Chapter 554 Use it! It worked! (4/4)

Chapter 554 Use it! It worked! (44)

Clone technique!

Xue Nai's eyes widened slightly, looking at the figure exactly like Qian Qiu standing next to Qian Qiu after the white mist dissipated, she was surprised in her heart.

This girl, not only can refine chakra, but also has mastered the avatar technique?

For the past three days, according to Chiba’s plan, during the day it was physical training, and when Hiroko woke up, he and Hiroko would learn and train wild survival skills. After dinner, considering that Qianqiu’s body still needs For recuperation, there is no training arranged, but to let Qianqiu rest well, so as not to be too reluctant and get the opposite effect.

And taking advantage of the time before going to bed, Xue Nai taught her the basic knot mudra, and started to practice knot mudra in advance. Qianqiu knew the most basic nine mudra. She even told Qianqiu the seal of the three-body technique, anyway, she will be taught in the future, so it is better to let her practice it now, and, although the three-body technique is simple, it has miraculous effects at critical moments. The faster and more proficient the seal seal, the more miraculous it can be.

It is definitely not too early to practice now.

However, she did not expect that in the past three days, Qianqiu not only refined the chakra, but also directly mastered the avatar technique. It can be seen that this avatar is exactly the same as Qianqiu, basically without flaws, and the degree of completion is also very high. Basically, it can Used in actual combat.

When... did you master it?

A little doubt appeared on Xue Nai's surprised face, her brows were slightly frowned, and she thought about the past three days carefully, except for going out with Hirohiko to practice survival skills in the wild, Qian Qiu basically never left her sight, if she She should know that she is secretly conducting chakra refining training and avatar training.

And in the past three days, apart from gymnastics and physical training, Qianqiu did not do other training.


At this moment, the avatar Qianqiu exploded into a cloud of white mist.

Split body technique, lifted.

"It's used again!"

Qian Qiu let go of Jieyin's hands, and looked at his own hands with joy, his eyes couldn't hide the joy, as if a child got his favorite toy.

Afterwards, Qianqiu looked at Xue Nai, grinned, and said: "Sister Xue Nai, you have used it! Qian Qiu has learned the avatar technique!"


Hearing Qianqiu's joyful voice, Xue Nai froze for a moment, then nodded heavily, turned around, patted Qianqiu's head, and said, "It's amazing!"


Enjoying the comfortable feeling of Xue Nai's warm and soft hand touching her head, Qianqiu narrowed her eyes and smiled, as if she got what she wanted the most.

"When did you practice? I didn't even realize that you are already able to use the avatar technique."

And at this time, looking at Qianqiu, Xue Nai withdrew her hand touching her head, smiled and expressed her doubts.


Hearing Xue Nai's words, Qian Qiu blinked and shook his head: "No, it's just that when I came back with brother Hong Yan last night, I used it when I was practicing seal seals."

I used it unintentionally when practicing seal seals.

As soon as these words came out, Xue Nai was taken aback again.

In other words, did she subconsciously cooperate with the knot seal and refine the chakra?

Xue Nai blinked her eyes in astonishment, shocked in her heart.

Did Qianqiu have experience in refining chakra? If it is the first time to mix mental energy and physical energy, it is impossible to extract it subconsciously. Chakra extraction also requires exercise. The first extraction must be done with the seal of refining chakra. You can refine chakra subconsciously, but you have to exercise for a period of time to let the body remember the feeling of refining chakra.

This point, whether it is her, Hirohiko or Chiba, or even her teacher Kushina and Sandai Hokage probably came here like this.

She has never heard of it, and has never successfully refined the body of Chakra, but can subconsciously cooperate with Jieyin to refine Chakra.


It's just...

It's just...

A born ninja!

Countless astonishing thoughts flashed through her mind, and finally, facing the facts, Xue Nai could only explain in this way.

"Isn't that right?"

At this time, Qianqiu looked at Xue Nai's appearance, with a bit of panic on his face, and asked full of apprehension.

"No! As long as you use it, it's right. Qianqiu is so powerful, I'm a little surprised."

Hearing Qianqiu's uneasy words, Xue Nai hurriedly said.


But hearing Xue Nai's affirmative answer, the panic on Qianqiu's face dissipated immediately, and he laughed: "That's great."

Then, she seemed to think of something, her little brows frowned, her smile froze, she looked at the four Chibas over there, and asked crisply: "But why can't I be like Brother Chiba? Don't talk to me, and disappear after a while, not as long as Brother Chiba?"

Hearing Qian Qiu's envious, dissatisfied and doubtful words, Xue Nai couldn't help but smile.

"Because the clone technique used by Qianqiu and Chiba is different. Brother Chiba uses the shadow clone technique, which is a higher-level ninjutsu than the clone technique. The clone created by the clone technique is just an afterimage. , is used to confuse people, and Brother Chiba's Shadow Clone Technique, which separates the entity, can do many things."

"Then Qianqiu has to learn the shadow clone technique and talk to the clone!"

Hearing this, Qianqiu's eyes lit up, he held Xue Nai's hand, and said eagerly.

"The current Qianqiu is not enough. The shadow clone technique requires a lot of Chakra, and it is very difficult. Qianqiu is not enough."

Xue Nai said with a smile.

"Then if Qianqiu can refine a lot of chakra through training, can he learn the shadow clone technique?" Qianqiu took Xue Nai's hand, jumped a few times, and asked anxiously.

"Well! As long as Qianqiu can refine enough Chakra, then you can learn it."

Seeing Qianqiu's eager look, Xue Nai smiled even wider, and said truthfully.

Before leaving, record the shadow clone technique in the scroll and give it to her!

"Very good!"

Hearing Xue Nai's words of affirmation, Qian Qiu almost jumped up, almost turned around in a circle, and cheered in his mouth: "Great, this way you can talk to the clone! Great!"

"No, you have to hurry up and train. Brother Chiba said, the better your body, the more energy you have in your body, and the more energy you have in your body, the more chakra you will have... You must train quickly!"

After bouncing around a few times, Qian Qiu seemed to have thought of something, and immediately stopped, taking a slight breath, a resolute expression appeared on his face, as he spoke, he was about to bend down and start doing push-ups.


And at this moment, among the four people in Qianye over there, there was a burst of joy.

Immediately, Xue Nai and Qian Qiu looked over.

Seeing the main body, Qianye stood up abruptly, looked into the hands of the shadow clone on his right, and also looked at the other three shadow clones.

At this moment, Qianye's eyes widened slightly, looking at the sealing technique slowly disappearing under the hands of the shadow clone.

Solution... open?

What crossed his heart was not ecstasy, but a trace of doubt.

Really... Untied!

It wasn't until the sealing technique completely disappeared that ecstasy filled his heart, and he clenched his hands tightly.

Deployment map...can be copied!

"Then, I have nothing to do here."

But at this moment, the expressionless shadow clone exploded into white mist with a "bang".

"Congratulations, Ontology!"

At the same time, the shadow clone on the left seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and exploded into white mist.

"Ontology, remember well, everything is left to you!"

The shadow clone on the right, Chiba, let go of his hand, and after confirming that the sealing technique had completely disappeared, he raised his head, looked at the excited main body Chiba, and let out a long mouthful.

Then, it exploded into a white mist!

In an instant, the memory of the shadow clone quickly flowed back, and the unseal technique clearly appeared in his mind.


At this time, Xue Nai suddenly stood up and called out.

" worked!"

Hearing the sound, Qianye turned her head slowly, suppressing the ecstasy in her heart, and showing a positive smile.

"Very good!"

Xue Nai couldn't help clenching her fists lightly, and blurted out joyful words.

Great, Chiba's efforts were not in vain!

The body did not collapse either!

That's great!

But in her heart, she let go of a big stone and was overjoyed.

However, at this moment, looking at Qianye and Xue Nai who were joyful, Qianqiu, who was originally full of energy, looked at them blankly, a pair of hands clenched excitedly, slowly sent them away, slowly Hang down.

Brother Chiba, did you succeed?

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