, Watanabe Kenshin should bear most of the responsibility for this matter.

All in all, Chiba didn't have a good impression of Watanabe Kenshin, and he didn't even want to see him more, but he didn't hate him so much that he wanted to kill him. Chiba blamed himself the most for the death of the three of them. What he resented was that he didn't stop the Third Hokage from appointing Kenshin Watanabe. Although this self-blame was deeply buried in Qianye's heart, I am afraid that in the end, Qianye's voice will only fade but will not disappear.

But now, he is the only one Chiba can recommend.

For one thing, he commanded a battle of a hundred-man army at the Battle of Kikyo Mountain. Everyone knows his commanding ability, and it is also because of this ability that the Third Hokage trained him to become an army commander. Mistake, now has been on the front line, as Lu Jiu's deputy.

Secondly, he is the person that the Third Hokage wants to cultivate. Don’t worry about his character and standpoint. He will definitely not be a member of Danzo. People and Danzang people can't tell the difference. If the three generations of Hokage are really unclear, I am afraid that his power of Hokage will be lost, and Danzo will take him out of the way.

To sum up, Chiba recommended him with the highest success rate.

It can be said that if it weren't for the Guanye incident, Watanabe Kenshin would basically be the commander of the defense force, but now, it's just the opportunity after making a mistake, and it hasn't come yet. You can see how the third Hokage punished him. Hokage didn't give up on him. If there is a chance, he will still train Watanabe Kenshin to take on the big responsibility. After all, commanding talents are scarce, and it is really hard to find one.

Taking this into consideration, it can also make the third Hokage psychologically biased and easier to persuade.


At this time, Sandai Hokage picked up the pipe on the side, couldn't help taking a puff, and said in his mouth: "You recommend, Kenshin?"

At this moment, the three generations of Hokage were a little unbelievable. Chiba's attitude towards Kenshin Watanabe, although Chiba recommended Kenshin to solve the remaining problems after Kenshin failed in the battle, but this does not mean the relationship between Chiba and Kenshin How good it is, on the contrary, because of the matter of the three children of Kanye, although Chiba didn't express anything on the surface, but in his heart, he definitely couldn't forgive Kenshin.

This point, as Hokage, as an elder who has experienced the world, the three generations of Hokage can naturally see it.

This time, Qianye once again surprised him, which surprised him. The refusal of the appointment before, and the recommendation of Kenshin Watanabe now, the three generations of Hokage suddenly felt a little incomprehensible. The son of the young man.

However, what Chiba said is not impossible.

This kid, Qianxin, does have extraordinary qualifications. During this period of time, he has also performed well on the front line.

After a series of thoughts flashed by, the Third Hokage had another thought.

Seeing the expression of Sandai Hokage, Chiba's face was slightly relieved.

It seems that Kenshin Watanabe played the right card, and the third Hokage began to hesitate.

Thinking about it, Chiba ignored Danzo's expression in his eyes, looked at the third Hokage and said: "Master Hokage, now is a sensitive period, the morale of the front line has changed, the enemy breaks through the defense line, and it is very likely that they will enter the surrounding area of ​​our village again. Straight to our base camp. I have a plan, but I'm not the best at executing it.

Strictly speaking, I have only led a team once now, and it is still a three-person team. The other two are Hirohiko and Yukina, who I have cooperated with for a long time. They were all completed tasks under the leadership of Captain Morino before. I am inexperienced.

And let me command so many people in the defense force at once, even if I can command, I will definitely make mistakes, and even make some low-level mistakes that should not be made. Although the plan I said is simple, it is actually very complicated to implement , This mission of annihilating enemies is the same as the mission of annihilating enemies last time. It can only succeed and cannot fail. Even if it fails, the consequences of failure of this mission will be more passive, and it will even collapse the front line, leaving me alone A rookie commander is definitely unwise in terms of decision-making.

Last time, Kenshin Watanabe, who has some experience, made serious mistakes and omissions. The final mission was basically equivalent to a failure, and the loss was huge. As a newcomer, I was definitely not competent.

In this matter, what we need is prudence and prudence, not risk. "


As soon as Chiba's words came out, Sandai Hokage frowned immediately, and the vague disapproval on Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mitomon Yan disappeared suddenly.

Although Chiba once again emphasized that he is inexperienced and not qualified for this position, but it is obvious that he touched the warning line in the hearts of Hokage and the two advisors.

Indeed, will we overlook something because of Chiba's performance? This child's talent is indeed beyond our expectations, but will we overestimate Qianye because of this exceeding expectations, thinking that he is incapable? What can't be done?

Chiba needs a higher platform to cultivate, but is the timing we chose really right?

Can Chiba really be able to bear the pressure of the defense chief in this period? He is indeed talented, and his performance is beyond ordinary stability, but it is also unusual for his age. Can his stability really be able to bear these pressures?

After all, he was only a ten-year-old boy...

Moreover, isn't it a sign that he can't bear this kind of pressure if he refuses like this now?

If this is the case, it will harm the child instead. Are we too hasty!

And in their hearts, such a thought popped up as if they were vigilant.

Did it change their attitude again?

Danzo opened his eyes slightly, and glanced at the three Hokages without a trace, a hint of vigilance gradually appeared in his eyes.

Here, it is better for me not to speak for the time being.

And he finally made such a decision.

"Qianye, you also said that Watanabe Kenshin has failed before, can we really entrust him with the heavy responsibility?"

At this time, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said in a questioning tone.

"Yes, Master Xiaochun, we can trust him with confidence. Kenshin Watanabe failed last time, and he will never fail this time."

Qianye's eyes turned, and she landed on Xiaochun's body, and said firmly.

Danzo is indeed an old fox, with no flaws at all.

At the same time, Qianye gritted his teeth slightly in his heart, he knew that no matter what conspiracy Danzo had, it would not be revealed.


After going to bed, Xiaochun's face changed slightly.

This kid seems to be using an honorific title for the first time.

During the words, she thought so.

"Because he failed last time."

Qianye looked at Xiaochun, who turned to sleep, and said the reason.

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