Chapter 415 I underestimated you


Sure enough, cooperating with them is the most comfortable, without any words, and this time, even without eyes!

Chiba's eyes reflected Kushina's flying figure, the hair on his forehead fluttered, and the skirts of his clothes fluttered. The whole person leaned out into the air, pressed Hirohiko's shoulder with one hand, and punched with the other hand,

Under Qianye's body, Hirohiko squatted with a smile on his poker face, and the Sangouyu Shulunyan in his eyes slowly faded and returned to normal.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

At this time, the soil cone in front of the two of them cracked inch by inch, and with a "bang", it shattered into soil chips and fell into a cone-shaped mound.

And amidst the crumbling earth, Xue Nai's figure also slowly emerged. At this moment, her white pupils were prominent, her meridians protruded and extended to her temples, and the tension on her face seemed to have loosened. Looking at that appearance, she should be in her heart. He let out a long breath.


At this moment, Jiu Xinnai, who flew out quickly, seemed to draw a light red trajectory in the air, and hit the ground with one hand heavily, a little distance behind the end of the soil cone. Qian, who was about to stand up, Ye body.


At that moment, Qianye who had stood up hadn't fully stood upright, and even had a relieved expression on his face, when he was knocked into a cloud of white mist.

Shadow clone!

After Kushina smashed Chiba's shadow clone, the flying speed slowed down slightly, and his heart sank.

With the help of the white mist from the explosion of the shuriken shadow clone and the smoke from the explosion of the detonating symbol mixed in the shuriken shadow clone, after covering my sight, the shadow clone was separated, and at the same time the main body circled behind Hirohiko...

The angle of Chiba's shuriken throwing is pre-judging that I will dodge sideways!

Jiu Xinnai narrowed his eyes slightly, his heart brightened.

In fact, under the circumstances at that time, it was inevitable for Kushina to dodge. Hirohiko's fists were not very powerful, but Xue Nai behind him was very threatening. There is a gap, and the insight of Xue Nai's white eyes will never let go of this gap, and Xue Nai's soft fist and Baguazhang can penetrate Jiu Xinnai's tailed beast coat, posing a threat to her! She also didn't know if the power of Xue Nai's Baguazhang could be improved, if it could be improved, I'm afraid she would be sealed!

If the acupoint is sealed, it will undoubtedly fall into a disadvantage.

After all, now Xue Nai's Baguazhang is not an ordinary Baguazhang, it can even penetrate the coat of the tailed beast.

If the acupoint is sealed by Xue Nai, it doesn't matter how long it can be sealed, but there must be a certain period of time when the flow of Chakra is hindered, which will definitely push the battle to a situation that is not good for Kushina.

In this case, Kushina actually had only one way to go sideways and dodge.

After dodging sideways, Kushina also instantly made the judgment to use the tailed beast chakra to launch an attack. Under the circumstances at that time, both Yukina and Hirohiko made an attacking posture, even Hirohiko was already in the attack , if Kushina made an attack at that time, Yukina might be able to barely escape, but Hirohiko must have been hit!

As for after the trick, with Kushina's strength in the five-tailed state, Hirohiko will definitely lose his fighting power.

Chiba's shuriken can be said to be very accurate in timing and prediction, which completely interrupted Kushina's intention.

Even the shuriken shadow clone technique has a deep meaning. It can be said to be a restraint, a supplementary attack, and a foreshadowing for another attack!

Contain Kushina, supplement the attack of the two who escaped from Kushina, and at the same time pave the way for the later coordinated attack with Hirohiko, blocking Kushina's sight!

After several life-and-death battles, has Chiba progressed to this point?

Jiu Xinnai couldn't help sighing in his heart, and at the same time, felt a little cool.

If faced with such an opponent, any ninja would probably not be able to help feeling cold.

In Kushina's view, Chiba is a piece of rough jade that can shine without being polished. If he has experienced enough carving and polishing, I am afraid that there will be an extra legendary figure in the ninja world.

But now, just a shuriken shadow clone technique can make people feel chills.

Besides, Chiba is only eight years old now, if he can survive, how terrible it will be in the future, as a teacher, Kushina can't even imagine.


Thinking about it, Jiu Xinnai had already used the force of the impact just now to fine-tune his body shape, turned over and landed firmly on the ground at this moment.

This child, afraid of making a mistake, didn't try his best!

Feeling the slight pain on his face, Kushina smiled slightly, with a slight warmth in his heart.

The most precious thing in Qianye is not his talent that can shine without refinement, but the kindness that is always considerate of others.

Thinking of this, Kushina slowly stood up straight, looked forward to see the three of them converging together, with Chiba as the center, facing his three proud disciples.

Sure enough, my disciples are the best!

Sincerely, Kushina felt emotion and pride in her heart.

In the five-tailed form, his disciples were able to keep up with him and caused him a lot of trouble.

As a teacher, the disciples are all so promising, how can they not be proud?

On Chiba's side, Xue Nai and Hirohiko glanced at Chiba, both feeling secretly in their hearts.

Just now, Teacher Jiushinai should have retreated and dodged. She was able to react and dodge. However, the timing of Chiba Ying's avatar's Tulong gun was too good, and it completely blocked Teacher Jiushinai, and even made Jiu Teacher Xin Nai couldn't fully react, and finally had to choose to move forward hastily.

During this time, Chiba has become stronger!

The two looked at each other indiscriminately, faintly, they both had a feeling of being dwarfed by each other.

"It seems that I underestimated you!" Jiu Xinna smiled, and did not intend to attack again.

The battle just now has proved that the cooperation of the three of them can completely deal with her five-tailed form.

Actual combat training, how to achieve the greatest effect, that is, the absolute strength gap, in the absolute adversity, can grow rapidly.

Jiu Xinnai knew that her three disciples were all geniuses. Seriously, the pressure on the teacher was unspeakable in teaching such a class.

Besides, they are the three disciples who are so suitable for her.

"Then, I have to... work hard!"

Kushina took a slight breath, and slowly stroked her abdomen with her right hand.

This is……

Chiba's pupils shrank slightly.

Then, in the next second, the three of Qianye all looked together, and a ray of astonishment appeared in their eyes.

At this time, Kushina twirled lightly in his hand.

Immediately, circles of light red chakra were like ripples, rolling up the dust on the ground and spreading out from Kushina's feet in a circle.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

While the light red chakra spread, the ground at Kushina's feet slowly began to crack and spread.

At the same time, among the five tails waving wildly, another tail slowly differentiated.

Tailed beast coat, six-tailed form!

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