Chapter 493 Too Bad!

It's very similar to... the previous generation Bi-sama...?

Lei Dun's avatar, Yeyue Haidou, was taken aback.

Just because of this reason? Because he is very similar to the previous generation Bi-sama he fought? So see through my plans, all my plans?

is it possible?

The first reaction of Lei Dun clone Yeyue Haidou was that Taki Chiba was lying and perfunctory.

Then, the second reaction was to frown.

Oh no! He was tricked, I asked him how he guessed it, didn't he admit that I was a clone in a disguised form?

Then, this Taki Chiba, it is impossible to pay attention to me anymore! I am afraid that I will go directly to the main body!

Since he guessed my plan, then he deliberately let the five people from Konoha leave, he must have an arrangement.

Then, with his arrangement and his own pursuit, attacking from both sides, the main body... may not be able to parry it!

After all, I don't know what kind of tricks Taki Chiba will arrange!

Moreover, even if it is an aboveboard battle, Taki Chiba, the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, the white eyes and soft fist of the Hinata family, Taki Chiba who doesn't know what chemical reaction will happen, and the intelligence team's mind...

Not good!

Too bad!

And Qianye once again wiped off the sweat that kept flowing down, and glanced back involuntarily from the corner of her eyes.

They should have gone a long way by now, right? It should not be able to reach the attack location that Yunyin's main body wants.

Haven't arrived yet?

It's almost time for this time, if they don't make it, it will be a matter of luck. In the current situation, since we know that this is the clone of Thunder Dun, there is no need to fight with him anymore, let's save some chakra , taking too many Junliang pills is not good for my body after all.

Moreover, he will face another ninja who may be a quasi-S rank!

Shaking off the rain and sweat from his hands, Chiba's face was also solemn.

If I make any moves now, as long as it's a move to give up the fight and leave, I'm afraid this; the Thunder Dun clone will rush up to fight me desperately.

After the Thunder Dungeon is released or destroyed, it will continue to attack the enemy. This feature is a bit troublesome. Now it is raining again, so I may not be able to avoid it.


It really happened from time to time, relying on the rain just now, this Yunyin's Fire Dungeon was weakened a lot in the rain, and the power of the water wall was somewhat increased in the rain, so it barely blocked it.

It is my advantage.

But now, it has become the advantage of this Thunder Dungeon avatar. On rainy days, the conduction speed and range of lightning will probably increase.

If you really want to fight, it really takes a lot of effort and a lot of time, it's not worth it!

What a hassle!

Thinking about it, Qianye wiped it on her face again. The rain seemed to be a bit too heavy, and the raindrops became bigger and bigger, hitting the mud, and even a cloud of water mist bounced up. Standing in the rain curtain, there seemed to be some weight on his shoulders.

At the same time, visibility appears to have declined.

This damn rain! It's getting bigger and bigger!

It's getting worse for me too!

Should I release myself now, and remind the main body with the reflowing memory... Or, entangle here, buy a little more time, at least let this Taki Chiba get hurt, and slow down his pace of chasing the main body?

what to do?

I have to decide quickly!

Hurry up!

Unknowingly, Lei Dun's avatar, Yeyue Haidou, slowly showed some anxiety on his face, and his hands were constantly clenched and loosened.

Then, he suddenly found out.

Wait a minute, this Taki Chiba, why didn't he move?

Now that he knows that I am a clone, he probably doesn't want to entangle with me any longer. Now he will either rush over for a quick fight, or he will ignore me and chase my main body at full speed. go down!


Judging by his appearance, it doesn't look like he is attacking and escaping!

Although the visibility is declining, Qianye's figure and Lei Dun's avatar Yeyue Haidou can also be seen clearly. The distance between the two is less than three meters at the moment, and they are very close, so they can see clearly.

He is waiting!

Wait for my time limit!

After all, I am a clone, and it is time-limited!


At this time, don't you give me a chance? If he makes a quick decision or turns around and chases, I can catch the opportunity to attack, but if he waits for my time limit, he won't give me the opportunity at all.

After all, he is also an excellent taijutsu and ninjutsu ninja, and he can still avoid Yuto!

It is completely possible to wait until I reach the time limit without loss!

This is cunning!

Thinking about it, Lei Dun's avatar, Yeyue Haidou, gritted his teeth lightly, this is forcing him to release it now, and then this Taki Chiba can go after the main body with peace of mind!


If you don't cancel it, isn't this also delaying time?

Don't get carried away by anger!

Even if I can't hurt Taki Chiba, as long as I persist in the rain long enough, I can buy time for the main body!

Fight for the time to capture the defense map!

But just when this idea came up, Taki Chiba, who he was staring at, changed!

This Taki Chiba's face changed!

His eyebrows seemed to be raised!

The corner of his mouth seemed to twitch!

His facial expression seemed to stiffen a bit!

Then, there was a sound of "swirling, swishing", and in the pouring rain, blurred figures rushed out of the forest behind him.

In an instant, shadowy and blurred figures surrounded them, although the distance was slightly far away, but...

But it doesn't get through!

These figures surrounded them completely!

At this moment, he smiled!

How did I forget, there are them!

There are also the elites of Yunyin and Yanyin! They're coming!

Come here!

Now, Taki Chiba will definitely not be able to leave!

Plans changed!

I am no longer needed here!

Thinking about it, he suddenly shouted: "Surround and kill this Taki Chiba, the defense map may be on him!"

With this shout, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly froze, and it seemed that even the rain had slowed down a bit.

murderous look!

Naked murderous intent!

Everyone's eyes full of murderous intent fell on Qianye in an instant.

After the shout, Lei Dun's avatar, Ye Yuehai, sneered, and then slowly raised his fingers.

"Chi Chi!"

Immediately, Yeyue Haidou, the avatar of Thunder Dun, slowly electrified into a thunder figure, and then transformed into a humanoid form that spread out along the rain curtain.

Thunder Dun clone, release!

finally reached!

Chiba jumped back a little, a weak electric current flashed, his eyeballs rolled, and he glanced around, but there was no expression on his face, as if he didn't care about the release of the Thunder Dun clone at all, and he was surrounded by himself, The murderous Yun Yin and Yan Yin's elite didn't care at all.

Really, saved me a lot of effort!

In the next second, Yun Yin and Yan Yin launched an attack at the same time, and the detonating talisman, kunai, and shuriken flew out instantly!

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