Chapter 492


In the rain curtain, amidst the sound of pouring rain, a small sound resounded. It sounded at the heel of Yeyue Haidou, the heel of Yeyue Haidou who took a step back, and the heel of Yeyue Haidou who took a step back in shock!

You even guessed this...?


Unconsciously, he swallowed.

This step is where he really hides the essence of tactics! The essence that no one can think of, even he himself is a little proud of the essence!

At that time, after he decided to attack in person and set off, after receiving the news that the Konoha intelligence unit used the shadow avatar to lure the enemy, he quietly changed his route and rushed to the second Konoha intelligence team. With his speed and position at that time, It's totally doable.

Even, fortunately, he also saw Konoha's rescue team, that is, Chiba's team, and he was a little ahead of them.

However, he did not attack rashly. If the rescue team was attacked and they were fighting together, the intelligence team would see it when they arrived.

At that time, it is unknown whether the intelligence team will choose to fight with the rescue team or continue to go back and hide.

After all, he has quasi-S level strength, and a group of Yunyin and Yanyin's elites are coming.

Who knows whether Konoha's intelligence team will give up the rescue team for the sake of safety. The deployment of the defense map is of great importance, and it can even end the war. The absolute advantage of the absolute war is, and even if the three members of the rescue team are rare geniuses, even There is also the little monster Taki Chiba, but after all, he is alone and alone, so it is difficult to feel safe.

It's not surprising that Konoha's intelligence team chose to abandon the rescue team. If it were him, he would probably do so, or even very likely.

After all, even if the defense map rotted next to their corpses, it was better than falling into the hands of the enemy.

Therefore, he has been waiting for the two teams to meet and stop them at the moment of meeting. At that time, if the intelligence team runs away, he can catch up, and if they stay, it will be more beneficial to him.

Of course, considering the threat of the rescue team, he naturally wouldn't rush up directly, he must be a backup.

He did two backhands, separated out a shadow clone and two Thunder Dun clones. After the main body used the triple ninjutsu attack of Fire Dunk, Wind Dunk, and Thunder Dungeon to no avail, he deliberately let the Thunder Dunk clone stand on the field. Inside, the main body is hidden nearby, this is the first backhand.

When the Thunder Dunk avatar was blown up and the rescue team turned around and left, he resolutely gave up on using the Thunder Dunk avatar to paralyze them all to attack the rescue team, and then use the combined ninjutsu of the Shadow Avatar and the main body to wipe them out in one fell swoop. Let the shadow clone attack, and try to kill the paralyzed Taki Chiba at the cost of a shadow clone.

Unexpectedly, this Taki Chiba was also very cunning, and at the critical moment, he was replaced with a water body in advance, resulting in a failure.

And then, the main body jumped out and used the fire escape to attack the three people who were running away from him.

However, at that time, he already knew that it was impossible to intercept and prevent the two parties from meeting, and then the remaining Thunder Dun clone, which was his second backup, came in handy.

When he grabbed Qianye's feet in mid-air, he had already guessed that Qianye was going to fight with him to buy time. Of course, he couldn't fight with Qianye, so after he grabbed Qianye's feet, The other hand made a mark to replace the Thunder Dun clone, and the main body was replaced in the dark place where the Thunder Dun clone was lurking. While spying on the actions of the five people, they also waited for the opening of Qianye's side, hoping to kill with one blow.

Of course, if there is a situation where you have to choose between the two, the side with five people must be the priority. After all, the defense map is there! This Taki Chiba has not been in contact with them, so it is absolutely impossible to have a defense map.

And when he was trapped in Qianye Water Prison, his Thunder Dun clone formed a Thunder Dun mark to confuse Taki Chiba, so that Taki Chiba would not be aware of it and turn to spoil his own affairs.

Now his body should have caught up with the five people over there. Although he doesn't know the exact movement of the body, he knows that the body will definitely follow up, catch up, and then deal with those people and get the defense map.

As long as this damned Taki Chiba is not around, no matter how powerful the little ghost of the Uchiha family and the little princess of the Hyuga family are, they cannot be opponents of the main body. They must die!

As for this Thunder Dun clone, he just needs to hold Taki Chiba.

Of course, if Taki Chiba hadn't given up the Water Prison technique at that time, he would have been blown up and paralyzed Taki Chiba, and then the main body would have killed him with one blow, and then chased those five people. Now Taki Chiba gave up the Water Prison , the body couldn't find a chance to kill, in order to avoid being entangled by Taki Chiba, it was natural to choose a party of five to capture the defense map.

And now his task is to hold Taki Chiba back.

Unexpectedly, Taki Chiba actually asked these two questions, obviously he had already guessed the plan of the ontology, since he guessed it, how could he be unprepared?

This Taki Chiba is so confident and intentionally fooled... the main body, it may be in danger!

What should we do now?

Should he continue to entangle him, or release himself, let the memory flow back, and let the main body know about it?

But at this time, seeing his expression, Qianye's eyes flashed, and his smile was slightly restrained.

He is hesitating and tangled... If it was the main body, he definitely wouldn't be so tangled up, so, that is to say, he is the clone of Lei Dun?

That is to say, at that time, this Yun Yin had already replaced Lei Dun's avatar?

A flash in Qianye's mind, when he formed the seal of the water prison technique, the cloud Yin who looked up and saw, after grabbing the foot of his water body, when the other hand used to block was put down, the seal was faintly formed screen.

This makes sense, if I don't give up the water dungeon, if the Thunder Dungeon is broken, the lightning will hit me in an instant, and when I am paralyzed, another one-hit kill from his body will kill me, and I will definitely die.

And I gave up the water dungeon, there was no gap in my body, so I naturally went after Hongyan and the others, after all, the defense plan was in their hands!

How could it be possible for a character like him to have only one backup?

How could he not leave behind a sure winner?

And how could it be that after my water body exploded, and after seeing me forming seals, I still didn't make any moves, as if to let me succeed?

Obviously, it's just to let the Thunder Dun clone entangle me!

However, since the main body has already gone after Hongyan and the others, that means he has no backup, he just needs to eliminate this Thunder Dun clone.

Everything is worry-free!

On Yunyin's side, even if it's done!

Qianye narrowed her eyes slightly, a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

And at this moment, Yeyue Haidou's Lei Dun avatar spoke, with disbelief and a slight trembling, and spoke.

"You... how did you guess?"

As soon as these words came out, Qianye was taken aback.

Shouldn't you try harder here to confuse me?

However, since he said it straight to the point, and the meaning is very clear, it is to admit that he is a clone, otherwise if he were the main body, he would not ask such a question, but would pretend to be mysterious and say: "Who knows?", or Straightforwardly say: "Yes, I am the clone" or "Yes, I am the main body" and the like.

How did you guess that?

The full text of this sentence should be: "How did you guess that I am a clone?"

So, Chiba said:

"Because you are very similar to Ye Yue."

Although he spoke, Qianye's words sounded wrong, and Yeyue Haidou's Thunder Dun clone was also taken aback.

"Because of this? Are you kidding me?"

After Lei Dun's avatar was stunned for a moment, he blurted out the words with anger.

"It can't be said that it's all because of this, there is another reason...

Because Yeyuebi is very similar to me too! "

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