Chapter 284 Variables

"Okay, okay! Let's focus on Xue Nai's affairs." Hirohiko took a step forward and said.

When the two of them heard the words, the flames in their eyes seemed to pause slightly, and then they turned their heads away in unison.


An angry snort sounded as they let go of their respective hands.

After letting go, the two each took a few steps back.

Children, you!

Seeing the appearance of the two, Hirohiko couldn't help complaining in his heart, and then thought about it.

Uh... as if they were children, including me...

But at this moment, a gentle voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Huh? Isn't this Chiba and Hirohiko?"

Hearing this, the three of them looked over in unison, and immediately, the hairs on the backs of the three of them all exploded.

Standing at the door, which was the source of the voice, was Shinsuke Hinata with his hands in his sleeves and a slightly solemn face!

Oops! What you said just now, won't be heard!

The eyes of the three of them widened slightly at the same time, and their hearts tightened.

"Master Shinsuke, it's so late, I'm sorry to bother you."

However, Chiba quickly reacted and bowed to salute. Under such circumstances, normally speaking, this behavior is the most normal when meeting the distinguished Hinata Shinsuke of the Hinata family.

If the three of them stood there in a daze, no matter whether Hinata Shinsuke knew about their conversation or not, they would be suspicious, and they would definitely suspect what their plans were!

And now that Yukina is in confinement, and the three of them are people who are close to Yukina, if they are still in a daze, as long as Hinata Shinsuke is not an idiot, he can guess the little thoughts of the three of them.

Soon, Hyuga Xueying also reflected and made a disciple salute.

And Hirohiko saluted tremblingly, but didn't speak.

"It's really rare that the three of you will get together." Hinata Shinsuke looked at the three of them with a slight smile on his lips. His eyes fell on Chiba and Hyuga Snow Eagle.

Looking at these two children, I always feel like I have returned to the time with Sara and Maya.

"The three of us are going to practice sparring." Chiba said without blushing.

"I've always wanted to learn more from Chiba, Master Shinsuke." Hinata Snow Eagle also said.

Hirohiko remained silent.

"Just started?" Hinata Shinsuke asked.

"Yes." Hyuga Snow Eagle said without thinking.

However, Chiba's face changed slightly, and Hirohiko continued to remain silent.

"It's so late?" Hinata Shinsuke said with some doubts.


Hyuga Snow Eagle's face tensed.


Chiba sighed slightly in his heart.

It should be said that it has been going on for a while, and I am just taking a break! Hinata Snow Eagle was a little too nervous.

But when this thought flashed by, Hirohiko beside Chiba suddenly stood at attention, his body was tense, but his face was lowered.

Oh no! Hirohiko... I really can't hold on anymore!

From the corner of Chiba's eyes, he keenly caught Hirohiko's actions, and even naturally appeared in his mind, the eyeballs on Hirohiko's drooping face trembled, and the expression on his face was stiff.

Hirohiko... There is nothing wrong with lying!

"Now is an extraordinary period, we want to improve a little bit, it doesn't matter how late it is." Chiba withdrew his gaze and said to Hinata Shinsuke.

critical moments……

Hinata Shinsuke looked at Chiba.

Has this child already started to touch sensitive things? The third Hokage really intends to...

That's right, if Maha sees this scene, she should be very happy.

Thinking of this, Hyuga Shinsuke nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Then, go ahead, I won't bother you."

Saying that, Hyuga Shinsuke made a gesture to leave.

Immediately, Hinata Xueying and Hirohiko looked at each other, each heaving a sigh of relief. If Shinsuke Hinata sees the clues, their plan will probably fail.

But Chiba frowned.

Hyuga Shinsuke... Perhaps this is also a good solution. Do you want to try it...

Just as Chiba thought about it, Hyuga Shinsuke, who was about to leave, seemed to pause for a moment, and then said: "Chiba, can you come to my room for a while after you have finished practicing? There are some things I want to ask you."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were startled.

Ask me (Chiba) about something?

Hyuga Xueying glanced at his teacher, then at Chiba, frowning slightly.

Sure enough, Master Shinsuke has also started to pay attention to Chiba?

Thinking of this, his fists clenched slightly.

To be honest, he was known as a genius since he was a child, and he studied under the strongest soft boxing master in the Hyuga clan. I don't know how many people in the clan envy him.

However, ever since he fought Chiba in the Chunin Exam, he felt deeply powerless. Facing Chiba at that time, even though his strength was still beyond Chiba, he still felt a sense of powerlessness.

It was as if he would never be able to defeat Chiba.

To be honest, he was quite angry about this situation, angry at both Qianye and himself. However, after the Kushina incident, Chiba's accurate deduction made him feel a sense of security.

It seemed that with Qianye around, there was nothing impossible.

This made him deeply feel that Qianye was an existence that he could never reach. It's not just because of his level of strength. In terms of strength, the current him doesn't think he will lose to Chiba. But the traits displayed by Qianye made him feel dwarfed by comparison.

And now, his teacher seemed to have started to pay attention to Qianye.

At this moment, Hyuga Snow Eagle's mood was a bit complicated.

Hirohiko also frowned.

Now Chiba is still in the hospital, she sneaked out, she must go back before dawn, she must try her best to get close to Xue Nai tonight, and solve this matter.

Something is wrong!

And this is, just when the two were thinking about each other, Chiba nodded and said: "If Master Shinsuke has something to do, then I will go with you now."

Going right now?

Hirohiko and Hinata Snow Eagle were taken aback.

I don't know how long it will take to finish asking Mr. Shinsuke... If it's too late, wouldn't today's plan be in vain?

At this time, after hearing Chiba's words, Shinsuke Hyuga was a little surprised and said, "Aren't you going to practice sparring?"

"Master Shinsuke's affairs are the priority. For practice, tomorrow is fine too." Chiba said.

Tomorrow, is the plan transferred to tomorrow?

Indeed, Master Shinsuke saw it today, and it is easy to arouse suspicion, and it would be safer to change it tomorrow.

Hinata Yukitaka and Hirohiko thought at the same time.

"Snow Eagle, Hirohiko, are you alright?" Hinata Shinsuke asked the two of them.

Hirohiko immediately shook his head repeatedly, indicating that it was okay.

And Hinata Snow Eagle said respectfully: "It's okay, Master Shinsuke. Hirohiko and I can also practice together."

Hinata Shinsuke saw that the two had no objection, frowned slightly, and said, "Alright, then, Chiba, come with me."

"Yes!" Chiba responded, patted the arms of the two of them quietly, and then left with Hinata Shinsuke who had already turned to leave.

Hinata Snow Eagle and Hirohiko looked at each other.

That's fine, let's just put it off until tomorrow.

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