Chapter 285 Persuasion?

Hyuga family mansion, a training ground.


A small figure slammed into the wall at the edge of the field, and slowly slid down.


A soft cough came out of his mouth.


Chiba raised her head, the emerald green brilliance in her eyes slowly dissipated, and what was reflected in her eyes was Hinata Shinsuke's palm in a soft fist posture.

The soft fist actually so powerful! Hyuga Snow Eagle can't compare with him at all! This gap can be said to be a world of difference!

Qianye propped up her body and stood up with difficulty.

The wounded door mode was also unlocked, and the Hyuga clan's acupoints were so powerful that they were able to seal the chakra flowing at a high speed in the wounded door mode.

No, it should be said that Hinata Shinsuke's acupuncture is amazing! The super-speed chakra flow in the injury mode, replaced by Hyuga Yutaka, should only be sealed for a while, the chakra he penetrated into the body will soon be disintegrated by the chakra flow, and acupuncture will not be useful.

Chiba calculated it based on the acupuncture point strength of Heyuga Yutaka in the Chunin Exam.

But... Shinsuke Hyuga's chakra is more condensed, it is really like a steel needle, can the chakra still become so condensed?

Could it be that this is one of the special abilities of the Hyuga Clan's Soft Fist that was not shown in the original work?

Chiba gasped slightly.

To be honest, Chiba is also a bit pissed. Now it is about one o'clock in the morning, and he has been practicing with Shinsuke Hinata for three hours. He has been knocked back and sent flying again and again.

Chiba can still clearly recall that during the first sparring session, he was pushed away by Hinata Shinsuke's swift palm before he rushed up.

The second time, although the punch was said to go smoothly, but halfway through the punch, he was interrupted and pushed away.

For the third time, the first two doors of the eight doors were already opened, and he rushed up, still the same.

The fourth time and the fifth time, it was already in Shengmen mode, the speed and strength had been greatly improved, but it still didn't do much, and it was even quickly seen through by Hinata Shinsuke and defeated.


By the last time, more than one hundred and seventy times, that is, this time, the injury mode had been turned on, and it was only to the extent that he was almost able to touch him.

It was simply an overwhelming gap in physical skills, Chiba himself couldn't believe it, in the mode of hurting the door, he did his best, and kept adjusting in failure, but still couldn't touch Hinata Shinsuke.

However, Qianye didn't think Hinata Shinsuke was really strong and unattainable. He faintly felt that the reason why his attack didn't work was not because Hinata Shinsuke's strength crushed him. But I haven't found the key yet.

"Let's stop here today." Hyuga Shinsuke lowered his hands and looked at the snow that was gradually getting smaller outside.

Me too, it's really late now.

Hinata Shinsuke looked at Chiba, and was also quite surprised.

This child is surprisingly good in terms of speed, strength, and endurance. It is no wonder that this physical strength can be called a "super genius". When I was seven years old, I was far behind him.

Thinking about it, Hinata Shinsuke wiped his right cheek, just when he pushed out with a palm just now, Chiba's side kick almost brushed his cheek, hitting the him.

After three hours, not only did his speed and strength not drop, he was even able to keep up with my rhythm. In this respect, Xue Ying couldn't compare to him.

It's amazing!

Shinsuke Hyuga, who is the most soft boxing master of the Hyuga clan, recalled the three hours of sparring, and couldn't help admiring in his heart.

However, in battle, his physical skills are still too rough!

However, Hinata Shinsuke's final evaluation was this one.

In fact, Shinsuke Hyuga was also on a whim at the beginning. When he saw Yuyuki Hyuga, Chiba and Hirohiko gathered together, he suddenly had the idea of ​​"testing Chiba's strength", so he had that idea. "Qianye, can you come to my room for a while after you have finished practicing? There are some things I want to ask you."

Of course, the "ask" here is naturally to "ask" Chiba's physical strength as an opponent.

He didn't expect that Qianye came over very readily. Of course, Shinsuke Hyuga did not take Chiba to his room, but went to his training ground.

Next, it was three hours of sparring, Chiba made more than 170 attempts.

However, this kid's potential is quite good. Although he is learning the rigid martial arts and cannot learn my soft boxing technique, I can still teach him something. It can be regarded as making up for the guilt that I have ignored him for the past seven years.

Hyuga Shinsuke thought silently.

It was true that Chiba's school entrance examination came on a whim, but the decision now was made from his heart. Also recently, he thinks more about things.

Take advantage of this time to settle the regrets that deserve it!

"It's getting late, if you don't mind, stay here today, it's snowing." Hinata Shinsuke looked at Chiba's frowning and smiled slightly.

This really looks like Zhenye, I remember that when he showed this expression, he was basically thinking about some deceitful idea.

But in fact, Qianye is really planning some tricks.

It's snowing, and the confinement room is so cold, it's really not suitable for a girl like Xue Nai to stay there. Coincidentally, Shinsuke Hyuga was also there.

This approach may also work.

Thinking about it, Chiba took a breath and said, "Master Shinsuke, there is one thing I want to ask you for."

Something to ask me?

Hinata Shinsuke was slightly taken aback, and then the expressions of Chiba, Hinata Yutaka, and Hirohiko when they found themselves standing at the door suddenly flashed in their minds, and they couldn't help frowning.

This child, is it possible?

"What's the matter?" Thinking of this, Hinata Shinsuke hastily swallowed the phrase "Anything is fine, just say it."

"I would like to ask you to stop Yukina's confinement." Chiba stared at Hinata Shinsuke closely, when she saw Hinata Shinsuke frown.

Sure enough, I noticed it.

Moreover, even if I don't mention this matter now, after thinking about it for a while, he can think of what was wrong with the three of us at that time, and guess our thoughts.

If he guesses the purpose of our gathering together, I'm afraid we will never be able to get in touch with Xue Nai.

"How do you know about this? Who told you?" Hyuga Shinsuke's face darkened obviously, and a pressure suddenly came over him.

However, Chiba looked at Hyuga Shinsuke and didn't speak.

Yumiko must not be mentioned here, obviously Shinsuke Hinata attaches great importance to this matter, and even he, who has always been gentle, was furious about it. If he knew that Yumiko told him about this outsider and asked him to be an outsider, Yumiko's fate would be disastrous.

After all, Yumiko is a member of a separate family, and her life is in the hands of Hinata Shinsuke, the main family!

Chiba said to herself.

Sensing Chiba's determined eyes, Hinata Shinsuke was also slightly taken aback, in front of his eyes, Chiba's figure seemed to overlap with that carefree boy's figure.

The eyes of the two are so similar.

"Chiba, this matter is the Hinata family's housework, so you don't have to worry about it." Seemingly because of the similar eyes, Hinata Shinsuke sighed and said.

But Hinata Shinsuke's reaction made Chiba startled, he was ready to meet Hinata Shinsuke's anger, but unexpectedly, Hinata Shinsuke just sighed and advised him to leave it alone.

This is too gentle, right? What happened to Xue Nai really made him so angry that half of Hinata's mansion heard the angrily?

If so, then...

However, surprise was nothing but surprise, Chiba still planned to continue with her plan.

"Master Shinsuke, I know you don't want Xue Nai to be put in danger on the battlefield. To be honest, I don't want Xue Nai to be put in danger either." Chiba said.

"Then..." Hyuga Shinsuke frowned again.

"You mean to say that you put Xue Nai in confinement, didn't you also want to make her change her mind?" Chiba interrupted.

"That's right." Hinata Shinsuke nodded.

What is the kid going to say?

This is the thought in Hinata Shinsuke's mind.

"However, is Xue Nai's change or her mind really that important?" Chiba said.

Hyuga Shinsuke was taken aback when he heard that.

"Even if Xue Nai is asked to apply for the task, will the third Hokage-sama really agree?" Qianye said again: "If you care about it, you will be chaotic, and you will put Xue Nai in danger instead!"

Hinata Shinsuke frowned.

Indeed, the bloodline of the Hyuga Clan is not only concerned by our Hyuga Clan, but also by the village's senior management. At how old is Xue Nai, the Third Hokage will definitely not agree.

This was originally Xue Nai's unilateral request, and it still needs the consent of all parties to implement it.

These few words of this child are indeed in the middle of the sentence!

Maybe... I, this is too hasty! Nothing has been decided yet! I was in a hurry to use the last resort.

Instead, put Xue Nai in danger?

this kid...

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