Chapter 370 Address

In an old house on the edge of the Uchiha family's land.

Qianye stopped, looked at the old and simple house in front of her, and frowned slightly.

This is, Hirohiko's home?

The house was about the same size as his log cabin, and there was no second floor, so it looked even cruder than his own.

At that time, when he saw Hong Yan, he followed him. Although he kept on, he didn't call Hong Yan to stop.

Xu Shihongyan's back was so anxious that Qianye couldn't call him to stop and could only follow him.

Then came here.

Hiroko didn't even notice Chiba followed so closely along the way, so one can imagine how anxious Hiroko was.

But after seeing Hongyan's old and simple residence, Chiba was a little stunned.

Originally thought that the Uchiha clan is also a big family, and Hirohiko's living conditions should be good, but he didn't expect to live in this kind of place. Compared with the Japanese-style residence that he passed by, this place is like an abandoned residence.

He can even see the doors, windows and roof, as well as many traces of repairs. Obviously, this house was dilapidated before.

What's going on... Why does Hirohiko live here!

Chiba frowned, this is too unreasonable, along the way, there are still many houses in the Uchiha clan that have no traces of living, obviously empty, even the house behind Chiba is empty.

The living conditions are much better than Hirohiko's small dilapidated house. Although the Uchiha clan's houses are not as luxurious as the Hyuga clan's and can show their status, the conditions are similar to ordinary houses, and some are even much better.

So many good empty houses are not lived in, but Hirohiko is allowed to live in this shabby house. Obviously, there must be something to do with it.

Thinking of this, Chiba's fists clenched slightly.

I always feel that there is a very uncomfortable reason here!

Thinking of her best friend living in a worse house than him made Chiba feel very uncomfortable.

However, he didn't have a seizure.

When everything is over, I have to ask Hirohiko carefully what's going on!

An idea popped up in Chiba's mind.

And at this moment, a violent cough of a girl resounded in the shabby house.

"Nao, wait a little longer, the medicine will be ready soon."

Then, Hirohiko's voice rang out. that the blind little girl?

And from Hirohiko's tone, Chiba could feel his anxiety and how important this Nao was to Hirohiko.

At the same time, Qianye also walked to the front of the house, gently opened the door a gap, and looked inside.

But he saw Hirohiko kneeling and sitting beside the bed covered with quilts. Because of the angle, Chiba could only see his back, and lying on the bed covered with quilts was the blind girl who had visited Hirohiko in the hospital.

Presumably, it was Hirohiko's girlfriend.

But at this time, the blind girl named Nasu's complexion was not very good, she was pale, she even broke out in cold sweat, and coughed violently from time to time.

And behind Hong Yan, that is, in the center of the room, there is a square blank area on the refurbished floor, with a fire burning on it, and a medicine pot hanging above the fire, and the iron wire on the medicine pot is connected to the beam. hanging over the fire.

At this time, the medicine jar was filled with white gas and a strong herbal smell.

It was obvious that Nao was ill, and it was so serious that Hirohiko gave up the guard duty and came back to take care of her.

It should be Hongyan who came back from buying medicine just now.

Why not take it to the hospital?

Chiba frowned slightly. Nao seemed to be seriously ill, and the illness was very urgent. If he was ill, Hirohiko would definitely not accept the security mission. From the tone of Hirohiko just now, it can be judged that even if he is taken by the third generation Hokage reprimanded or even punished, Hirohiko probably would not leave the sick Nao alone.

It was also because he came in such a hurry that Yahiko rushed back in such a hurry that he didn't even care about the task.

However, Hirohiko does not know medical ninjutsu. In this case, Nao should be sent to the hospital when he is suddenly ill. How can he make medicine for treatment by himself.

"Drink the medicine and you'll be fine."

At this moment, Hirohiko spoke again, his voice seemed to tremble a little.

"I'm fine..."

This time, Nao who had coughed responded, and at the same time stretched out a hand, Hirohiko hurriedly held it.

Only to hear Nao speak again, and said: "Today, you still have a task, why are you back?"

"Don't worry, it's okay for Guan Ye to cover it up for me." Hong Yan shook his head.

"Guan Ye, is that the Guan Ye of that idiot trio?"

"Well... yes, although they are said to be idiots outside, they are very good people, better than many people. Like Chiba, they are partners who can give their backs to them." Hirohiko said.

"You guys are really idiots...just like Nobuhiko, you are all idiots..." Nao's voice was weak, but there was an indescribable intimacy in his tone.

"Don't mention that bastard again!"

However, Hirohiko's response was a little excited.

Chiba couldn't see his face, but he could imagine that Hirohiko had his eyes closed and his teeth gritted in worry.


Chiba murmured the name in a low voice.


Nao apologized a little bit emotionally.

Obviously, Hirohiko's body froze for a moment, then he shook his head and said, "You're still sick, it's better not to talk."


Nao nodded obediently, without the aura of slapping Hirohiko several times when he was in the hospital.

Then Hirohiko didn't speak any more, just holding Nao's hand, as if he was thinking.

"Is this disease curable?"

After a while, Nao spoke again.

"Don't say stupid things." Hong Yan hurriedly said, but his tone was full of uncertainty.

"Doctor Watanabe in the hospital, sister Yuriko can't be cured..."

"It's all said, don't talk, take a good rest!" Hongyan seemed a little excited again, as if aware of his tone, Hongyan took a breath, and said: "Don't worry, it's okay, everything will be fine. Just eat Just take the medicine and you'll be fine."

After saying that, Hirohiko turned around, as if he wanted to take medicine for Nao.

Chiba quickly closed the door.

Incurable disease?

It turned out to be like this, that's why he wasn't sent to the hospital, and judging from the conversation, the disease should have been repeated several times, and Hirohiko was able to make medicine by himself.

Thinking of this, Chiba stood up and took a few steps back slowly.

In terms of diseases, his medical ninjutsu is still not helpful. Unlike injuries, diseases are more complicated medical systems. Chiba has not much medical experience in this area, and even Yuriko can't be cured, so he can't do anything. .


Qianye couldn't help cursing in a low voice, while retreating, she slowly exited the range of Hong Yan's hut.

He looked at the door of the shabby house, but he couldn't help feeling guilty.

Seeing the situation of Hirohiko and Nao, Chiba wanted Hirohiko and herself to secretly assist in the "return mission" and "bait operation", but she couldn't open her mouth.

That's right, the only one who can help Chiba, and who can agree without thinking about everything, is Hirohiko now!

Think of another way! Think again……

Qianye retreated step by step, and finally made up her mind to turn around and leave, and flew out.

Hirohiko would probably go with me if I asked. However, he must have this girl who is very important to him in his heart.

This state is another very dangerous task...

Chiba knew without thinking that something would happen to Hirohiko!

Now ask Hong Yan to help him complete the task, just let him die!

Qianye can ask him to go on a very dangerous mission, but he will never let him go to die!

So, give up!

Hirohiko, give up!

Think of another way!

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