Chapter 2721 Evolution

"It's easier than I thought!"

Under the soft moonlight, while the chakra coat with toga and large sleeves swaying quietly, Qianye slowly put down the hand in the palm sign, and slowly opened his eyes, The ripples in the left eye turned streams of light, and the right eye shone brightly, but it was brighter than the full moon.

However, at this moment, what is really eye-catching is not the pair of different eyes that represent supreme power, but the bright red round eyes in the white chakra light between the brows.

With the pattern of reincarnation eyes, there are a total of nine Gouyu eyes on the pattern.

Samsara Sharingan!

"However, this power..."

And after saying this, as if talking to himself, Chiba's brows frowned slightly, involuntarily, he clenched his hands into fists, as if he was feeling the power, but it was only because of the Tenseiyan Chakra on his face. Because of the chakra coat of the model, but his facial expression cannot be seen clearly.

Nor is it joy, wonder, or any other emotion.

However, the situation in front of him is exactly the same as Chiba's idea. Tenseiyan plus Samsara Eye, with the physique of a fairy, plus the chakra of nine tailed beasts, should be able to open the Samsara Eye.

It is the eyes produced by the power of the Otsutsuki clan and the planet's sacred tree after Kaguya swallowed the Chakra fruit.

And this Samsara Sharingan, especially the Jiugouyu's Samsara Sharingan, should be the most original power in this world.

At least, judging from the current situation, with the power of transcendence, Chiba can already feel the power landscape that is different from before. Even, at this moment, through the reincarnation writing eyes of Jiugouyu, the original reincarnation eyes can blur He can see the pattern of space and time clearly at this time. He who originally did not have the talent of time and space ninjutsu can now easily move through space.

Even, the space-time pause that originally lasted only 20 minutes for Tenseikan and Samsaragan's initial fusion of abilities can last at least an hour at this moment.

It can be said that this Samsara Sharingan, under his transcendent power that can combine all the powers of this world, has comprehensively improved his power. It can almost be said that both what he has mastered and what he has not mastered have been qualitatively improved at this time. When he was fighting with Nobuhiko Uchiha, he was struggling to develop the Daoyu Jade. Now it is almost any offensive ninjutsu that he can release with every move, and it can be attached to the Daoyu. He can also easily use snare, inflate seeking dao jade, and even the sealing technique used by the sage of the Six Paths to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Of course, the premise is that the chakra of the nine tailed beasts that I have been constantly blending into the eyes of Samsara and Tensei has not been exhausted. After all, Samsara and Tensei are just powers belonging to the Otsutsuki clan, or in other words, Otsutsuki Mu Huiye's power is biased towards the power of the Otsutsuki clan, while the nine-tailed beasts are the power of the sacred tree, and this Samsara Sharingan requires the combination of the power of the Otsutsuki clan and the power of the sacred tree to open it. The power of the Divine Tree is exhausted, so there is no way to open the Samsara Sharingan.

In addition to these, Qianye at this moment can really copy any power, or, because of the power of transcendence, his Samsara Sharingan has actually evolved, as long as it is available in this world Any power, even without seeing it with his own eyes, such as some that appeared in the original book, which he has never seen in this world, can be used at this time, except for the elevated vision of time and space, ninjutsu, illusion, etc. In other aspects, mainly Li Ling who belongs to this world, he can use it.

If he wants, it can be said to be the ultimate illusion that blurs reality and dreams. Izanagi can completely use it as the ability of Samsara Sharingan, and there is only a five-minute cooling time limit.

He can also use other gods and so on. If he is not the holder of the supreme power, basically, other gods have no restrictions. The cooling time is calculated on a yearly basis, and now it has become a daily calculation.

At this moment, he has mastered all the power in this world.

The premise is that he can maintain this reincarnation Sharingan, and ensure that his power of transcendence will not be taken away.

It turns out that my transcendence power should not be truly mature until I have obtained the power that truly belongs to the category of the world's original power.

In other words, the transcendent power of every traverser must come into contact with the power that truly belongs to the category of the original power of this world in order to truly mature?

Is it possible to truly become a complete body?

So, in the past ten years, what I have learned from the core of the nightmare reincarnation, isn't it all?

There is a deeper level...

But at this time, compared to the surging self who could never imagine the strength, Qianye at this time is thinking in other ways.

In fact, the reason why he has surpassed Nobuhiko Uchiha in the past ten years is the same thing as the bequests left to him by Hirohiko, Yukina, and Hyuga Yutaka. The light that exists in his deep spiritual world The ball, which is the core of the nightmare reincarnation, also helped a lot.

In the past ten years, especially after Qianye mastered the pupil power of the eyes of reincarnation and awakened the eyes of reincarnation, he was pulled into the deep spiritual space again, but this time, he discovered that, originally, due to various The sphere of light shrunk by various operations seemed to have expanded a bit compared to the last time he left.

It seems that the power of the light ball seems to have recovered a little.

Although it is not obvious, it can be seen that the light sphere has expanded a little. The size of the light sphere represents the total power of the core of this nightmare reincarnation. The larger the light sphere, the more abundant the total power and the more things it can do. On the contrary, the total amount of power is about to be scarce, and there are fewer things that can be done.

Things like recreating a soul clone and soul space are basically impossible.

However, what he obtained that time had nothing to do with the size of the ball of light. After opening the eyes of reincarnation and reincarnation, he obtained more information from the ball of light than when he left.

Among these information, the most is information about his transcendental power and some other transcendental powers.

Strictly speaking, there were two transcendental powers that Chiba knew at that time. At the beginning, they were strengthened by the clone technique taken away by Nobuhiko Uchiha, ultra-fine chakra control, instant memory, and bondage. These four powers, collectively speaking, are the enhanced transcendental power, and it is the lowest-end type of enhanced transcendental power among all the enhanced transcendental forces, and the information at the core of the nightmare reincarnation is the strongest. The enhanced transcendental power is a kind of enhanced transcendental power that can upgrade all powers to a higher level. That is to say, an outsider with this transcendental power, the same ninjutsu, the power he releases will be affected by the transcendence. The lower limit of enhancement is a level, that is to say, the power of a ninjutsu released by a native is 1, then the power of the same ninjutsu released by him is at least 2 or even more. Of course, the power that needs to be exerted by the supreme power is not included in this list.

Moreover, this is still the power at the seed stage. If it evolves to the mature stage, then, in the battle, his ninjutsu power will always be higher than the opponent's ninjutsu power.

That is to say, even if they are performing different ninjutsu, the ninjutsu performed by outsiders with this enhanced transcendence power will always be higher than the other party's ninjutsu.

Even if the normal power of his ninjutsu is 1, and the power of the opponent's ninjutsu is 3, then the power of his ninjutsu will increase to 4 or even higher.

Moreover, after maturity, he can more or less ignore the limitation of supreme power, that is to say, if the opponent uses the power of supreme power, then he can at least raise his own power to the same level as The same degree of power as the Supreme Power.

It can be said that it is an ability to be strong in the face of the weak, and stronger in the face of the strong.

Chiba could hardly imagine how an outsider with this ability could die, how could he be hunted down by Nobuhiko Uchiha.

However, this has become an established fact, so there is no need to think about it. After all, Nobuhiko Uchiha is behind the whole world and has the strongest backstage. Moreover, Nobuhiko Uchiha is not an easy task. It seems that it is not a big deal to be able to hunt and kill. impossible things.

And his second transcendental power was detected after the strengthened transcendental power was deprived. This transcendental power can be considered among all the transcendental powers Qianye obtained from the core of the nightmare reincarnation. Quite a rare transcendence power.

It can be said that this kind of passive transcendental force that has been functioning is quite rare in the transcendental force, or in other words, passive transcendental force is quite rare. For example, the soul split of unknown child is passive. The power of transcendence has always been in effect, but the condition for the activation of the power of transcendence of the unknown is that the soul can be split and reincarnated after death.

It is a strong transcendence force in the true sense.

The seed stage alone can accommodate all the abilities and powers of this world. It can be said that if there is enough time, he can even master all the powers of the ninja world. Regardless of the technique, he is perfectly compatible without any side effects.

The best evidence is the inter-column cells. Others inoculated the inter-column cells, either the inter-column cells turned against the host, or they barely suppressed the inter-column cells. Assimilation, no, it should be said to be devouring.

And this transcendent power that is compatible with all powers for his own use, and can finally exert 100% of all kinds of powers, does not even have those harsh conditions, and only needs time to temper. A stage of Transcendence, known as the Seed Form.

As far as the ability at this stage is concerned, in fact, in all the seed stages of Transcendence, they are among the best, at least in the top 50, and even comparable to the germination stage of some weaker Transcendence .

Yes, after passing the seed stage of Transcendent Power, it is actually not a direct mature stage, but a germination stage, or a growth stage, and Chiba was before this, or in other words, after escaping Nobuhiko Uchiha's first From the first hunt to the present more than ten years ago, even before integrating into the power of the nine tailed beasts, Qianye's transcendent power belonged to this growth stage.

In the growth stage, the characteristics of Chiba's transcendent power are fusion and optimization, and even the final comprehensive strengthening.

That's right, in fact, the current situation, including the awakening of Samsara Sharingan, is actually the germination or growth stage of his transcendence power.

If it is said that the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye can exist in his two eye sockets because of the compatibility of the seed stage, then the pupil power of the reincarnation eye and the reincarnation eye can be fused together and can promote each other In terms of the growth of the pupil power and the power of the pupil technique, it is the ability to integrate and optimize the growth stage.

Including the current integration of the power of Tenseiyan and the power of Samsara Eye and the power of nine tailed beasts to open the Samsara Sharingan, it is also because of the ability to integrate and optimize the power of transcendence, although the power of Tenseiyan plus the power of Samsara Eye , is half of the power of Otsuki Kaguya, plus the power of the nine tailed beasts, constitutes the other half of Otsuki Kaguya's power, and the fusion can obtain the power of Otsuki Kaguya. This idea is correct, theoretically feasible. Well, it is not so easy to implement, at least without this transcendent power, Qianye should have no way to integrate these three forces.

That is to say, without the ability of the growth stage of Transcendence, Chiba has no way to open the Samsara Sharingan that symbolizes the power of Kaguya. Almost, the Samsara Eye and Tensei Eye plus the power of the nine-tailed beasts can indeed open the Samsara Sharingan. It is possible in theory, but it is impossible to operate in practice. With the power of transcendence, Chiba can turn this theory into reality.

Strictly speaking, the condition for Chiba's Samsara Sharingan to be opened now is: one Tenseiyan, one Samsarayan, a seal of Chakra of the Nine Tailed Beasts, plus this transcendence that integrates all powers and optimizes the final enhancement Power.

But now, after opening the Samsara Sharingan and gaining the original power of this world, under the nourishment of this world's original power, Qianye's transcendent power has completed the stage of maturity.

"Unexpectedly, the final formation, or maturity, of the power of transcendence is such a result. From the perspective of strength, there is no difference from the growth stage. The only difference... Sure enough, the ultimate goal is all Unified. Is this the so-called grievances and debts?"

But at this time, after feeling the transcendent power after maturity and the incredible power of the original world of Samsara Sharingan, Qianye sighed softly.


Then, in the next second, he put his hands together suddenly.

Then, this world, go to sleep!

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