Chapter 555 Unravel

what's going on?

Hirohiko slowly opened his eyes, and the sound of "success" echoed in his ears, and he sat up slowly.

It was Chiba's voice, what worked?

He glanced in confusion, his eyes fell on the other side of the table, and saw Qianye raised his hands with his back to him, holding them in front of his eyes, as if he was looking at something, and his figure seemed to tremble slightly.

On the other hand, Xue Nai was standing beside Qianye, also looking at the things Qianye was holding, because of the angle, he couldn't see Xue Nai's expression.

Behind the two, behind the bonfire stand, Qianqiu tilted his head, with his hands down, looking at the two, very quiet.

Could it be...

Seeing all this, Hirohiko's eyes cleared suddenly, and an excited thought slowly emerged from his heart.

No way!

Thinking about it, Hirohiko suddenly jumped off the bed, moved his feet, and hurriedly walked to Qianye's side, he couldn't wait to say: "Qianye, it's the seal...untied?"

In the past few days, Qianye has been studying the seals on the defense map. He naturally knows it. Even like Xue Nai, he is also worried about Chiba's situation. Looking at the appearance of the two of them now, during these days, apart from thinking about After returning to the village, besides how to improve his strength, he was thinking about Qianye.

But now, looking at the appearance of Qianye and Xue Nai, his first thought was that the seal was released.

Now, this is the only thing that can make Qianye so excited, and this is the only thing that can make Qianye lose his composure!

And hearing Hirohiko's voice, Chiba and Xue Nai both turned their heads and said almost at the same time: "Did you wake up?"

"Compared to this, is the seal really broken?"

Hongyan shook his head, expressing that he didn't care, and now he was eager to know the situation of the seal, of course he knew the importance of the seal, at this moment, unlocking the seal, how much advantage the village would gain, Hongyan also knew Clearly, this is one of the reasons why he couldn't tell Qianye to relax her research and take a good rest.

With the defense map in hand, you can even end this damn war! Many ninjas in the village did not have to die because of the war, so there would not be so many children who lost their fathers or mothers, and not so many fathers or mothers would lose their children.

There will not be so many wives worrying about their husbands, so many couples worrying about their lovers, and worrying all day long...

As long as the war is over, the village will return to its original appearance.

Chiba and Yukina will not be in danger, so Nao doesn't have to worry so much.

Thinking of this, Hirohiko couldn't help but think of Nasu leaning against the door frame and waving at him, that thin figure.


Hearing Hirohiko's slightly anxious voice, Chiba nodded. At this moment, he has calmed down, and now he needs to calm down even more.

"However, it still needs to be tested to ensure that it can be untied 100%. If something goes wrong, there is no second chance."

Chiba added another sentence.

"I see."

Hearing Chiba's words and meeting his gaze, Hirohiko took a breath, suppressed the constant excitement in his heart, nodded and said.

Afterwards, the three of them turned around in unison. Chiba looked at Yukina, then at Hirohiko, and then spread out the other two copied scrolls of the sealing technique. on the reels.


The moment the palm came into contact with the paper, the seal that Chiba constructed based on the backflow memory of the shadow clone suddenly overflowed from the palm and covered the duplicated seal.

Qianye spun slightly, and the overflowing sealing formulas moved accordingly, and the duplicated sealing formulas overlapped in an instant.

The soundless sound of a key twisting the keyhole sounded in Qianye's heart, and the two overlapping sealing techniques began to slowly disappear from the center to the outside. In less than two or three seconds, the duplicated sealing technique The type scroll will be restored to a blank scroll.



"That's right!"

At this time, Xue Nai couldn't help but speak, looking at the blank scroll after Chiba's hand was removed, there was a little excitement in her tone.

For her, this couldn't be better, nothing could be better than this, as long as the defense map seal is cracked, everything will be fine, the village will win, the war will end, and there is no need to worry about it anymore.

And not so much killing and dying!


At this moment, Hirohiko opened his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself.

"Try another one."

Qianye took another scroll, made a seal with one hand, and pressed it down.

Immediately, the seal appeared again, rotated and covered together, and both disappeared from the center.

No doubt, is correct!

This unblocking formula is correct, and it can undo the sealing formula on the defense map.

In other words, they can now get the information on the deployment map!


The success of the second test made Xue Nai and Hirohiko's eyes fall on Chiba, and the earnestness in their eyes was beyond words.

"I know……"

Chiba nodded, took out the defense map from his pocket, and put it on the table.

Then, he took a deep breath.

Calm down, Chiba, this is the time to really calm down and calm down again, once you succeed, there is no second chance!

There can be no mistakes at all!

At the same time, Xue Nai also held her breath, staring at the sealing formula revealed by Chiba's two fingers on the defense map.

As long as it is untied, everything can end!

Thinking about it, she couldn't help clenching her hands into fists, raised them unconsciously, and held them tightly in her heart.

Nao... I wonder how she is doing now?

Hongyan narrowed his eyes slightly, his brows were furrowed, but he gritted his teeth unknowingly, and also stared at the scroll tightly.

That seemingly ordinary scroll was sealed.

At this time, Qianye's left hand connected several seals, and slowly pressed down with one hand, and kept pressing on the scroll, where the sealing formula was located!

In an instant, the three of them held their breath at the same time.

Chiba's hand gently rotated until the two seals coincided.

untie it!

At this moment, the same thought arose in the hearts of the three of them, and a depressive atmosphere immediately filled the room, which made people's heartbeats quicken and expectations arose in their hearts.

A few seconds later, Qianye slid his hand slightly to the right, and slowly retracted it. The eyes of the three clearly reflected the scroll.

But the joy that was about to appear on his face was completely frozen at this moment!

An indescribable look appeared on their faces.

Shock, astonishment, doubt, astonishment, horror... All kinds of expressions blended together, and finally turned into a face of disbelief!

How can this be!

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