Chapter 414 Avoidance? attack?

Sangouyu's Sharingan! Hirohiko when...

Jiu Xinnai closed her eyes subconsciously. Facing the illusion, the illusion of Sharingan, she is still a bit weak. She is not good at illusion, and she is not good at dispelling illusion. Sharingan's illusion is activated through Sharingan, so as long as you don't look into Hirohiko's eyes, you'll be fine.

Jiu Xinnai's judgment can be said to be quite correct, and the reaction is fast enough.

As for the statement that the Jinzhuli illusion is invalid, it is impossible for the current Kushina to meet the conditions.

The condition for the ineffectiveness of the jinchuriki illusion is to reach a mutual understanding with the tailed beast and become a perfect jinchuriki. The tailed beast fights side by side with the jinchuriki in the body. When the jinchuriki falls into the illusion, the tailed beast in the body will release the illusion .

The principle is one of the solutions to the illusion, relying on others to disturb the chakra in the body to achieve the effect of dispelling the illusion.

However, the current relationship between Kushina and Kyuubi is basically that Kushina binds and seals Kyuubi, and even takes away Kyuubi's chakra in the gap between the seals, let alone understand each other. When Kyuubi looked at Kushina, he probably hated it very much.

Not to mention the perfect Jinchuriki, it is estimated that whether Kushina and Kyuubi can communicate is a problem.

Facing the illusion, no matter how powerful Kushina is, he must avoid it.

And Jiu Xinnai closed his eyes quickly, which was also very timely. If it was one second at night, he might be hit by an illusion.

After closing her eyes, Kushina's face changed again. Although she couldn't see anything after closing her eyes, she could clearly feel a fist moving towards her right hand through her keen perception. Cheek comes.

In front of her, Hirohiko seemed to have expected that Kushina would be able to dodge his phantom attack. When he turned his head, his whole body twisted around. Come out, and hit Kushina's right cheek!

But Kushina, who sensed Hirohiko's actions, had two choices in her mind.

hardwired? Or hide?

Hirohiko is not as powerful as Chiba, who possesses super attack power. Although he is excellent in physical skills, he still doesn't have the strength to break through the tailed beast's coat. This blow can be taken hard! it really good to hardwire?

A few thoughts flashed through Jiuxinna's mind like lightning, and then, in her perception, there was a slight movement behind her. ,

Xue Nai!

Almost instantly, Kushina judged the source of the movement.


After noticing the movement of Xue Nai behind her, Jiu Xin Nai subconsciously came up with such a thought, a feeling of "they fell into their tricks" came up spontaneously, and in an instant, there was a weight under her feet, dragging her whole body The five tails suddenly moved sideways to the left.

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai's expression changed again, his brows were frowned and his ears were tilted, and the five tails swung violently over his right side.

And at this time, on the upper right of her, a dozen shurikens mixed with a little bit of Kunai came flying towards her, as if she was expected to dodge in this direction.

At the place where Shuriken and Kunai flew, Chiba was in mid-air, holding the last seal of the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique in his hand, the rocky skin on his face had completely cracked and shattered, and pieces fell, sprinkled in the air. It became a small piece of debris rain, rustling down. But his chin was a little red.

But at this moment, Qianye's rising momentum had stopped, and he was speeding down, while his face showed a look of surprise.

Kushina has noticed it! Under the coat of the tailed beast, is the perception so sharp?

Moreover, Hirohiko already has the Sharingan of Sangouyu. Is the reason why Kushina closed his eyes to avoid the illusion of Sharingan?

In mid-air, from Chiba's perspective, he could clearly see the scene where Kushina closed his eyes just now, and under the increased vision of the injured door mode, he could easily see the three-curved jade writing in Hirohiko's eyes round eyes.

Chiba immediately thought of the actions of Sangouyu Sharingan and Kushina closing their eyes, the sharingan illusion, and Kushina closed his eyes because of avoiding the illusion.

While Qianye was surprised, another thought came to her because of the slight burning pain in her chin.

If Kushina hadn't used the instant body to attack Hirohiko just now, my rocky skin might not be able to support it!

Although this rocky skin is very practical and has excellent defense, it is still impossible to block Kushina's attack!

Thinking of this, Chiba's mouth twitched.

The Tailed Beast Coat, Tailed Beast Chakra, is so useful! If it wasn't for the tailed beast that would die if it was drawn out, Jinchuriki is probably the most perfect power system in the Naruto world!

After pulling her lips, Chiba frowned, focusing all her energy on the shuriken and shuriken shadow avatars flying towards Kushina, as well as the kunai and kunai kage avatars. Started, and made a seal.

At this moment, Kushina's tail had already hit the flying shuriken.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, the shuriken that was swept exploded, and the white mist filled the air. On the trajectory of Kushina's tail swinging out, a white mist spread out!

Block the view?

At this time, Jiu Xinnai had already opened his eyes, and when he saw the white mist in front of him, he frowned slightly.

This kind of smoke screen contacted by the shadow clone is exactly the routine that Chiba likes!

At the moment, Kushina also drew her tail together, making a defensive posture.


At this time, Qianye landed on the ground in a half-squat, one hand resting on the ground, and the other hand's seal remained unchanged.


At this moment, the white mist strip following the flicking trajectory exploded violently, and the flames and smoke instantly rose up, engulfing Jiu Xinnai in an instant.


Jiu Xinnai frowned, and at the same time as the impact came from his side, his entire vision was suddenly covered by the flames and smoke!

Under the tailed beast's coat, the explosion didn't hurt her at all, but her vision was completely blocked!

Are these white mist to hide the detonating talisman Kunai?

Covered by the sound of the shuriken spinning, did I not detect the sound of the detonator?

Kushina frowned.

Just when the thought changed, the flames and smoke in front of her eyes were suddenly pushed away by a hand, and Hong Yan rushed out, his eyes slightly opened, and the writing wheel eyes of Sangouyu were in front of him in an instant.


Jiu Xinna yelled in her heart that it was not good, her eyes closed suddenly, and when she closed her eyes, she subconsciously stepped back.

Is this smoke a preparation for Hirohiko?

The moment she closed her eyes, a thought flashed through her mind.

But after this thought passed by, her face changed again, and a cold air rose from her back.

A soil cone suddenly pierced out from the area on her right where the white mist and fire smoke were mixed.

If she took a step back, she would definitely be stabbed, and even if she stayed where she was, she would be hit by the soil cone.

The timing of this soil cone was just right.

And at this critical moment, Kushina had no chance to react at all, everything was triggered by conditions, and even the thought in her mind was still stuck on the word "preparation".

At this moment, if she retreated, she would be stabbed, and if she didn't move, she would be attacked. Her body, following the instinct to avoid danger and attack, suddenly took a step forward from the posture of slightly sinking and preparing to retreat.

And the moment she took a step, the soil cone rubbed against the gaps between her five tails and shot out.

At this very moment...,

A fist hit her cheek!

Then, an unimaginable force erupted from the fist!

This is……

Weird power!

Jiu Xinnai opened his eyes abruptly, the face of the handsome young man who was flying away was reflected in his eyes,


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