Konoha: The Legend of Chiba

Chapter 2754 Resurrection

"what happened?"

Looking at Hirohiko and Yuki Nai, who was looking at the dust and dust in front of him, looking at both of them blankly, Chiba, the boy who couldn't understand the situation, turned his head, looked at the main body Chiba next to him, and asked .

"Uh...you give me your eyes first."

In this regard, the main body Chiba's mouth twitched slightly, and he stretched out his hand to the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy art, and said so.


Hearing this, Chiba, the boy who was avatar of the slug fairy art, was slightly taken aback, obviously not understanding the meaning of the main body at once.

"Yes, eyes."

In this regard, Qianye pointed to the right eye of the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy art, and said so.

"Oh... this one!"

But at this time, Chiba, who heard this, subconsciously glanced at Hirohiko and Xue Nai's letting go of the slug fairy art, and then suddenly realized, and then without hesitation, he gently wiped the right eye socket, When he left with his hands, his right eye socket was already empty, but soon, a white foam-like substance quickly filled his eye socket, and in the blink of an eye, in his right eye socket, It was already a pair of ordinary eyes with clear black and white.

At this time, his hand was already placed in the palm of the main body Qianye.

"Well, Hirohiko, you take your eyes back first."

In response to this, Chiba, the main body at this time, gently wiped his left eye socket with his hand. While speaking, the eyes in both hands were already handed to Hong Yan's eyes, but these two eyes were already in front of him. They all have a kind of ripple pattern, which is exactly a pair of reincarnation eyes.

For the main body Chiba, compared to what happened to Hirohiko and Xue Nai, it is obvious that returning the eyes of reincarnation is more important, because at this moment, Hirohiko and Xue Nai are a pair of people. There is no problem with white eyes, but the other person has a pair of empty eye sockets at this time. The eyes of Cai Hongyan just now may be because his eyes have evolved to the level of reincarnation eyes and have the uniqueness of the supreme power, so his eyes It shattered and dissipated into the air along with the dust just now.

Of course, Hirohiko seems to still retain his vision at this moment, which Chiba cannot explain.


Hearing this, Hirohiko was going to refuse almost subconsciously, he could "see" that Chiba just plucked out his left eye.

"Don't worry, it's just one eye. Even if it's the reincarnation eye of the supreme power, it's not a problem for me to return it to you, and it doesn't reduce my strength by half."

Regarding this, Chiba said quite indifferently.

And he also has the capital to say this, at least, for him now, the source of power is the purest power of the world, and this reincarnation eye, even if it is reincarnation writing sharing eyes, is also from the world core of this world, that is, This universe evolved from the power contained in the fragments after the self-explosion of the universe. In terms of level, the Samsara Sharingan is still half the power of the world he has now.

In other words, the current him has jumped out of the shackles of this world's power, and it doesn't matter if he has the eyes of reincarnation or not.

But the current appearance of Hongyan made him a little uncomfortable.

After all, being watched by two empty eye sockets, even though Chiba has experienced so much in the Naruto world, and still has the memory of the nightmare reincarnation, it is still somewhat unacceptable.

Perhaps, being looked at by two empty eye sockets, Chiba can bear it, but being looked at by his best friend's two empty eye sockets is a bit unacceptable.


Hearing this sentence, Hirohiko took the reincarnation eyes that Chiba handed over with suspicion, and then gently pressed them into his empty eye sockets.

Afterwards, after Qianye lightly wiped it with both hands to wait for some emerald brilliance, countless messages flooded into his mind instantly from his pupils.

In an instant, the pupil power and ability of Uchiha Nobuhiko's Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan, as if engraved in his soul, was absorbed by him in an instant.

"Tsk! Even at this level, there are still some things that can't be changed?"

But at this time, Chiba, the main body, looked at the eyes of Hirohiko who retreated from the reincarnation eye pattern to the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pattern, frowned slightly, and said with a little dissatisfaction.

In the medical ninjutsu just now, he actually added some power of the world. He originally wanted to use this original power to nourish the eyes of reincarnation, so that the eyes of reincarnation would not degenerate into eternal kaleidoscope writing sharing eyes, but in the end, the eyes of reincarnation were still It has degenerated into the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

And the reason is naturally quite simple. Hirohiko is a pure-bred member of the Uchiha clan and does not have the cells of Senju Hashirama. Or it can be said directly that Hirohiko will never have the conditions to have the eyes of reincarnation.

It's not just the absence of intercolumnar cells.

In fact, even if Hirohiko has the cells between the columns, there is no way to evolve into the eyes of reincarnation. Unlike Nobuhiko Uchiha, Nobuhiko Uchiha has the power of the sage of the Six Paths after all, which is equivalent to having the potential to awaken the eyes of reincarnation. Under normal circumstances, It is necessary to have the power of Asura and the power of Indra, and Hiroko does not have the power of Indra. Even if the cells between the columns are transplanted and the power of Asura is obtained, there is no way to awaken the eye of reincarnation.

Originally, I thought that the power of the world was a level higher than that of the Samsara Eye, so it should be able to preserve the pupil power of the Samsara Eye and allow Hongyan to awaken the Samsara Eye. However, it seems that although he has broken through the shackles of power, it does not mean that he can. Absolutely above the power rules of this world.

The power rules of this world say that the power of Asura and the power of Indra must be required, so these two powers must be required, and neither of them will work.

"It doesn't matter, this is already very powerful, no, it is so powerful that I didn't even dare to think about it when I was alive."

In this regard, Hirohiko blinked his eyes, as if he had adjusted to the feeling of having eyeballs in his eye sockets, and said.

"It's not suitable for you to talk about your life now."

And hearing this sentence, Qianye sighed slightly, as if letting go of the last bit of regret, and said so.

"It's not suitable to talk about life? Is it!"

But as soon as these words came out, the pupils of the boy Chiba, who was avatar of the slug fairy art, shrank suddenly, but suddenly understood something.

"Isn't it suitable to talk about life?"

Almost at the same time, Hirohiko and Xue Nai also frowned.

"You mean...we're resurrected!"

Then, almost at the same moment as they frowned, they widened their eyes and spoke in a voice almost horrified.

"Feel it, you should understand better than us."

In this regard, Qianye's mouth, but a bright smile bloomed, so said.

And all of this was actually a bit surprising to him. Although he had negotiated terms with the will of the world and the spokesperson of the world, Sage of the Six Paths, he did not expect that the will of the world and the Sage of the Six Paths would be so fast. The two came back to life.

Is it... a surprise for him?


Qianye didn't think so. It was obvious that he had put the transformation rules on them, showing his sincerity, and they also showed their sincerity.

According to the agreement at the beginning, the resurrection of Hirohiko and Yukina should be before he canceled the infinite monthly reading and set the time back to the start of the Zhongnin exam. After that, they would start to resurrect.

"Really...really resurrected!"

At this time, Hirohiko and Xue Nai clenched their fists lightly, and a feeling that they only had when they were alive immediately flooded their senses.

A long-lost feeling of vitality communicating with the soul and body arises spontaneously.

At this moment, they felt the temperature around them, the gentle touch of the wind blowing over the skin, the comfort of the flowing chakra and the faint sense of fatigue...they finally felt the joy and limitation of life.

Almost subconsciously, they looked up to the sky and sighed.

This feeling is really great!

Compared with when they were in the soul body, this feeling is really full. They might not feel it when they became the soul body, but now, they really feel that the previous soul body is full of emptiness.

The enrichment of life almost brought tears to their eyes.

"Then, what should be done, I did it, goodbye, Ontology."

And at this time, with a bang, a young man's hand was pressed on the shoulder of the main body Chiba, and then, with a bang, next to the main body Chiba, the young Chiba who was the avatar of the slug fairy art suddenly exploded Formed into a cloud of white mist, the slug-like human figure collapsed and slowly merged into the ground. When the smoke cleared, he also disappeared into the ground.

"Ah! Thank you."

In this regard, Chiba, the main body, watched the white mist around him dissipate, and said sincerely.

Although it is said to be his avatar, it may be that the avatar of Lulu Xianshu is too realistic. Over the years, he has already regarded this avatar of Lulu Xianshu as his old friend who knows everything.

And the independence between them is enough to support this "friendship".

It's just that, sometimes seeing him look exactly the same as when he was young, more or less makes Chiba feel terrified sometimes.

Others, nothing.

And now, his departure, more or less, made Qianye sigh.

Is it because of knowing the power of bondage, the real use of time-traveling benefits, or because of psychological factors, looking at Hirohiko and Xue Nai now, it seems that there is no intimacy and resonance that seems to be in the subconscious.

However, it is useless.

But at this time, such a thought flashed through his mind.

And, with this thought, his eyes became softer and softer, looking at the two friends in front of him with sighs and delicate faces, a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth .

Finally, he did it.

Back then, Hirohiko died, and Xue Nai died beside him, saving him by focusing on every drop of blood with blood vessels.

That night, he lost everything.

To be honest, the moment he saw Xue Nai's dead body, he was actually completely hopeless, and even had the idea of ​​a complete cure under the condition of reincarnation memory of the nightmare.

Yes, in fact, at that time, after he inherited the memory of the reincarnation of the nightmare, although the memory of the reincarnation of the nightmare made his heart stronger, the situation of the night of the nine tails was more or less the same as that of the reincarnation of the nightmare. The situation is similar, Chiba's heart is quite shocked.

So much so that I want to get it all done in an instant.

Of course, at the same time as this one-and-done thought popped up, he decided that he must resurrect Hirohiko and Yukina, must resurrect Kushina, and even, must resurrect those he had lost.

And now, he did.

The will of the world and the spokesperson of the world, Sage of the Six Paths, have compromised, and even the world has compromised with him.

Even without his own transformation rules and grafting rules in the past, he can force the will of the world, the spokesperson of the world, and even the world to compromise with him.

Although because of the last transformation of the past self and the rules of grafting, it seems that all of this was achieved by grafting the power of the world.

But in fact, Qianye forced the world to compromise by himself.

Of course, the arrangement of my past is indispensable here, as well as the help of those people I knew when I was in this Hokage world, Kushina, Hirohiko, and Yukina needless to say, there are also three generations of Hokage, four generations of Hokage , Kakashi, Obito, Rin, etc., and even enemies like Yotsuki, everyone, the influence on him is to let him take this final step and push him forward from behind hands.

And now, even if all the goals have not been achieved, he can feel a sense of satisfaction from the situation of Hirohiko and Xue Nai standing in front of him alive.

Under this sense of satisfaction, he naturally smiled.

"Really...we can be together again!"

Then, the next second, Hirohiko and Xue Nai suddenly stopped, their eyes were full of disbelief, and even the eye sockets were slightly red.

At this moment, they suddenly realized.

They are resurrected, and they can live in this world alive.

They can live as before.

Unconsciously, they looked at Qianye, subconsciously looked at Qianye, and said to Qianye in a soft, soft voice full of joy and emotions that they didn't know how to express.

At this moment, Qianye was also stunned on the spot, but for a while, she didn't know how to respond.


Then, after a few seconds, the three of them turned their faces away while coughing lightly.

There is a slight unnatural look on the face.


Suddenly, Chiba exclaimed.

"What's wrong!"

And hearing this sound, the two hurriedly looked at Qianye and asked hurriedly.

"Small cabin! Our cabin! Teacher Kushina's body is over there. If you have been resurrected, I think she should be resurrected too! And now, she should be alone..."

Facing Hirohiko and Xue Nai's eager questioning, Chiba suddenly had a particularly stiff expression as if they were entangled.

Teacher Kushina...


one person……

Then, as if they were infected, Hirohiko and Yukina showed such expressions unconsciously.


Then, almost at the same time, the three rushed out together and headed straight for their Japanese-style cabin.


Will be beaten!

As for the three of them, one big and two young, there was only one thought left in their hearts.

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