Chapter 2722 Unlimited


Following Qianye's clasped palms, the strange and huge pupil power suddenly spread out from the bright red Nine Gouyu Samsara Writing Wheel Eye between the brows on the forehead, and went straight to the sky.

All of a sudden, the chakra coat of Chiba's Tenseigan chakra mode seemed to be fluttering, and with the fluctuation of the chakra coat, Chiba's whole body also slowly floated up, towards the seemingly bigger circle. The moon floats up.

And as he got closer and closer to the moon, on the moon, the pattern of the ripples as the base and the nine-pointed jade as the embellishment began to slowly appear. In the gradually dark red, it was like a huge bright red nine-pointed jade. reincarnation eyes.


Projected onto the moon, as long as the moon shines, everything is within the line of sight of this Samsara Sharingan.

And at this time, as the moon formed the nine-gou jade reincarnation eye, Qianye, who floated to a high altitude that mortals could not reach, couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

At this moment, in his mind, the whole picture of the entire Hokage Continent slowly emerged. It can be seen that from the perspective of the moon, or in other words, from the perspective of the universe, the Hokage Continent should be It is a small round planet. This planet is surrounded by a large amount of sea water. The distribution of continents is extremely small. Most of them are concentrated in the main continent where the Naruto story takes place. There are also two or three continents. There is a continent and Hokage. The main continent is almost the same, and the others are only half the size of the main continent. However, there are only some animals and even rare birds and beasts. There are no traces of humans, ninjas, and any chakra fluctuations.

It seems that the chakras of the entire planet have been concentrated in the main continent of Hokage. It can even be said that, except for those rare animals, the situation in other continents is basically the same as in his previous life, without any difference, as if only in this main continent There are magical powers, and other continents are just ordinary worlds.

Later, after seeing the whole picture and realizing that the magical power of Chakra was only concentrated on the main continent, Chiba subconsciously looked at it, and the whole picture of the planet in his mind was enlarged all of a sudden, concentrating on the main continent , and in this eye, with the capturing ability of the eyes of reincarnation and eyes of reincarnation, Chiba can clearly see all the entire main continent affected by the pause of time and space.

For example, the still images of Sagashi and Otogashi fleeing frantically one kilometer away from Konoha Village, and those branches that stopped in mid-air due to the pause of time and space that were trampled off because they desperately wanted to escape, are all clear.

For another example, Yujiraiya and Kakashi led the way around the two sides of the village, presenting an encircling counterattack Konoha ninjas, with anger mixed with decisive expressions on their faces, as in in front of you.

Even, when Chiba had a thought, if he wanted to see the situation in any place, he could clearly distinguish it, and with the stronger perspective ability of the reincarnated eyes purified by white eyes, somewhere in this main continent, dormant He can clearly see the countless white spots under the ground.

The entire ninja world, and even the entire planet, are exposed to Qianye's vision, and nothing can escape his perception.


Sure enough, Hirohiko and Xue Nai have been resurrected.


It can't be said to be a complete resurrection, but it can only be said to be in the state of the living dead, which should also have a time limit. Their bodies, after all, are corpses. Without the sap full of natural forces, there is no way to maintain the status quo for a long time.

Do it three days longer, and if they don't return to soak in the sap, they will rot irreversibly.

After all, the fact that their corpses can be preserved so well is beyond natural conditions, and without the nourishment of tree sap, their bodies are dead bodies that have died more than ten years ago, and they will still rot faster.

Moreover, in the future, if they are required to do such a thing, they can only succeed, not fail! We still need to find weapons, alas, we will succeed in a short period of time.

But in the next second, amidst the wandering vision, Qianye's gaze was locked on his own Japanese-style log cabin.

At this moment, in the garden outside the Japanese-style log cabin, there are twelve children surrounded by them, that is, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, Yamanaka Ino, Hinata Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Yume Shino, Hinata Ningji, Tiantian and Rock Lee.

These twelve people, like the others, maintained the appearance of a time stop, and obviously, at the moment before the time stop, that is, when they walked out of this Japanese-style cabin, they were both puzzled and worried. At this moment, except for the unconscious Naruto Uzumaki, their faces were full of doubts and worries, and even a little nervous.

However, Qianye's gaze didn't linger on their faces after all, but turned to the four people who had just walked out of the room behind them.

That is, my juvenile version of the slug fairy clone, as well as Hirohiko and Yukina who were resurrected as living dead, and No. 14 who supported No. 15. It should not be said to be the outsider Michiko who was successfully resurrected.

From the perspective of the moon projected by the Samsara Sharingan, plus the various abilities that Tenseikan inherited from Baiyan, he can clearly see everyone's expressions and movements, and even the condition of every organ in the body.

At this moment, it may be the new perception ability born after the fusion of the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye. He can clearly see the combination of Hirohiko and Xue Nai's soul and body, and from this situation, it can be seen that he The reincarnation of the dirty soil is quite successful, and the degree of fit between the soul and the head of the two is better than expected.

It's just that, no matter how well the soul and body fit together, they don't belong to the real resurrection, but the state of the living dead. The higher the fit, the more they can exert their power in life. Without the nourishment of the soul, their bodies are still the same. They will be threatened by rot, and because they should have rotted more than ten years ago, without the words of sap, they will start to rot in three days, and the rot is irreversible. It can only be said that although they have the closest The original power also has the state of being the closest to a living person. However, compared to other reincarnations, not only do they not have the ability to regenerate infinitely, but if their bodies are absolutely fatally injured, such as being cut off their heads or piercing their hearts, The soul will still leave the body and enter the world of the dead.

It can be said that his dirty soil reincarnation looks beautiful, as if he has broken through life and death, but in fact, compared with the original version of the dirty soil reincarnation, in terms of combat ability, his dirty soil reincarnation is still very fragile, and his comprehensive ability is also inferior A lot of.

However, according to Chiba's vision, if this state of the living dead is resurrected, then after the resurrection, it will definitely be the most original Yukina, the most original Hirohiko, and there will be no moths.

Moreover, the method of resurrection is not limited to the natural technique of reincarnation that can only be used by sacrificing oneself, at least it can cooperate with Qianye's current idea of ​​a method to achieve the purpose of resurrection without sacrificing himself.

After all, if he insists on using reincarnation now, it will really be worth the candle.

Really giving up the possibility of giving them a good future.

It's also pretty stupid.

Besides, if reincarnation is really used to resurrect them, Kushina, Yukina, and Hirohiko who want to be resurrected will not be happy.

Even if they didn't stop him at the time, they would save his body after his death, just like himself, and then continue to collect power to resurrect him, and by then, they might enter an endless loop.

He died, and they sacrificed their lives to resurrect him.

And he will find a way to revive them, and then he will die early.

When they die, they will resurrect themselves and sacrifice themselves when they are resurrected.

In this way, the cycle goes on and on, and there is no salvation at all. There is even a high probability that they will still die on the way to resurrect themselves.

That's why, he calculated so many reasons.

If the big guys can't live a good life together, then they can only fall into eternal pain because of each other's emotions and bonds.

Chiba, the reason why he wanted to act until the Fourth Ninja World War when he was destined to win Uchiha Nobuhiko, and developed such a troublesome and not very practical dirty soil reincarnation is also the reason.


However, it seems that they should have adapted to get along with me more than ten years later. Sure enough, separating out a boyhood me will allow them to accept the current world and reduce unnecessary Negative emotions such as anxiety.

And at this time, looking at Hirohiko and Xue Nai, Chiba's mouth unconsciously curled into a smile.

This smile, even under the wrapping of Tenseigan Chakra's coat and unable to see his facial expression, can still feel the warmth.

No matter!

It's time too!

But thinking of this, Qianye in the sky took a deep breath, and when the thought flashed in his mind, it seemed that the huge bright red moon behind him suddenly emitted a strong white light, shining into the entire earth.

In an instant, the pause of time and space seemed to be pierced by the dazzling white light. In an instant, all the things that had been at a standstill began to move, and the cracked branches fell down, the wind rustled, and the breath Hurring, as if everything changed from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic at this moment, and the whole world seemed to change from dead silence to vitality in an instant.

However, in the throbbing excitement, all human beings did not move. Some people even fell to the ground in mid-air during the pause of time and space, and did not react at all. nothing.

At this moment, the white light seems to penetrate everything, even the corners of the shadows, there is no way to escape the white light, and all the human beings who are illuminated by the white light, or the creatures with chakra, have already turned into chakras in their eyes. After seeing the lines of the eyes of reincarnation, the whole person seemed to be trapped in an illusion, completely unresponsive.


But at this moment, Chiba's chakra coat suddenly swelled up, as if some huge power inside was released, and it fluttered.


And at this moment, on the land of Hokage Main Continent, countless roots broke through the ground and opened up in the wind. After a while, the entire continent was covered with various shapes, but the texture was the same giant tree without leaves. As the growth of the giant tree is completed, countless vines suddenly grow on the extended branches of the giant tree, spreading out, turning the eyes of the human beings with the eyes of reincarnation or the creatures with chakra into the whole body. Rolled up, wrapped into vine mummies, and hung up one by one.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire main continent was filled with such giant trees with countless human-shaped vine mummies hanging on them.

God, the tree world is born!


And at this moment, amidst the soft landing sound, the white light emitted by the moon also slowly dissipated, and the bright red full moon seemed to have doubled in size and turned into a normal moon.

Then, this round of normal moon slowly faded in the slowly rising sunlight, and finally disappeared in the blue sky, completely covered by the brilliance of the sun.

In just a few seconds, the night turned into day, the sun was shining brightly, it was bright and refreshing, as if the night and the unusually large full moon had never appeared before.

The whole world seems to be sunny and clear, with a sunny and lazy scenery.

However, at this moment, where the sun shines, there are only rows of giant trees growing, and the human-shaped vine mummies hanging on the branches of the giant trees. Although it is a sunny and lazy scenery, when the breeze blows, that While the human-shaped vine mummy was shaking slightly, it made one's spine tingle and was extremely terrifying.

"'s still a bit strenuous..."

But at this time, Qianye who landed on the ground slowly opened his eyes, but the resplendent right eye of reincarnation and the left eye of reincarnation were dimmed. After taking a few breaths, he slowly recovered his spirit.

And the bright red Samsara Sharingan at the center of the brow, the bright red color is also a bit dim at this time, and the nine hook jade dotted on the lines, the outermost three are also dimmed at this time.

After all, it is the Samsara Sharingan formed by the combination of transcendental power. Because of the transcendental power, I am rejected by the original power of the world after all.

In the final analysis, this Samsara Sharingan is not orthodox after all. In the original book, Juwei’s body is needed, and Juwei is resurrected, and then becomes Juju’s Jinchuriki. In terms of the power of the sacred tree, after all, I am only Kuzuo The power of the beast, other parts are complemented by the power of transcendence.

Really using this unlimited monthly reading, it still consumes a lot of chakra!

In the original book, after using Liudao Madara, it is still very easy.

However, in this way, the world will settle down in peace, and it won't make any trouble for me.

It can also be regarded as an extra bargaining chip.

And at this moment, such a thought flashed through Qianye's mind.

"The next step is to find the real master!"

Then, when a thought flashed through his mind, the space in front of him suddenly shattered like shattered glass, revealing a black hole with a bang.

"The rest is up to you!"

Then, he glanced in the direction of the Japanese-style cabin, and after a murmur, he walked into the black hole.

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