Chapter 371 Final decision

"Nine hundred and thousand!"

When night fell, Chiba kicked the wooden post with one last sideways kick, making a muffled sound.

Sure enough, apart from Hirohiko, no one can secretly participate in this mission with me.

Chiba let out a breath, and finished all the daily training with a base of one thousand. I don’t know when it started. When doing daily training, Chiba likes to think about things. Generally speaking, he will think about some medical experience or sealing technique research he read last night, or imagine the changes in the properties and forms of water and soil. , although he doesn't expect to be able to create his own ninjutsu now, but sometimes he can't help but think about it.

But now, what he was thinking about was participating in the bait operation and even returning to the mission.

Participating in missions without any permission can be said to be a taboo in ninja missions. If caught, it must be severely punished, and it can't even be closed in confinement.

Not to mention participation, even when it comes to this matter, the other party will probably change his face and warn you more seriously, and if he is a little excited, he will probably report to Hokage.

Let alone getting people to cooperate and participate in this matter, you have to be careful about mentioning it. If you are not someone you can trust and trust you 100%, it is best not to mention a word.

Although Chiba doesn't think that Hokage will punish him severely if he knows his thoughts, but he will definitely monitor him strictly so as not to let him act recklessly, then he will really have no chance at all.

And after much deliberation, the only ones who I trust 100% and also trust myself 100% are Xue Nai, Hirohiko and Kushina.

Even, this matter cannot be mentioned with Kakashi.

Of course, he didn't think that Kakashi would report to him because of this matter, but Kakashi would definitely stop him, and he would definitely not cooperate and assist him.

Chiba herself knew very well that only Kushina, Yukina, and Hirohiko would be such crazy people for herself.

However, Yukina is now under the strict protection of the Hyuga family, under the strict protection of Shinsuke Hyuga who does not hesitate to deteriorate the relationship between father and daughter, and is in absolute safety. Chiba will never break it, even, this protection of Yukina The means, to a large extent, are self-facilitated.

Kushina is a Renzhuriki, it's good to be free now. And Anbu is protecting the dark place, if I tell her, Hokage will not be far away from knowing, besides, Chiba doesn't want Kushina to take this risk.

Only Hiroko was left, not that Qianye didn't want to protect Hiroko, but that only Hiroko was left, and the only reliable person he could think of was Hiroko.

However, the current Hongyan is not suitable for carrying out the task, let alone such a dangerous task.

In the end, after much deliberation, he had only two options in this situation. One, he recommended himself to Kenshin Watanabe as a bait, and participated in the follow-up return mission.

The second is to participate regardless of the danger, with the awareness that "this time there will be no Namikaze Minato, and he will die in the bait battle".

For the former, the chance of success is only 50%, or even not 50%. Watanabe Kenshin has a bad impression of himself. His judgment will not be clouded by his dislike of himself.

Chiba, who has the vision of the third Hokage, trusts him very much. He also believes that Watanabe Kenshin is at least decent in character, but good character does not mean that he will not be affected by his emotions. Even in Chiba's view, Watanabe Kenshin is easily Emotional impact, this has already made a commander's taboo. An example is his unreasonable and unreasonable opposition to his plan to return the Shayin captives because of his perception of himself.

Since he is the rising star that the three generations of Hokage want to focus on training, even when Nara Shikajiu was away, he replaced Nara Shikahisa, which has already indicated that he should be a commander and planner, and he is a very good one. commanders and planners. He can object to his own plan, that's totally fine.

However, it is impossible to object without basis.

Qianye didn't doubt Watanabe Kenshin's intelligence, so his unreasonable objection could only be that his emotions affected his reason, giving people a feeling that there was nothing wrong with him.

As for recommending himself to Kenshin Watanabe, according to his "emotionality", the chance of not letting himself, the son of a traitor, do whatever he wants is higher, that is, there is no 50% chance of success. This method.

In the end, there was only one person to take care of the plan secretly.

"It seems that this is the only way to go." Qianye closed her eyes, sighed, and then slowly opened her eyes, the emerald green brilliance flowing in her eyes.

During this period of time, the diligent practice of the injury door mode has finally allowed Chiba to perfect the control of the injury door mode, that is to say, the injury door mode has been perfectly developed, and when he opens the injury door, he will It can be perfectly transformed into the injury mode, and the injury chakra is no longer vented, and there will be no escape.

Feeling the surging chakra in his body, Chiba felt a little relieved.

The perfect wound mode, with the amount of chakra at the shadow level!

Chiba did not expect that so much chakra would be dissipated even for a short second when transforming into the injury mode. When he mastered the perfect injury mode, the dissipated chakra would not With the slightest leak, with the addition of this large number of chakras, the chakra volume of Chiba's injury mode broke through the level of the elite jounin and entered the level of the shadow.

It was also the first time that Chiba felt the amount of chakra called "richness".

With Zhunying's Chakra amount, Chiba can also create a very powerful water escape in a waterless land.

At the same time, he also felt how huge the concept of "huge amount of chakra" is. The Chakra of Zhunying, Chiba feels "rich", but in Naruto, the chakra of the level of shadow can't actually be regarded as " Huge", the first generation, the second generation, Naruto, Jinjuriki...the "huge chakra volume" in their bodies is calculated in multiples of the kage level, and now Chiba's chakra volume is only "quasi-kage". "Forget it, it hasn't reached the shadow level yet, and it's even far from the shadow level.

Moreover, the amount of chakra erupted by the fourth door alone is as much as the target, so how much will the fifth door have?

There is no doubt that the shadow level is the least, and even, it is still possible to reach the shadow level without fully mastering the state.

It is estimated that by the time the sixth door is fully mastered, Chiba is estimated to be able to have twice the amount of shadow-level chakra.

After all, with all eight doors open, you can get dozens of times the power of Kage-level. The original writing is very vague. This power does not refer to physical power or Chakra power, but from the vocabulary of Kage-level, it can be seen that it is extremely powerful. Possibly referring to the power of the Chakra side.

After all, there is no distinction between lower ninja, middle ninja, and upper ninja in terms of physical strength.

Of course, it may also refer to comprehensive strength.

But in any case, as the basis of everything in Hokage, after opening the door, Chakra will undoubtedly strengthen in this regard.

Chiba clenched her fists, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of her mouth.

It works!

Whether it is a bait operation, or the potential of the eight-door model!

And after this thought came out, his clenched hand was already coated with a layer of rocky skin, which looked very hard.

Moreover, the change of the nature of the rock is also completely mastered!

The decoy mission, even if there is only one person, is not completely impossible!

Next, it's time to find an excuse...

Thinking, Qianye's eyes fell on the wooden post, which was newly erected three days ago, and the bark of the tree has been worn away at this moment, and it is slightly dented.

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