Chapter 533 Here, it can't be! ?

Here... it won't be...

Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth were raised in a stiff arc, strictly speaking, it was pulled up.

At this moment, he has no pain, no fatigue, even the bandages and irregular twists on his right hand, as well as the hollows on the left shoulder and left chest edge have disappeared. At this moment, he is full of energy, and his body seems to be full of With plenty of chakra.

At this moment, he felt extremely comfortable, no pain, no fatigue, and even a sense of sufficient energy, and even a relaxed feeling of letting go in the bottom of his heart, a sense of indifference where everything faded away.

Originally, he should feel happy, close his eyes, take a deep breath, open his hands,

However, besides the bitterness on his face now, there is also anxiety.

Even, under the reflection of the fire, there is still uncertainty.

Sure enough... is it Huangquan Road?

All the bitterness, uneasiness, and uncertainty turned into a sigh, and Qianye looked around again, although she didn't want to admit it, she still expressed her inference in her heart.

At this moment, his eyes were completely dark, up, down, left, and right, and he couldn't see anything at all. Just looking at it would make people feel a sense of emptiness.

Where he stood, there was nothing but the pile of bonfires under his feet.

Oh, and a rock behind him.

This scene is exactly the same as when Kakashi met his father Sakumo Hatake after his death. There was a bonfire and a stone bench.

Thanks to Hirohiko's exquisite technique of manipulating the tool, he pulled me away from the spot and avoided the fate of the chakra tail piercing through the heart.

Thanks to Xue Nai's careful bandaging...

In the end, I still died.

With a wry smile, Qianye sat down on the stone, the burning flame was reflected in her eyes, the only light in the darkness.

It seems that, like Sakumo Hatake, I have something to worry about, so I have to wait here.

Waiting for Kushina, Hirohiko, Yukina...and others.

The wry smile slowly subsided, Qianye looked at the swaying fire, a little lost in thought. Scenes from across time kept passing through my mind.

Chiba knew why he stayed here.

I can't bear it...he can't bear it!

I can't bear to pass through everything!

Even if you are seriously injured many times and are on the verge of death, even if you have to risk your life to perform tasks, you can't relax your training for a moment, even when you rest, there is only boring training...

However, he still couldn't bear it.

Here... there are too many things that he didn't have and couldn't get in his previous life.

Here, he got too much what he didn't have and what he wanted in his previous life.

Kushina's concern, Yukina Hirohiko's unconditional trust, the attention of the third Hokage, and other friends who are so close...all of these are so clear, the warmth they left in their hearts, scenes in their minds When passing by, it is extremely clear!

"Is this... destiny?"

Qianye opened his mouth slowly, and muttered to himself, but after the sound, he was startled, raised his right hand involuntarily, and wiped it lightly on his cheek.

One drop, moist.

Because I want to change the history of the world of Naruto, so I am doomed to fail? So died here?

Or, even if I am a time traveler, I cannot escape the torrent of history. As Taki Chiba, must I die here?

After escaping so many near-death situations, did he still die in the end?

"It turns out that people like you, Qianye, also believe in fate!"

And at this moment, a voice, a slightly unfamiliar and familiar voice, sounded in front of him.

Sounded in front of the fire.


Qianye raised her head in astonishment, and there was a reflection in her eyes.

The reflection of a familiar person with a familiar smile.


The man raised his hand, said hello, and then sat down on the stone that appeared at some unknown time.

Then, she raised her head, her smile was slightly restrained, and she said to him: "It feels like it's been a long time, Qianye, you've grown a lot taller!"

"Gu... wild..."

Qianye's eyes widened slightly, his face was full of astonishment in the flickering fire.

At this moment, the person sitting in front of him was Guan Ye, Guan Ye Wu, who hadn't changed at all, not even that silly smile.

"How can you...why are you here?"

Qianye spoke in astonishment.

"Sasuke and Sheng left first, I'm still a little worried."

Guan Yewu replied.


Hearing Guan Ye's words, Qianye opened his mouth, and after a long pause, he said this sentence heavily.

"what are you talking about?"

Hearing Qianye's apology, Guan Yewu scratched the back of his head, as if he couldn't understand why Qianye wanted to apologize at all.

"I couldn' you, I'm sorry..."

Seeing Guan Yewu's familiar movement, Chiba gritted his teeth slightly and looked away.

"Qianye, why have you become so stupid when you grow up?"

Hearing this, Guan Yewu stopped scratching the back of his head, looked at Qianye, and said very seriously.


Chiba was taken aback, and looked astonished, he never expected Guan Ye to say this.

"That's the task of me, Sasuke, and Sheng. Anything that happens is our business. What does it have to do with you!"

Guan Yewu spoke.


As soon as these words came out, Qianye opened her mouth a little excitedly.

Obviously... I didn't catch up! If I catch up! If I had paid more attention to Kenshin Watanabe's plan, earlier...

But in his heart, the deeply buried guilt surged out suddenly.

However, he couldn't say the words after the "but".

Because Guan Ye interrupted his next words.

"Can you tell me about my parents?"

On Guan Yewu's face, there was a look of worry. Obviously, this was something he was a little worried about.

As soon as these words came out, Qianye was stunned. After a moment of silence, he took a slight breath and spoke slowly.

"They're all fine, they've come out, and Hongdou often goes to play. Don't worry, they're fine."


Guan Yewu looked at Qianye and pursed his lips.


Chiba nodded affirmatively.

"Thank you, Chiba."

Guan Yewu took a breath, a slight smile bloomed on the corner of his mouth, but he stood up slowly.


Chiba frowned, followed Guan Ye's gaze, and stood up unconsciously.

"Don't give up, you are definitely not the kind of person who compromises with fate." Looking at Qianye, Guan Yewu stretched out his hand and opened it slightly.


Hearing this, Chiba was startled.

"I'll go first, and finally, as a friend, let's shake hands." Guan Ye looked at him, his smile slowly widening.

Looking at Guan Yewu, Qianye lowered her head slightly, her eyes fell on the outstretched hand, she was silent for a while, and finally reached out her hand and held it tightly.


Maybe it was too hard, the moment I held it, there was a crisp sound from the touch of both hands.

Guan Ye's hand was unexpectedly cold and warm.

"Remember, go to taste it often, your opinion is really important."

Guan Ye said with a smile.

Then, he raised his chin, looked behind Qianye, and said, "Someone is here to pick you up."

pick me up?

Hearing this, Qianye was taken aback, and followed Guan Ye's gaze to look back.

Seeing this, Qianye's expression changed, he only felt that the darkness in front of him suddenly seemed to pass back, and his eyes suddenly brightened.


At the same time, Qianye suddenly turned her head back.

At this moment, his clenched hand disappeared!

However, after turning around, Qianye's eyes were filled with bright light, and the bonfire and Guan Ye had disappeared!



The next moment, his shoulders were heavy, and in the light, two familiar hands made of light protruded and patted his shoulders.

He subconsciously turned around.

"Go home, Chiba..."

What came into view was the smiling faces of Hirohiko and Yukina composed of Guanghua.

In the next second, the light shines!

Everything is submerged in this light!

Come on, live! Don't compromise with fate! My best friend!

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