Chapter 2755 is back

"So, why is Teacher Kushina alone in the cabin?"

The scenery in front of him kept fading back rapidly, and seeing the outline of the cabin in front enlarged little by little, Hirohiko, whose forehead was slowly dripping with sweat, couldn't help asking.

The distance between the city wall and the cabin was not very far. With the speed of the three of them, within a few minutes, the cabin was already within sight.

Although they were shuttling through the grove at this time, their sight was more or less restricted, but they were still able to catch the familiar outline, which hadn't changed a bit in the past ten years.

But now, it was obvious that as they approached the Japanese-style cabin, the pain that was sleeping deep in their hearts, or in the depths of their memory, could never be erased, was constantly stimulating their nerves.

So much so that along the way, they were all taciturn, their nerves maintained a high degree of tension, as if they were facing an enemy.

Even, at this moment, Hirohiko could hardly stand it any longer.


Hearing this sentence, Xue Nai swallowed subconsciously, and her facial muscles twitched unnaturally.

Obviously, for a genius who can become the captain of the Konoha Defense Force, the energy behind the words Kushina is still as absolute as it was back then.

"Cough... I don't want to either!"

Regarding this, Qianye also wanted to cry, but to be honest, he really didn't want the current situation to happen!

Among the three, if you want to talk about the indelible pain in your heart, he is undoubtedly the clearest one. After all, when Kushina was still there, he was beaten a lot. Although Kushina likes to talk about joint responsibility, However, there were very few basic punishments for Hirohiko and Xue Nai, and almost everything he encountered was fisted on the top of his head before he even started to explain.

And, it's really heart-wrenching!

Chiba can assert that among the three, he is definitely the most afraid of Kushina's fist.

It is also the last thing I want after Kushina is resurrected, when he wakes up, he is alone in the suitable cabin!

However, this is also impossible.

after all……

"Ms. Jiuxinna's soul was held by the will of the world and the Sages of the Six Paths. I couldn't find her soul, so I could only leave her body in the cabin. Now, the will of the world and the Sages of the Six Paths have brought you back to life. The soul of Teacher Kushina should also be returned, and Teacher Jiushina's body is in the cabin, so when she is resurrected, she can only be in the cabin."

Then, wanting to cry without tears, Qianye explained to the two best friends who had come back from the dead.

"The will of the world and the Sage of the Six Paths? Do the Sages of the Six Paths exist? Are they still alive? What is the will of the world?"

As for Chiba's words, it was obvious that Hirohiko and Xue Nai's attention was immediately attracted by the other two nouns, and they immediately asked a series of questions.

"Uh... this question, I will explain it to you later, all you need to know is that the Sage of the Six Paths is not just the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, but the spokesperson of this world. His own words represent the consciousness of the world. And the will of the world is used to limit the existence of people like me."

In this regard, Chiba said so.

At this moment, with a bang, the three of them had already walked out of the grove, and amidst the patter of footsteps, the three of them were already standing in the garden in front of the Japanese-style log cabin.

"A person like you? Are you... an outsider like Grandma Shengzi?"

And hearing this sentence, Hirohiko and Xue Nai stopped and spoke at the same time.

"You already know the concept of outsiders?"

Regarding this, Qianye was slightly startled, and subconsciously said: "Oh... yes, you all forgot that you are in the time prison, and it is not abnormal to know about outsiders."

Obviously, Chiba remembered the matter of the time prison. In fact, he was not the main person who dealt with the matter of the time prison. After he entered the time prison by mistake that year, he met Seiko Uchiha. No, it should be called Michiko , After a series of exchanges later, the plan to rescue the souls of Hirohiko and Yukina was determined, along with the plan to resurrect Michiko.

However, Chiba did not take care of this matter any more, but handed it over to Haneda Ichiyo, the slug fairy avatar, and himself in the youthful state of the previous slug sage magic avatar. Too blatant, even, not only can't be too blatant, but even cautious, and even look at every small detail with the mentality of a bow and a snake, his body is not suitable for planning this matter.

Fortunately, the mass-produced version of the reincarnation eye, after all, is stored in the pupil power of Uchiha Nobuhiko's reincarnation eye. Although the power of using the pupil technique will be discounted, but in some key nodes to contact unknown child, especially With the existence of Michiko's soul clone, this plan seems ethereal, and many joints are relatively cumbersome and unrealistic, but in fact there is basically no problem.

Because there was no follow-up participation in this job, Chiba put this matter on the back of his mind more or less.

It was also because I put it in the back of my mind, that's why I didn't react for a while.

"It seems that you have experienced something we can't imagine without our knowing..."

But hearing this sentence, Hirohiko and Xue Nai looked at each other, and said in a rather downcast voice.

"Well...Actually, everything has been arranged, or in other words, there is nothing unimaginable. Have you seen the scene of this infinite moon reading? I used the lives of everyone in this world to have a fight with them. It's just a transaction, and I have the advantage throughout the whole process, they only have to compromise obediently. Look, isn't this returning the two of you obediently to me?"

In this regard, hearing the missing elements in the two people's words, Qianye's mind flashed, as if a blessing came to his heart, he hurriedly opened his mouth and said.

I used to be really...

Patronizing a person and thinking about changing their fate, treating them as a burden, and excluding them forever.

Perhaps, the reason why the two of them died back then, and the reason why Nine-Tails Night failed was because I always excluded them, so...

But at this time, Qianye's heart was full of enlightenment after learning from the pain.

At the same time, in this thought, Qianye's words obviously showed a higher level of communication ability than his back then. At least, this time, he has learned to comfort others.

Although, it sounds like the effect may not be very good, and it is also very clumsy.


Hirohiko and Xue Nai, who heard this, also expressed considerable doubts, which fully demonstrated that Chiba's level of consolation is quite poor.

However, it doesn't matter anymore, at least it can be regarded as delaying time for Chiba in the end, Nine-Tails Night didn't help him, so it should be considered as helping him now.

Next, I don't want to have a situation where I need to help him.

Peace should be coming soon.

As long as Chiba is here, there will be no wars in this ninja world.

However, although the method of comforting people is very poor, Hirohiko and Xue Nai did not get entangled. Relatively speaking, compared with them in the past, they have experienced a death now.

More or less, they are open-minded now that they have died once, and they have also had a good reflection in the prison of time for more than ten years, so they won't be so fussy anymore.

Moreover, although they seem to be only in their teens, their hearts are about the same age as Chiba.

In the time prison, under the nagging of so many outsiders, although they did not grow up alive, they absorbed the life experience of so many people, and they had plenty of time to think, reflect, and argue. Well, their current mentality is actually not much different from that of people in their twenties and thirties.

And when people are in their twenties and thirties, some things that they were attached to when they were young are no longer so attached to.

But now, they have a deeper understanding of how to help Qianye, and they will no longer be obsessed with helping Qianye hand in hand.

"Well! That's right, it is!"

In response, Chiba nodded hastily.

"Well, now, let's go and see the situation of Teacher Jiuxinna! For more than ten years, she may not know the era she is in now. If she sees the traces of war again... But Let nothing happen."

Hearing this, Xue Nai sighed helplessly, but started first and walked directly towards the Japanese-style cabin.


In this regard, Chiba and Hirohiko hurriedly followed.

Ever since, the three of them moved forward and stopped at the door of the Japanese-style log cabin.

"Cough...Here, you two boys, who will go first?"

After stopping, Xue Nai subconsciously wanted to open the door, but just as she raised her hand, she suddenly stopped, as if she suddenly remembered something, turned her head, and looked at the big and small behind her. .


Facing Xue Nai who turned his head, Chiba and Hirohiko looked at each other, blinked, but hesitated.

Here, let Xue Nai open the door!

She is a girl, and Teacher Kushina basically doesn't beat him.

Following this faltering, Chiba decisively sent a look to Hirohiko.

Makes sense.

However, now that Xue Nai has reacted, what should I do?

I'm not sure to hide it from Xue Nai, you don't know, Xue Nai's sixth sense is terrible.

Regarding this, Hirohiko also secretly ruined a look, and seemed to be hinting at something.

play dumb?

Then, Chiba gave Hirohiko a self-experienced look.

Then, following such a look, Qianye avoided Xue Nai's gaze without hesitation, frowned, turned around suddenly, and muttered, "Why is the soil here not firm yet, could it be a war?" It’s affected by the movement.” After that, he went to the garden fence straightforwardly and aboveboard, and pretended to check it.


Almost instantly, Hirohiko cursed in his heart.

"Hirohiko, come on."

To this, Xue Nai also reacted quickly, and suddenly stepped aside, and by the way, stepped back a little distance, so that she stood behind Hirohiko, assuming that Hirohiko was about to step forward to open the door, and then, gently He patted Hirohiko on the shoulder and said so.

I go!

You young couple have just been reunited, and you started cheating on me?

Facing Xue Nai's actions, looking at the empty door in front of him, the unknown atmosphere behind the door, and the hallucination of nightmare-like pain in his heart, Hirohiko suddenly burst into sweat.


However, at this moment, the door of the Japanese-style cabin suddenly opened, and the three of them jumped back in fright. After a jolt, he collided with Hirohiko who was jumping back.

Of course, they didn't care about bumping into each other, and looked directly at the gate.

Hearing the sound of the door being opened, it was very similar to the sound of the door being opened when Kushina was angry.

"Wow! Unexpectedly, you guys bullied my Hirohiko while I was away, what? Xue Nai? Chiba? Think I have lost my temper, right?"

But at this moment, a voice full of anger came from the door.

Then, the next second, whether it was Yukina, Chiba, or Hirohiko, everyone was stunned on the spot.

Especially Hirohiko and Xue Nai, their eyes were red on the spot.

"Na... Nao?"

Then, almost subconsciously, the two of them opened their mouths.

The corners of Qianye's mouth turned up unnaturally, a familiar feeling of being seen through inside and out emerged spontaneously, and he felt uncomfortable all over.

But at this time, in front of them, there was a beautiful girl with her hands on her hips, looking at Xue Nai and Chiba with a look of disbelief, with a look of don't bully our family Hirohiko.

It was the dead Nao, Uchiha Nao.

"Why, why don't I die sooner, I forgot about it!"

As for the reaction of the three, Nao pouted, but said quite dissatisfied.

"No no no!"

Regarding this, Hirohiko was still there in a daze, staring at Nao with a pair of eyes, but there was no response, while Chiba avoided it intentionally or unintentionally, as if she didn't want to answer, because the answer would fall into your trap However, Xue Nai looked excited, ran up directly, grabbed Nao's hand, and said hastily.

"Great! Great! Nao, you're resurrected too.\

,"But after grabbing Nao's hand, two big teardrops poured down from Yukina's eyes, and Yukina could only repeat a few words in her mouth.

"Xue Nai, what's wrong with you! Don't cry, don't cry!"

Seeing Xue Nai's appearance, Na Xu was startled for a moment, then her two little feet almost jumped up anxiously, hurriedly wiped away her tears, and said softly: "I'm joking with you! But, don't you You can’t bully my family Hirohiko if you failed to learn from that kid Chiba.”

"Hmm! Mmmmm!"

Regarding this, Xue Nai was already excited and could only nod.

"I'm back... I'm back... Really... I'm back!"

But at this time, Hong Yan, who was stunned over there, murmured in a low voice, his eyes were so red that he almost shed two lines of hot tears.

For him, there is nothing more exciting and surprising than this.

Nao is back.

Not only is she back, but she is still the same Nao when she was a child, the Nao who was the weird elf before her brother died...

came back!

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