Chapter 532 Turn to ashes!

Finally... finally waited until this moment 1

But, it's not enough... not enough!

Taki Chiba is not dead yet, Taki Chiba who killed Grandpa Bi is not dead yet! Must kill him!

The strong Tailed Beast Chakra surged in the seal in the body, entangled in the bodies of the two Yumu figures, and constantly eroded her body. The spirit of the demon cat in the Chakra constantly impacted her consciousness. In the torrent of chakra that was cast, her consciousness is like a flat boat in the raging waves, and she may be silent at any time, swallowed by You Lu's spirit.

Even, her thinking ability became difficult because of Youlu's spirit, but there was only one thing, Taki Chiba's killing intent was as firm as iron for that little Konoha monster, making the leaf boat always float on the ground. In the raging waves, although it is crumbling, it cannot sink.

Use this trick to kill him!


The chest was full of hatred and killing intent, and the two wooden figurines raised their heads to the sky and roared, "Ka Ka!" Amidst the sound, their feet sank suddenly, and tiny clods of soil rose from the edges of their feet one after another. Around her blood-red chakra-wrapped body, slender light-red chakras converged into waves and spread out in a ring.

Immediately, the ground cracked and shattered, spreading away all the way, and the gust of wind suddenly picked up, sweeping away madly.

The boy with Sharingan on the opposite side was hit so hard that his hair stretched back and flew out!

In the sound of hunting wind, the young man who wrote Sharingan took half a step back, his eyes narrowed, and the kunai held in his hands seemed to tremble in a "de-de-de" manner, and his face suddenly turned pale.

However, after he glanced back slightly, his eyes became extremely determined.

Even if there are others, from the perspective of others, he also knows that in this raging sea and gale, no matter what attack will come next, he will not take a step back, and he will not let the attack spread behind him, even the slightest.

Because, behind him, there is his most cherished existence!

But at this moment, his face changed, and his eyes, which were slightly squinted because of the strong wind, slowly widened.

In Sangouyu's eyes, the reflection of the beast-shaped figure in front of him roared upwards, the twin tails arced out from the top of the shoulders, the tip of the tail pointed downwards, and pointed directly at the slightly opened zigzag mouth like some kind of toothy beast's mouth .

Wisps of light red chakra are separating from the surroundings of her body, spiraling towards the space between the tail and the mouth, little by little blue and dark purple chakra balls are continuously flowing from the light red It was separated from the chakras, gathered together, and after a while, a small dark purple to black solid ball had been formed.

The high-concentration chakra is constantly condensing, it is unbelievable, can such a high-density chakra be able to continue to compress and condense like this?

As the small ball continued to gather blue and dark purple chakra balls, the dark purple to black solid small ball continued to expand, and in an instant, it had grown to the size of a basketball.

Seeing all this, Hirohiko couldn't help having such an unbelievable thought in his heart, which almost surpassed his current common sense. This was the first time he had seen such a dense and highly concentrated Chakra that had almost become an entity.

What kind of ninjutsu is this...!

Is it the special ability of Injuriki?

It's just... incredible!

Also, horrible!

If this chakra ball explodes, I am afraid that half of this primeval forest will be wiped out, and the rest will be blown away by the blast!

And the next second, Hiroko seemed to think of something, his face changed drastically, and he looked back suddenly.

Chiba and Xue Nai will die too!

Almost at the same time, Qianye, who was whispering to an end, glanced at it by chance, and seeing this situation, his eyes also widened suddenly.

The behavior of the two Yumu people surpassed the common sense that Hirohiko knew now, but they couldn't escape Chiba's eyes.

Tailed Beast Jade!

The two Yuki people have already been able to use the Tailed Beast Jade?

Although it is true that Tailed Beast Form 2 can use Tailed Beast Jade, Kirabi should not be able to master Tailed Beast Jade proficiently now!

When the fourth generation of Raikage took office, in order to protect Kirabi, he also put Kirabi under house arrest in the village under the pretext of "cultivating the tail beast jade".

And now, the fourth generation of Raikage is just Ai from the AB combination, and the third generation of Raikage is still alive. It is certain that Kirabi cannot use the Tailed Beast Jade, or cannot use it proficiently, at least it is unlikely to use it in actual combat. .

The two Yumu people were able to...

is it possible?

A series of surprised and shocking thoughts flashed through Chiba's heart. He never imagined that a ninjutsu of the level of Tailed Beast Jade would be used by the two Yumu figures. Mucai is eleven or twelve years old, so she is said to be inferior to Kirabi in strength. If she can use the tailed beast jade, wouldn't she be even stronger than Kirabi? Although the two Yumumen are just amazing in the original work A glance, but her talent will never be higher than Kirabi, at this time, it is absolutely impossible to master the tailed beast jade!

not good!

After turning around these thoughts, Qianye didn't care to continue talking, and immediately shouted: "Xue Nai, hurry up, help me form a seal!"

This cry was urgent, perhaps because it was too eager and urgent, Qianye's originally weak voice was suddenly raised, and it was abnormally loud.

The Tailed Beast Jade exploded at such a close distance, they wouldn't even leave any bones behind!

This Xue Nai was still listening to Qianye's next steps, when suddenly Qianye yelled, but she was taken aback, with a trace of doubt in her heart.

But soon, her hand subconsciously grabbed onto Qianye's immobile left hand, and her hands clasped together in an instant, Xue Nai's hand moved slightly, pushing away Chiba's index and middle fingers, and sticking them up with her own index and middle fingers. The other fingers remain interlocked.

In an instant, Cheng clenched his hands tightly, his two fingers joined together, and the rest of his fingers interlocked!

Yin Yin, suddenly completed!

And at this moment, the mouths of the two sawtooth beasts made of wooden figurines and blood-red chakras snapped open in an unbelievable arc, and they swallowed them with their heads raised.

In an instant, the black entity with a little dark purple tailed beast jade was swallowed by her in one gulp, and her cheeks bulged instantly!


Be reduced to ashes!

In the next second, she will spit out the tailed beast jade in one gulp, and turn everything here into nothing!

"Hirohiko, let's go!"

At this time, Chiba's shout sounded again.


A muffled sound suddenly sounded under the two Yumu figures. Thick bloody chakra fell, a ball swelled, and exploded violently!

The two people, whose eyes were full of killing intent, suddenly froze when they raised their heads and lowered their heads, and they were about to spit out the tailed beast jade, and her eyes suddenly moved down.

This is impossible!

A look of horror flashed across her eyes.

"Bang bang bang!"

This group exploded, as if it was a signal, two groups, three groups, four groups... Bloody chakras continued to expand and exploded in various parts of her body.

In the blink of an eye, her beast-like figure had already swelled up, and the swelling continued to explode, as if something was about to burst out!

At this moment, she looked forward in horror.

But he saw that the boy who wrote Sharingan had already turned back and left, his figure rose up, as if he wanted to escape, and at the root, the girl with white eyes had already hugged that hateful Taki Chiba, turned around and squatted slightly, The gesture is about to eject.

Damn it!

The eyes of the two Yumu men suddenly widened, blood gushed out, and they roared angrily in their chests!

But in the eyes, but...

Full of despair!


In the next second, a blazing fireball tore through the blood-red tailed beast's coat and exploded suddenly!


A blazing red beam of light shot up into the sky, carrying countless scorched branches and black leaves, breaking through layers of branches, and rushing into the sky!


A cat beast roared in pain, resounding through this primeval forest!

The blue flame is burning fiercely!

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